All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1113: heresy

[The gods of Chaos Xinghai, their real bodies are in the space level where the kingdom of God is located, and at least they will descend into the world as their main body. If one of the gods is to be killed, it will surely alarm the entire Chaos Xinghai. Give them opportunities to unanimously. 】

This is a warning from God Domain Watch.

Chaos Xinghai is a very chaotic place. There are many strange lives, various civilizations, and even some forms of life, which are even more incomprehensible than the life in the gods. The gods of the way of faith Here in order to fight for faith and constantly fight.

Han Chen is an existence possessing a god-level power, but he is not a true **** after all.

But this also has an advantage, which is to make him more concealed.

"This is an extraordinary world. Strange lives are born in this world all the time. It is even possible to give birth to innate gods. Of course, this so-called innate **** is not a **** of the way of faith, but one with power comparable to the gods. Strange creatures."

Thinking of this, Han Chen decided to play an innate god.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't exert power beyond a certain limit, it will be difficult to be discovered by the gods.

Thinking of this, Han Chen came to the ground.

Under the effect of the [Retention Technique], everyone ignored his existence, and did not even notice that he came to a giant who was 12 meters tall.


Han Chen initiated the theft of the talent of the Darkborn and stole his power.

It's just that his goal is the weak divine power in the opponent's body.

Of course he is not the power of greedy gods, but the power of these earth attributes is still useful for him.

"Before we hold the celebration of victory in war, we must first execute some heretics."

The priests of the Earth God Sect held high the golden scepter in their hands and shouted, "These people have abandoned the faith of the God of the Earth, abandoned the benevolence that the God of Earth taught us, and even tried to leave our hometown, wanting Go to the outside world."

With that said, about seventy or eighty young people who were tied to a strong rope were pushed to the top of the city wall by believers of the Earth God Sect.

"These people are heretics among us. They want to abandon the gift of the God of the Earth, and want to travel through the land of giants and reach the outside world. This is an unforgivable act."

The bishop of the Earth God Sect announced loudly, "Now, I announce that these people will be sentenced to death. Let them serve as the foundation to defend our city wall, and use their bodies to atone for their actions. This is the Earth God team betraying him. The last gift of the children."

The fanatical believers shouted loudly:

"Put them to death, put them to death."

"Whoever abandons the **** of the earth shall be sentenced to death."

"Kill these deserters!"

"Those who betray the gods will kill them."

The giant's invasion has brought them a lot of pressure, and the people's thinking has become extreme. Under such a living environment, everyone's spirit has been subjected to a major test.

Such days are a torment for everyone.

These sinners who have forsaken the spirit of God, what kind of sins they have committed, in fact, these believers are not very concerned about it. They only care about one thing, and that is that someone should be put to death.

This is like human appreciation of drama, storytelling, and acrobatics. Most people can't see the hardship and meaning behind these arts. They just want to find a spiritual sustenance.

This is a way to vent the negative emotions in your heart.

These **** young people glanced at the onlookers with cold eyes:

"We have never betrayed the faith of the God of the Earth, but we should not be trapped in this small world, we should go out, and we should go to a wider world."

"You are sinners, you are under the banner of the **** of the earth, but who has really listened to the voice of the **** of the earth? You are the real blasphemer."

When they said these words, their tone was unexpectedly not crazy.

It may be because the anger and madness have been exhausted before, and now there is only indifference and the last struggle.

Their rhetoric has not been recognized by the people.

"Unexpectedly, I still want to confuse the people, want to confuse others from the blessing of the **** of the earth."

The bishop of the Earth God Sect uttered an angry voice, "The last gift of the gods to you is to influence you and let you understand the truth of your sinful sins, but you did not expect that you would not know how to repent when you died, and betray you in vain. The grace of the **** of the earth."

"Kill them."

"Kill them."

The soldiers and the people of the Empire screamed frantically.

Among the voices of countless people, these people were pushed under the city wall, and then the strong men with strong bodies began to carry the stones, and soon a brand new city wall was built.

These people who betrayed the gods eventually became bones at the foot of the city wall.

After these people were executed, the people of the Empire burst into strong cheers.

"Cheers! We won."

In order to celebrate this victory and the punishment of those who betrayed the gods, the people of the empire and the soldiers madly embraced each other and started this carnival.

However, where they hadn't noticed, a black figure appeared silently at the foot of the city wall.

"The 12 walls are like 12 shackles, layer after layer that binds people’s hearts. If these walls cannot be broken, then the people in this so-called empire will never know how to use their own Strength to fight for the future for yourself."

Han Chen came to the "blasphemers". The bodies of these people were tightly bound, but they did not die after being pushed down the city wall, but were saved by him.

"Who are you?" These young people looked at Han Chen warily.

They found that their bodies could not move, as if they had become part of the city wall, but they also had a clear consciousness. They saw Han Chen and waited until they connected the two things together.

"I am the **** of the earth that you have always believed in, but my power to stay in the world is being stolen by the evil will. Those people have failed my expectations and seized my theocracy. Now I want to take back everything that belongs to me. Han Chen explained.

"How do we trust you?" The young man felt that the young man in front of him was a little strange.

Is this the **** of the earth?

Are you kidding me?

This person is exactly like them!

"What you are experiencing now is my handwriting, and I will continue to show my supernatural power in the future, and soon you will know whether I am true or not." With that, Han Chen disappeared here.

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