All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1134: Dark Archbishop

In April of the Holy Fire Calendar, Holy Fire Archbishop Han Chen announced that he was the spokesperson of the God of Darkness, and within a month he captured a third of the Dark Kingdom.

"I am the spokesperson of the God of Darkness on earth, and I am the most stalwart believer of the God of Darkness. In the name of the Archbishop of Darkness, I really want to clean up those blasphemers who disrespect and blaspheme the God of Darkness and let the whole The world returns to the embrace of darkness."

Under the banner of this, Han Chen's momentum was broken along the way.

The resistance of those people is not too loud, because most people have no way to tell who is the true believer of the God of Darkness.

And among the doctrines propagated by the gods of darkness, of course their gods must be preached supreme.

Therefore, most people have the impression that gods are the supreme existence, so the spokesperson of the gods is of course invincible, and whoever wins is true.

Of course it is not the person who does not question, but the person who does not question is still alive.

So when Han Chen led the army and defeated the army of the Dark Kingdom like a bamboo, he took over 1/3 of the Dark Kingdom without any pressure.

The Dark Kingdom originally had a population of only 70 million. In the previous war, it lost 15 million people. In this war, it lost another 15 million.

Such a blow is very heavy to the Dark Kingdom.

The Pope of the Dark Kingdom, hearing Han Chen under the banner of the God of Darkness, was furious:

"If he is the spokesperson of the God of Darkness, and he walks the world of the God of Darkness, then what am I? What is the Pope of the Dark God Sect?"

"Call me an army, and I will go out myself."

"We have to tie this blasphemer to the stake to evolve it in darkness, so that everyone can understand who is the true spokesperson of the God of Darkness."

The continuous blows have made the previously not very powerful Dark Kingdom worse, and the Dark Church has been forced into desperation, so the Pope’s personal conquest is already an inevitable result.

This is a war concerning the authority of the gods, and it is also a battle concerning the life and death of the gods.

It is the foregone conclusion of this war that is doomed from the beginning.

The so-called God of Darkness and the God of Flame of the Holy Fire Kingdom are essentially some powerful legendary existences. With Han Chen’s strength, they can even directly kill the kingdom of God and kill these gods in the kingdom of God. The power of these gods in the world is even more trivial.

As long as he wants, he can easily destroy the three kingdoms of the Kingdom of Darkness, the Kingdom of Holy Fire, and the Kingdom of Holy Sword.

The reason why he didn't show all his power directly was because of his purpose of coming this time.

The Dark Kingdom has gathered a total of 5 million troops, and set out for Han Chen's position.

"Master Dark Pope's legion will come to us in three days. Should Master make some preparations in advance?"

Janet knelt respectfully in front of Han Chen. She could never forget the scene of the war in the previous month.

Han Chen knew everything about the opponent's actions every time. No matter what kind of troops the opponent sent or where he passed, he could have a clear insight in advance.

Every time I can predict the battle of the enemy prophet, it is simply a one-sided slaughter.

When the opponent is camping and resting, they will always find the weakest opponent to attack. When the opponent wants to attack, they can always escape ahead of time. When the opponent has some military plan, they can always set the other way around. The trap to the other side.

And military wars are not just frontal wars, but also logistic wars.

An army that has lost logistical supplies, no matter how strong it was, will become weak.

However, Han Chen was always able to find the location of the opponent's logistics supply, and then delivered a fatal blow to the opponent's logistics, directly cutting off the lifeline of the opponent's army.

The reason why the previous war was able to fight for a month was because Han Chen didn’t want his direct army to have too many casualties, and he also had to accept some prisoners. Otherwise, he would only need half a month. Able to slaughter the opponent's army.

Therefore, although the Pope’s private conquest sounds handsome, in front of Han Chen, there is no possibility of winning at all.

The level of the two parties is not one dimension at all.

This war lasted for two months. In these two months, Han Chen has not engaged in much frontal combat. He just took people to rob all the opponent’s food and grass. The opponent snatched food from the people as a last resort.

People with strong beliefs voluntarily contributed food from the beginning.

But as they asked for and seized more and more food, more and more hungry people began to complain.

After all, faith cannot be eaten as a meal. When the pain of hunger falls on everyone, no matter how firm the faith is, it will be shaken.

At this moment, Han Chen gave them another fatal blow.

"The God of Darkness is compassionate to all living beings. He sees people who are suffering and cannot bear the pain of hunger. Therefore, he sends God's messengers to bring happiness to people and relieve them of the pain of hunger.

One is to start the war to continuously collect food from the people, and the other is to send messengers to distribute food to everyone so that everyone can eat, and both of them claim to be followers of the God of Darkness and the God of Darkness. Spokesperson in the world.

So which one to believe in, everyone is beginning to know.

Anyway, both sides believe in the **** of darkness, so whichever is closer to the doctrine of the **** of darkness, they will believe which one!

After all, when most gods promote their doctrines, they promote themselves as an image of compassion for all beings, so those who take food from everyone in the name of good for everyone are of course no better than those who send food to everyone. Everyone avoids people who starve to death.

The Dark God Cult committed another stupid thing at this time.

"Those people are demons who pretend to be the God of Darkness. They want to use these food to entice everyone to fall. The true and unwavering followers of the God of Darkness will definitely be able to endure such temptation. Will ascend to the kingdom of the dark god."

Such propaganda discourse has aroused dissatisfaction among many people. After all, many people are still the kind of mothers who have breasts. Whatever happens if they are degenerate, as long as there is food.

Of course, there are some steadfast believers who rejected this temptation.

Then they all starved to death.

Originally, Han Chen planned to take a longer time to slowly take over their territory, but he didn't expect that the other party would make such a self-defeating approach, so his battle would be smoother.

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