All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1104: Eternal Devourer

Chapter 1104: Eternal Devouring Beasts

What Han Chen gave Caroline was a scepter of light, a crown, and a bracelet.

These three holy relics were the spoils of Han Chen's killing of the God of Light.

Caroline just hesitated for less than half a second, and accepted the three holy relics.

Faced with these three sacred objects of the Bright Series, she couldn't even refuse to resign. What if Han Chen really took them back after she refused?

Even if this possibility is less than one in ten thousand, she is not willing to take this risk.

With these three sacred objects, she pretended to be a **** and walked more smoothly on the ground. Maybe even the bishops would obey her orders.

As long as she says that the gods are sleeping now, does any bishop dare to question?

Now the angels on the ground of the gods have died together with the fall of the gods, even those who have acquired the blood of angels, the blood power in their bodies is gradually disappearing.

Therefore, she now has the most powerful power in the glorious Holy See.

If anyone doesn't want to believe in themselves, just kill them.

She would not have any kindness in this respect, and kindness in this situation would only bring her hometown into the abyss of destruction.

"If this is the case, then you will take care of the mess here."

Han Chen was about to leave Zulongxing.

Caroline hurriedly stopped him: "Do you want to know what those things under the ground are? About the true colors of that thing."

"you know?"

Han Chen was a little surprised. Caroline was just a blasphemer. Why did she know this?

"I am a blasphemer. Although the power and realm cannot be the same as the real gods, I am someone who stole some of the powers of the gods, especially last time on earth, I intercepted them from the hands of the gods of light. Part of the power of faith, but also part of the knowledge of the God of Light. It should not be said that at that time, I saw part of the essence of the God of Light."

Caroline explained, “It’s like people can study the habits of snakes, insects, mice and ants, and then use their weaknesses to kill them, but it doesn’t mean that people know very well about snakes, insects, mice and ants. Only from my perspective, Only then can you see the true face of the God of Light."

"true colors?"

Han Chen was startled, "Don't we see the real gods?"

Caroline hesitated for a moment, then slowly explained:

"I can't describe it very well, but the reason why the gods of the Tao of faith were born in this universe is because of the existence of that kind of monster."


Han Chen was shocked.

I didn't expect to hear such secrets.

The gods of the Tao of Faith actually exist to fight against that kind of monster? Isn't that kind of special life a copy of the gods of the way of faith?

Or do you think you were wrong in the past?

No, there is a problem!

Caroline ignored Han Chen's thoughts, but continued:

"That kind of monster is called the Eternal Devouring Beast. It is a special existence in the universe. It can feed on intelligent life. The wisdom that appears in intelligent life is the foundation for their growth. The intelligent life in the universe is in order to resist the eternal devouring. The beast, so he researched the faith to solve the eternal devouring the beast.

When a person firmly believes in something and does not have any doubts because of any foreign objects, then the person's soul will become very strong, even if it is the Eternal Devouring Beast, it will not be able to absorb this. Human soul.

Although I don’t know what the principle is, this discovery gives the intelligent life a chance to breathe before the eternal devouring beast. So every intelligent life begins to believe in something, but when people believe in something, To a certain extent, things will undergo essential changes and become possessed of incredible abilities.

People at the time didn't know that this was due to the transformation of the power of faith, but not understanding did not mean that they could not control it.

The objects condensed by the power of faith are called sacred objects, and they have caused countless people's competition. However, in the process of people's competition, the greed in people's hearts has also been triggered, so the eternal devouring beasts are once again attracted to give wisdom Life has brought great disasters.

The creativity of intelligent life is endless. Since the power of faith can cause magical changes to inanimate objects, what changes will happen if everyone starts to believe in a certain god?

When the first such attempt was successful, the gods of the Tao of Faith were born.

It’s just that as more and more gods in the way of faith become more and more powerful, these gods themselves have begun to change, they have begun to compete for faith, and they begin to absorb the power of faith in intelligent life at all costs. , And even began to transform his own intelligent life.

These gods have become stronger and stronger, and their methods of absorbing the power of faith have become more and more thorough. When a **** defeats most of the gods within the range of their vision After that, countless powers of faith made him sublimate.

The powerful power of faith makes him stronger and stronger. Within the range he can see, the Eternal Devouring Beast cannot be seen at all. He has become the supreme leader in the wisdom life camp, and he has become the believer. Among the Taoist gods, even some gods have begun to believe in him.

His power is getting stronger and stronger, and his soul is getting more and more noble.


Caroline looked at Han Chen seriously: "He has become the Eternal Devouring Beast."

Han Chen was silent.

This is an unexpected and reasonable ending.

The warrior killed the evil dragon, the warrior saw the treasure, and the warrior became the evil dragon. Such stories have never been uncommon in human history.

Even if he became a god, he still did not escape the curse.

It was originally used to fight against the power of belief of the Eternal Devouring Beast, but after reaching its limit, it would turn people into a brand new Eternal Devouring Beast.

"Perhaps this ending is not good, but it is undeniable that the gods of the Tao of Faith do exist to fight the eternal devouring beasts. This story is inscribed in the soul of every god, and even recorded in the laws of the universe. Among them, everyone who has become a god, and even everyone who has become a blasphemer, can see this story and give himself a warning."

Caroline continued, "I don't know how effective such warnings can be, because even if you become a god, you are only standing at the upper level of the food chain. Even if you don't have to worry about hunting at the top of the food chain, at least you You have to worry about similar competitions with you for food. The struggle for faith is very cruel. The God of Light has fallen to this place because of the failure of the struggle for faith."

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