All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1129: ceremony

Outside the main city of Yorkshire, Frederick shouted angrily at Han Chen:

"Han Chen, as the red archbishop blessed by the gods, you do not want to accept the grace of the gods and spend your life to spread the brilliance of the gods. You even took the Holy Fire Legion to rebel against the enemy. You are a sinner with extreme sins. I will do it today. To punish you on behalf of the gods."

The holy flame army behind him was like a rainbow, and his eyes were full of hot brilliance.

This heresy who dares to blaspheme the spirit will be punished by them.

They will use thunder means to make this sinner accept the punishment he deserves.

Standing on the wall of the city, Han Chen showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and shouted back:

"You should be the one who really blasphemes the gods. The **** of darkness is the greatest **** in this world, and the **** of flame will eventually become part of the **** of darkness."

Thinking of this, Han Chen already had the urge to complain.

There are a total of seventeen gods in the sea of ​​chaos with flames as gods, and there are also 13 existences with darkness as the name of gods.

Even the Sword God of the Holy Sword Kingdom, there are seven Sword Gods.

This is actually very confusing, but since those gods have made a choice in this way, there must be their reason.

Han Chen didn't come here to study the art of the name, but to find the truth.

"Wait, maybe they wanted to confuse it on purpose!"

Han Chen suddenly thought of the possibility that if two kingdoms that also believe in flames start a war, after one of them is destroyed, it will be much easier for the believers of the other to take over the kingdom. After all, the gods of both sides The names are all the same, and the only thing that needs to be revised is the prayer verse.

But in this case, the favorable side is only a powerful country, and it is very unfavorable for a weak country.

However, considering that the eight high-level gods have stood tall in this world for countless years, it is understandable that there are hidden rules among the gods.

Those so-called middle gods and lower gods are equivalent to life gates directly controlled by the upper gods.

As for why the glorious Vatican of Zulong star is also called the God of Light, it is because when the fire is lit and the name of the **** is determined, the name is no longer easy to change.

"Holy Flame Legion, attack!"

Since Han Chen had clearly expressed his betrayal, Archbishop Frederick would certainly not be polite, and immediately led the Holy Fire Legion to launch an assault.

A large number of soldiers mounted ladders and launched a charge on the wall.

When the extraordinary power of a world becomes popular, humans' demand for foreign objects will also be greatly reduced, unless it is those foreign objects that directly help their strength, such as melee weapons.

Frederick originally thought that Han Chen's troops were too small and should be easy to deal with, but he did not expect that when they launched the charge, another 50,000 horses suddenly appeared on the wall.

This is the reinforcement of the Dark Kingdom to Han Chen.

Seeing the reinforcements of the Dark Kingdom, Frederick became even more angry.

However, siege warfare was originally a very difficult task, and even if several times the force were sent, it might not be able to achieve decent achievements.

However, he was prepared long ago. When a large number of soldiers tried to attack the city, some cavalry **** siege vehicles rammed in the direction of the city gate.


With a deafening sound of destruction, the city gate was directly broken.

These cavalrymen rushed forward unabated after the city gate was broken, but they couldn't help but swear.


After the city gate was breached, there was a huge pit behind it. I don't know when it was dug out, causing these cavalrymen to fall into the pit unsuspectingly.

The depth of the pit reached a frenzied 20 meters, even if someone with extraordinary power fell into it, it would not be so pleasant.

There are many sharpened wooden thorns in the deep pit, which is a very miserable picture.

"Asshole! He actually dug a hole at the gate of the city. Did he want to turn the entire county town into an isolated place?" Frederick let out an angry roar.

After a day of offensive and defensive war, the Holy Fire Legion had to retreat.

After the night fell, the Dark Legion from the Dark Kingdom began to sneak attack at night, causing very serious damage to the Holy Fire Legion.

The battle lasted for three days. During this period, several red archbishops wanted to take action in person several times, but they were all repelled by Han Chen.

Three days later, the Holy Fire Corps began to withdraw its troops.

But they were not going to withdraw to the Holy Fire Kingdom and abandon this place, but began to sweep around the county city.

Because of the social system here, the county town of Yorkshire only occupies 20% of the entire Yorkshire population, 80% of which are in the countryside.

The struggle for the power of faith is essentially a struggle for population.

Even if we can't beat this main city, can't we still control the surrounding countryside?

As long as the surrounding villages can be controlled, then this so-called county city, an isolated island without assistance, will eventually fail to destroy itself because of exhaustion of resources.

But this is a very long process.

Unless you have made a lot of preparations in advance, it will take at least a few months to achieve something. The war between the Holy Fire Kingdom and the Holy Sword Kingdom was because of this. If it were not for Han Chen to shine in the war, The war is estimated to continue for several months.

As for the sudden uprising of the Dark Kingdom, it was premeditated.

They disarmed the entire Yorkshire at a thunderous speed, but even in this way, it would take some time to digest the fruits of victory here.

Just as the Holy Fire Legion was preparing to slowly figure it out, the blasphemer's preparations were also ready.

In March 1501, a large-scale uprising broke out in Yorkshire, Minghuang County and Shenglong County at the same time, and countless missionaries began to spread the glory of the God of the Earth.

Don't get me wrong, the **** of the earth here is not the same trash in the valley of the giants.

A long-planned grand ceremony began without warning. More than 10 million people gathered towards the county town of Thanglong County on this day. Under the command of those troops, they gathered in the square where the ceremony was held. A large-scale prayer scripture began.

Amidst the prayers of more than 10 million people, a majestic woman in a golden robe began to grow stronger and stronger. Amidst the prayers, under the admiration of countless people, she was sublimated into A brand new god.

At this moment, a figure appeared silently behind her.

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