All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1115: The evil villain Han Chen

Chapter 1 115 The Evil Villain Han Chen


The deafening sound slammed the hearts of the imperial soldiers.

They are the most heroic warriors of the Empire, and they are warriors who are not afraid of sacrifice.

When they set foot on the battlefield against the invasion of giants, they were already ready to die in the line of duty, and they were all ready to speak this life to defend their home and country.

But after this firm belief, it was the belief in the **** of the earth that supported them.

They believe that as long as there is the protection of the earth god, no matter what kind of enemy can be defeated, as long as there is the blessing of the earth god, then no matter what kind of enemy it is, never want to invade their homeland.

Even if they were facing an enemy who couldn't see their heads, they still believed that under the guidance of the God of the Earth, the ultimate victory would ultimately belong to them.

However, just as they were preparing to fight to the death, the city wall collapsed.

"Why, why is this?"

Not to mention these soldiers, even the bishops of the Earth Church, when faced with such a scene, there is a blank in their brains.

"Could it be that the **** of the earth is going to abandon us?"

Not only do they have such thoughts, even those people have such thoughts.

Some soldiers knelt on the ground weakly, and then began to cry bitterly.

This is the pain of broken faith, and this is the helplessness after faith is desecrated.

Countless innocent people also watched all this in disbelief.

"No, everyone, don't panic. This is a test given to us by the gods. As long as we pass the test of the gods, we can become the true children of the gods and enter the kingdom of God to serve at the side of the gods."

An archbishop shouted loudly, "Don’t deny the gift of the God of the Earth because of such a small accident. The reason why we have been able to live until now is because the God of the Earth has been protecting us and protecting us. we."

But at this moment, another city wall collapsed.

After the city walls collapsed, they did not turn into ruins of a place, but instead turned into steps, which can be easily climbed by giants over three meters tall.

If the previous city wall collapsed, countless soldiers felt hopeless.

So now that the city wall has collapsed, it has become a step directly, and what it brings to the soldiers is desperate silence. They can't imagine how they can resist such an enemy.

Why did the earth gods use to protect their walls, but now they become giant steps?

Is this really the test of the earth god? But what is the point of such a test?

Is it a snack to test whether they are suitable for becoming giants?

"Am I very much like a villain?"

Han Chen watched the giants climbing the city wall along the steps, waving huge sticks in their hands, or using simple weapons polished from stones to slaughter humans, and suddenly felt that his behavior seemed like a villain, a villain. Human villain.

But to him, it doesn't matter if he is a villain.

What he has to do now is to explore the future of the earth. Between civilized wars, there is no justice or evil, no fairness and shame.

As long as the Tao is different, then all means can be used for granted.

The faith of the imperial soldiers has begun to collapse. Seeing the slaughter of these imperial soldiers, the people who believe in the **** of the earth knelt to the ground and began their prayers.

"God of the earth! Your people are asking for your blessing."

"My benevolent **** of the earth! Every person who believes in you is your child, please save your child."

"The benevolent God of the Earth! We are willing to bear all the punishment for our sins, and we ask the God of the Earth to repair those walls as soon as possible."

But their prayers did not play any role. The 12 walls protecting the empire began to collapse one after another, and even the collapsed gravel could turn into steps, allowing the giants to climb the walls and fight the soldiers at close range. .

The entire city wall became a scene of purgatory, and countless soldiers lost their lives in despair.

Under the guidance of the God of the Earth, they were not afraid to fight with the giants in battle, and began to use their lives to leave a small wound on the giants. It was also worthwhile for them. This is theirs. The glory, this is their glory.

But now, the gift of the **** of the earth has become a step for the giant to attack.

Has the God of the Earth started to favor those giants?

Does the **** of the earth want to abandon these people who believe in him?

"Look up, this is my punishment."

In front of the young people who were used to fill the roots of the city wall, Han Chen said.

Anyway, the God of the Earth did not dare to come and accuse him, even if he wanted to pretend to be a god, what could the God of the Earth have to say?

"No, you can't be the **** of the earth!"

The eyes of these young people were red, and they couldn't believe that the God of the Earth would be like this. It simply blasphemed the image of the gods they had always believed in.

However, the collapse of the city wall severely impacted their hearts.

If he is not the **** of the earth, why did the city wall collapse?

The city walls collapsed one after another, allowing these giants to have a harvest feast. They began to slaughter humans unscrupulously until no human dared to approach them.

When these giants all entered the place surrounded by the outermost wall, the walls that had been turned into rubble suddenly began to recover and became their original appearance.

Seeing that the outer city walls began to recover, people did not see joy, some only despair.

Because these giants actually came inside the city wall, now after the city wall is restored, these giants will live in a common home with humans.

The bishops of Hercules knelt to the ground feebly, and the two lines of tears on their faces couldn't help streaming down.

Why did the city wall collapse when these giants began to attack, but after all these giants entered the city wall, all the city walls returned to their original state?

Could it be that the gods are beginning to manifest?

But why did the gods do this?

At this time, a golden yellow tall need appeared on the city wall, exuding mighty power, as if it were the incarnation of the earth.

Seeing this majestic gigantic shadow, the believers of the empire bowed to the ground, and some devout believers had already shed excitement tears.

"God of the earth! Please use your boundless mercy to purify these dirty enemies!"

This huge phantom made a majestic voice:

"My children! Start to enjoy your delicious food! This empire is the hunting ground I built for you, this is your paradise."

Then, a large amount of golden light fell on the giants, and countless giants with a height of only three or four meters suddenly began to soar in shape, becoming those headed giants.

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