All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1127: The origin of faith

"Darkness is the home of mankind. The night is the homecoming to guard people's sleep. The sun that rises every day will eventually go down. Only in the darkness can people have peaceful dreams..."

The Legion of the Dark Kingdom began to promote the doctrine of the Dark God after they captured Yorkshire.

In the process of propaganda by their missionaries, from time to time, the people of Yorkshire jumped out and shouted at the missionaries.

"Only a holy flame can bring people peace and light and warmth in the dangerous dark night. The holy flame will purify all the darkness in this world, so that we can always be able to Feel the warmth."

In the face of these people who came out to disrupt the situation, the Legion of the Dark Kingdom is not nonsense.

For these no-brained mad believers, just kill them directly.

Anyway, even if half of the people were killed, the remaining half could be regarded as the faith of the **** of darkness.

Those who cannot contribute to the God of Darkness, no matter how much they die.

After 5 hours of preaching, more than 300 people have been hacked to death by the Legion of the Dark Kingdom. The corpses were directly exposed on the street, and no one dared to collect them.

The iron-headed people have been killed directly, and of course the rest are just the people who want to make things better.

Han Chen saw this scene thoughtfully.

"On earth, when human tribes were in primitive times, there would be totem worship. People would worship bears, tigers, snakes, wolves, and even pigs, various beasts, but they really regarded these beasts as their masters. Is it? No, they just want to have the power or some of the qualities in these beasts."

"This is actually a kind of spiritual sustenance. When totem worship has developed to a certain level, especially when various powerful beasts are surrendered to human weapons, humans begin to worship the nature of heaven and earth, such as the land. Such as wind and rain, such as a city..."

"The reason why human beings believe in these things is actually eager to gain power from these things, and ancestors worship the same. They hope to gain the same power as their ancestors and build great achievements like ancestors, so this is the essence of faith. In fact, it is also a pursuit in itself."

"It's just that this kind of psychology was later used by people. They created a supreme **** and told everyone that this is the object we need to believe in. As long as we believe in him, we can get various benefits. The soul belongs to the kingdom of heaven, so the essence of these beliefs is actually a request, only a spiritual request, but when they request it, they are actually making a spiritual contribution."

"You can put it another way, you hope to get wages from your boss by working part-time, but in fact you create higher economic benefits for your boss."

"These people are different from the Glorious Vatican on the Zulong star. The Glorious Vatican has been brainwashed and screened for 1,000 years in an environment where there is no decent object of contending for faith. Those unqualified products have long been eliminated. , The remaining ones have no other choice at all."

"But the people here are different. Even if they can really provide faith to the God of Holy Fire, it doesn't mean they can be absolutely loyal to the God of Holy Fire."

"For them, as long as the other party is a powerful god, as long as the other party is a powerful existence, as long as the other party can protect them, as long as the other party can provide them with a spiritual sustenance, then the other party is the **** of fire or the **** of light. , Or the God of Darkness, in fact, there is not much difference."

This is why the Dark Legion only killed more than 300 people when it preached the doctrine of the Dark God.

After all, there are still a few people who are truly loyal to the **** of the holy fire, and more people are loyal to the **** himself.

Of course, this place is in a remote area where wars often occur, so there are not too many people who are completely loyal to the God of Holy Fire. Among the royal capitals of the Kingdom of Holy Fire, at least 20% of people absolutely believe in the God of Holy Fire. That is absolute faith after abandoning wisdom.

After all, that place has been nurtured for countless years.

This is the difference between a shallow believer and a true believer.

If you meet a true believer, you can only choose to destroy it, but if it is a shallow believer who can believe in a god, then they can still fight for it.

Even if these people don't really believe in the God of Darkness, it is good to drag them onto the battlefield as cannon fodder, so that at least they can weaken the opponent's combat effectiveness.

After understanding this, Han Chen did not act rashly, but waited for the arrival of the army.

During the process of intelligence exploration, Han Chen also found that he had fallen into a misunderstanding of thinking.

After all, the Glory Vatican and Luan Xinghai are different. This is a place that has been accumulated for thousands of years without fighting for faith, and the other is a place full of disputes.

In Luan Xinghai, why is the area occupied by intelligent life only 30%?

Is it because the rest of the place is not suitable for intelligent life?

Of course there are many such places, but they are not included in Han Chen's statistics.

In fact, the real reason is that in order to fight for faith, these gods are also holding back each other, making their progress in developing unknown areas very slow.

After all, there are more sources of faith to develop a brand new area, but a lot of troops need to be consumed in the process of development.

If you can let others develop it, and then pick the fruit by yourself when the other party loses its troops, then this is the best way to meet their interests.

But everyone is not a fool, so no one wants to suffer this loss.

Only some powerful gods will have some spare energy to develop unknown areas, but they will only develop slowly, slowly.

Otherwise, in the event of a large number of losses in the development process, it will only make others cheaper.

Other gods.

Dark night, a dark chamber in a new church somewhere.

"Yorkshire, Minghuang County, and Shenglong County. These places are already under our control. The combined population of these three places has exceeded 20 million. As long as we can steal the faith in these places, then Our master will have the opportunity to light a sacred fire and become a brand new god,"

A group of dark shadows surrounded a fire and smiled gloomily.

"When our master becomes a brand-new god, we will become the first pope under the gods. Even if we die, we will become the first angels in the kingdom of God, so that we can gain eternal life, so Yorkshire’s Faith is very important to us, and it is directly related to whether we can obtain eternal life."

"For the master, we will do our best."

The shadows all around showed a gloomy smile.


Han Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and had an idea in his mind.

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