All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1080: concession

Chapter One Thousand and Eighty Concessions

"Han Chen, are you crazy? You are trying to drag your hometown into the abyss of destruction. You will be the sinner who destroys the earth."

The angry roar of the **** of light is accompanied by thunder, with the might of destruction.

"Ha ha......"

Han Chen's reply was only a sneer.

His movements didn't stop at the slightest, even if he slowed down his attacking pace, it was because he had a new insight in his sword swings.

Now his every sword has caused more and more damage to the God of Light. Although it is still insignificant for the huge kingdom of God, the so-called **** of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant den, Han Chen has enough patience, and it’s okay. Learn slowly in the constant battle.

Now he could feel that the kingdom of God had been cut open by him.

Every believer has an inseparable connection with the God of Light. The God of Light takes the power of faith from the believer to strengthen himself, but also bears the cause and effect of the believer.

Of course, the God of Light can also abandon believers, at the cost of losing some power.

But he can't do it, at least he can't do it on this planet.

The Zulong star has already encountered the invasion of a special life. That special life can directly swallow wisdom. If that thing grows up, it will also cause a lot of trouble to the God of Light, and even have enough time to cause it. The fall of the gods.

Abandoning believers is tantamount to being slaughtered by others.

What's more, the God of Light still has a fluke mentality in his heart.

If you die, then all hope is gone, but as long as you are still alive at this moment, there is still hope of comeback.

This is what every strong person will face on the path of growth. Only after experiencing such a desperate situation can a genius grow into a strong person.

Although his current performance is somewhat disappointing, it is normal.

Many so-called successful people on the planet are all working hard when they start their own businesses. No matter what difficulties they encounter, they will desperately overcome them. But when they succeed in their business, when they have a huge foundation, they are determined to forge ahead. It disappeared and began to become conservative.

In fact, this is not to blame them, this is human nature.

When you are driven to a dead end, there is only one option.

But when they have a piece of foundation, they will not easily take out the entire foundation as a bet. After all, after they have enough capital, even in a conservative way, their capital will grow steadily. It's the so-called money making money.

Since being conservative can improve yourself, why bother?

This is the situation that the God of Light is facing now. He now has a large foundation and has more than tens of billions of believers.

If these things are lost, then his thousand years of accumulation will be gone.

The more things you have, the heavier the burden.

One believer after another fell under Han Chen's sword, and one after another sword aura along the relationship between the believer and the gods fell on the edge of the kingdom of God.

A crack appeared in the barrier on the edge of the kingdom of God, and this crack continued to expand, and the rate of expansion became faster and faster.

"Han Chen, what do you want?"

The anger of the God of Light has been completely suppressed, and his tone has become calmer, "I know you will not want to be a sinner who destroys the earth."

Until now, he didn't believe that Han Chen was really crazy.

After all, what he used to do was to always protect the interests of the earth. Even if some of the methods seem to put the earth in desperate situation, from a high-level point of view, from a long-term point of view, Han Chen’s choice is for the earth. best choice.

So he was betting that Han Chen's behavior was just forcing him to submit.

Han Chen's movements did not stop at all.

After killing all the believers around him, Han Chen went to the next place.

"I don't believe what you say."

The sword of the night demon was swung, and dozens of believers fell on the spot.

The powerful dark sword energy once again scoured the edge of the barrier of the kingdom of God, causing the crack to expand further.

The God of Light can also use the power of faith to repair cracks, but after he repairs them, these cracks will reappear.

So what normal people do at this time is to solve the problem from the source.

"I can take the oath of being a god, and swear that I will never invade the earth for eternal life, no matter in any form, I will not cause me and the forces I can control to cause any harm to the earth. To cause harm to the earth, I will do my best to stop it.

The vow of the gods is already the biggest concession I can make. If you are unwilling to agree, then I will have to die. "

"God's oath?"

Han Chen's movements slowed down a bit, but the killing continued.

Seeing Han Chen's movements slow down slightly, the God of Light thought it was a play.

"Yes, as long as you swear an oath in the name of God's Domain, I can also swear the oath of the gods to never invade the earth forever, and do my best to protect the earth."

However, when he finished saying this sentence, he suddenly discovered that Han Chen was moving faster.

Countless black sword auras washed over the edge of the kingdom of God, causing the cracks on the edge of the kingdom of God to grow bigger and bigger, and from the level of this sword aura, Han Chen's sword became stronger and stronger.

"Han Chen, are you crazy? I have already made concessions."

The God of Light felt that he was about to be driven crazy by Han Chen's behavior. He really didn't understand Han Chen. Such a person would not play cards according to common sense.

Even if you persuade and promise in every possible way, he is still unmoved.

He even suspected that Han Chen's action just now was only an intermission, or just a breath of relief.

"Swear in the name of God's Domain? God's oath?"

Han Chen sneered, "There is never a shortage of people in God's Domain who are unlucky because they believe in the power of the contract too much. Just shortly after our planet entered the God's Domain, some kingdoms have suffered because of the contract of the Shuize Dynasty. If it were not for me, The casualties caused indirectly are probably tens of millions."

Han Chen remembers the lessons of King Suizawa.

The phrase "I never believe in what I don't understand" made Han Chen even more engraved in his heart.

If it wasn't because he happened to sneak into the enemy's location, if it wasn't because he had made more preparations in advance, if it wasn't because he had mastered the power that should not be mastered as a novice, then under the chain reaction, I am afraid the entire planet All will suffer.

It will even directly affect the subsequent war.

That time Han Chen also recovered a loss because of luck.

Even so, there is no way to recover the losses that have been caused.

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