All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1101: Bathe in blood

The first thousand and one hundred and one chapter bathed in God's blood

"You are the best **** I have ever seen."

Han Chen let go of the dagger in his hand, his expression indifferent, "Although I haven't seen many gods, I'm afraid I won't meet someone as good as you are."

The God of Light lowered his head and looked at the golden dagger in disbelief: "It's impossible, why would you do this? You can't do this."

He couldn't believe that Han Chen would sneak attack in this way.

"Why is it impossible?"

Han Chen's expression was indifferent, "We were originally enemies between us. To kill an enemy would have to do whatever means necessary, so is it weird that I pretend to cooperate with you and then find a chance to kill you?

Of course weird!

Roared in the heart of the God of Light.

"Impossible, you have seen something like that, why would you choose to give up!" The God of Light asked incredulously.

His performance just now was a bit cute and stupid.

However, this is actually not to blame for his stupidity.

He could see that the golden dagger in Han Chen's hand was a very rare and precious thing, but it could only be used once.

In his opinion, since Han Chen has found traces of such a thing, and there is a gap of several months in the time of his disappearance, it is very likely that he has indeed found such a thing, then after knowing the existence of such a thing, he absolutely It is impossible to miss such an opportunity.

In any case, he would definitely seek such a thing.

However, even the power contained in this golden dagger has to be in the center of one's own kingdom of God, with the help of the power of the kingdom of God, to be able to open there.

So when he wanted to come, Han Chen should suddenly break out of his own back hand after opening the place, and even use the power of time there to deal with himself, and then take the opportunity to kill himself.

But what he never expected was that Han Chen had let go of such an opportunity and wounded him with such a precious dagger. This was a violent act.

The golden blood kept dripping, Han Chen waved his hand, the blood turned into a golden stream, and then poured on his body.

"The first generation of the Elf King, wearing a mythical suit, killed seven gods in World War I, and bathed in the blood of the gods for promotion. Compared with him, my approach seems a little embarrassing."

The golden blood contained the holy light power, and the dark power in Han Chen's body offset each other, causing Han Chen's skin to begin to corrode, and now the skin and flesh began to fall off.

But Han Chen's face was still vanity and enjoyment.

It seems that he is a person who is extremely vanity, and can even give his life for vanity.

Because I heard that someone can bathe in the blood of God for promotion, I feel very handsome, so even if I am bathing in the blood of the God of Light, and there is a strong conflict with the power in my body, I must be handsome to carry out this behavior to the end. , Just to chase the footsteps of predecessors.

"what do you want to do?"

The eyes of the God of Light were full of coldness, if it had been before, perhaps he would still think so.

But Han Chen's performance surprised him every time.

Now Han Chen actually gave up the possibility of going further, resolutely gave up when that opportunity escaped, and sacrificed this opportunity just for a chance to attack himself.

Would such a person hurt himself for vanity?

The blood of the God of Light constantly eroded Han Chen's body, and under the action of the golden dagger, the wound of the God of Light could not heal, and the blood of the God of Light was constantly lost. He did not resist until the power of the dagger completely disappeared. There was room for Han Chen to take blood.

The forces of light and darkness collided with each other, making Han Chen's injuries more and more serious, and even in the dark domain, a large number of collapses began to occur.

But Han Chen still didn't mean to stop.

He beckoned, and a cloud of golden blood flew over and floated in the air.

Han Chen stretched out his left hand, wiped the golden blood, and then drew out the sword of the night demon, as if cleaning his sword with golden blood.

The power of light continues to corrode the sword of the night demon, but on the contrary it makes the sword of the night demon shine even more.

Is he humiliating me? The God of Light thought angrily.

However, what Han Chen did before seemed ridiculous, but every action achieved his goal, so he no longer believed in what Han Chen showed on the surface.

Even if Han Chen committed suicide now, he would doubt whether Han Chen would pass on the injury.

Before he knew it, Han Chen had left an indelible shadow in his heart.

Of course, this shadow has no chance to expand in the future.

Seeing the expression of the God of Light, Han Chen grinned a mocking smile at the corner of her mouth, but under the erosion of the Holy Light, her face suddenly showed a lot of corrosion, making this smile hideous and terrifying:

"When a person pursues absolute interests, then his behavior pattern will become traceable. As long as he analyzes in the direction of maximizing interests, then all his actions will go into the proper Among the trajectories, it becomes calculable.

I already understand what God's Domain is doing. Although this method of elimination may seem stupid, it is actually the best method, or the best method for now. If you want to improve, It should be improved in the direction of complexity! "

"What do you want to say?"

The God of Light wanted to mobilize the power in the body, but under the erosion of the wound, he couldn't do anything at all.

This made him even more resentful.

The hateful Han Chen made him endure such humiliation.

When he recovers, he must make Han Chen look good.

However, the continuous blood loss made him steadily weak.

"Forget it, there is no point in saying these things to you."

Han Chen raised the sword of the night demon in his hand and pierced the throat of the **** of light.

Looking at the sword of the night demon that pierced him, the **** of light was filled with disdain: Have you not learned the lesson just now? Such an attack can't hurt me at all. In my kingdom of God, you can only consume the power of darkness with me, but the weapon can only be used as an increase in strength, but it does not carry power.

However, when he wanted to speak, he suddenly felt the weakness of his soul.

"This, what the **** is this?"

The God of Light strongly raised his left hand and held it on the Sword of the Night Demon, but immediately afterwards, his eyes widened and he couldn't believe what he felt.

"Mythical equipment, this sword was still a legendary equipment just now, but now...wait, you just used my blood to wash the sword..."

The breath of the God of Light gradually weakened, and the soul began to escape.

"The night demon suit was originally a myth-level suit. No, it's not just a myth. This is the equipment used by the detached from God's Domain when fighting foreign enemies."

Han Chen glanced at the Night Demon Ring. The image there was how the Night Demon suit was released from the seal, "So, only by bathing in the blood of the gods outside of God's Domain can the true face of the Night Demon suit be revealed."

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