All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1099: Further hope

The first thousand and ninety-nine chapters further hope

As a god, no matter how bad it is, it is also a god.

After being stabbed with more than 10,000 swords by the same trick, he couldn't find a solution. Instead, he allowed Han Chen to continuously improve and the damage to him continued to increase, which in itself was very strange.

"Oh? What do you think is the reason?"

The God of Light still kept his expressionless face.

Even if it is related to his own life and death, he can't be moved in the slightest.

"The first possibility, this is your biggest flaw, and it is also a weakness that you can't make up, even the gods of the whole way of faith cannot make up for it."

Han Chen said, "This is like a sword. No matter how powerful it is, it cannot be compared to a bow and arrow in terms of attack distance. Maybe some people can apply a special effect to a sword to achieve long-range attacks, but the same The method used to act on the bow and arrow will definitely have a greater effect."

"The flaws in the way of faith itself, very interesting speculation, what about the other one?"

The God of Light asked blankly.

"To be honest, I am really willing to believe in the first possibility. After all, if my guess is correct, then God's Domain can easily gain a great advantage when facing the gods of the Way of Faith in the future. You can also make a lot of credit, at least to win a lot of room for the earth."

Han Chen had a look of regret in his eyes, "But if it is so simple to find the weakness of the Gods of the Way of Faith, then the Gods of the Way of Faith have already been extinct, so how can they become the enemy of the Gods Realm? What qualifications do they have? Become an enemy of God's Domain?"

This is different from [Racial Disaster], which is a special skill and the highest masterpiece of the illusionist.

But along with believers hurting gods, this is just a way of thinking.

It is also recorded in the Dark Scriptures that the gods cannot unilaterally claim the believers. This is a two-way channel.

But even if you use this method to hurt the gods, it doesn't mean you can use one move to hurt.

It's like using the same sword to deal with the enemy, the same sword uses the same skills, but absolutely cannot use the same number of ways.

If a combo is used more than 10 times in front of a person, as long as the gap between the two parties does not reach an absolute point, it is a sure thing to be overturned.

But Han Chen's past 10,000 swords have not changed.

This is what Han Chen is most wary of.

More than 10,000 swords in a row! The gods endured this way.

If this is only a strategic duel, then the sacrifice would be too great. According to the feedback from the Curse of Darkness, the God of Light has already been seriously injured.

If this is only used as a bait for a trap, the price of this bait is too high compared to the possible harvest of the trap.

Even if Han Chen is really killed, the loss of the God of Light cannot be made up for.

"So, what do you think is the reason?"

The **** of light asked with interest.

"Since it is not the common weakness of the gods of the Tao of Faith, it is your weakness alone. I am very surprised, what are you protecting?"

Han Chen drew out the sword of the night demon and put it in its sheath.

"In fact, I am very curious about one thing. Why did the Abyss Demon choose Zulong Xing as the place for him to invade the real world? My initial guess was that the Abyss Demon and the three major forces of Zulong Xing colluded, and even Zulong Xing The three powers of China were originally one.

But what happened later was beyond my expectation. I didn’t expect that there would be a special life in that form, and this special life and you are enemies and there is no possibility of coexistence, so they chose here as the place to descend. It's very intriguing. "

The body of the God of Light trembled, but it seemed that nothing happened.

He did not admit Han Chen's words, but he did not deny either.

But his silent attitude could have explained some problems.

"Your expression makes me see nothing, but it doesn't matter. Even if your performance can perfectly cover up all your thoughts, there is also the flaw of the Abyss Demon. The Abyss Demon is simply a clan who is not profitable and cannot afford to be early. In other words, as long as they can achieve their goals and have benefits, they can sacrifice everything, even if it is the abyss they have been operating for a long time.

In the previous war, the Devil of the Abyss had given up 5 levels of abyss. These 5 levels of abyss have been managed by them for countless years, but now they have become the back garden of the blood family and our earth, and also become our logistics base. It is a great loss for the abyss.

Then according to their character, there must be greater interests tempting them, especially for the Abyss Demon God, there are even more important interests, such interests are enough to make them give up the entire abyss.

So the question is, what does the abyss demon really want? "

Having said that, Han Chen's eyes were staring directly at the eyes of the God of Light, and said seriously: "For the true gods, apart from further hope, I really can't imagine what else can tempt them. So, there is hope for their progress here."

For the abyss demon, they sit on the entire abyss.

If you want resources, the entire abyss is their back garden.

If they want the legion, they will respond in the abyss.

Although they didn't have the power to conquer the entire God's Domain, for the Abyss Demon God, this was already an interest they could not give up.

But now they want to abandon the entire abyss, their gains will definitely be greater than all the benefits God's Domain brings to them.

After guessing this way, they would be able to estimate that everything went into madness, even if they sacrificed the entire abyss, they had to obtain something, but it could only be further hope.

"Han Chen, your intelligence is beyond my imagination."

The God of Light exclaimed, "Okay! I admit that whether I came to Ancestral Dragon or the Abyss Demon came to Ancestral Dragon, it was all for further hope, so what would you do?"

He was finally unable to maintain his expressionless appearance now.

But even so, he still looked calm.

Yes, I admit that you are very clever. You did guess the matter and infer the cause and effect of the matter based on reasonable speculation. But what can it be?

Even if you guess something, what can you do?

The Abyss Demon chose Ancestral Dragon as the base in the real world, indeed for further hope, but can you still find their further hope?

"Actually, I have found what you are looking for." Han Chen said surprisingly.

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