All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1147: Manmin prayer

"Why should it be handed over to the country? Without the support of the country, can you really develop those wild areas? Can you really build a brand new home in a few months?"

Han Chen just smiled at the silly remarks of those people.

But he didn't blame those people, or to teach them, because these people's thoughts and concepts are what he needs.

This is like those who cross the business sea, how can they still look at the iron rice bowl of 2000 wages?

Now those people in the wasteland army are gradually awakening their self-awareness.

Maybe they are just satisfied with creating wealth with their own hands, but sooner or later they will embark on a greater path.

It's just like the words of Emperor Han Gaozu when he saw King Qin on tour: "Looks like a big man."

Those who have talents and have great ambitions, when they see that Han Chen can easily decide the life and death of the gods, I don't know how many people will feel this sentence in their hearts.

Since there is a **** who can easily reward the gods and can use his own power to determine the existence of gods, why can't there be the second and third?

Someone has been able to do something, why can't they do it?

Han Chen does not know whether anyone can do this kind of thing in the future.

It is Han Chen who is willing to believe that someone will be able to follow his footsteps, follow the path he has taken, and carve out a brighter future.

With the continuous progress of the war, although the main energy of the Holy Empire is still on the battlefield with the Nether Empire, a large number of troops have been deployed to delay the pace of the Great Qin Kingdom.

But when Han Chen came to the battlefield, he discovered that most of those who hindered their march were actually fanatics in the Holy Empire.

Just like the Crusades, they are obviously just ordinary people. Give them a sword and they immediately become fighters fighting for the country.

This is the power of faith, this is the power of dead brains.

"It seems that there is another cannon fodder to open up wasteland."

Seeing the legions of believers, Janette dismissed.

"These are true believers, not those cannon fodder troops. We should have a better approach."

Han Chen shook his head, and then left the palace.

"The merciful Lord protects every creature on this land, brings people light and warmth, and brings people warm and saturated happiness."

An archbishop's speech before the army of believers began to fight.

"But now there are a group of demons who are invading our homes, taking our land, insulting our compatriots, and burning our houses. These demons are the enemies of the gods and the enemies of every citizen. Now we have to take out our hands. Weapons to defend our homeland.

This is destined to be a **** war, but under the brilliance of the benevolent Lord, every soldier who died in order to defend our homeland can ascend to the Lord’s kingdom and become the eternal and immortal in the kingdom Heroic spirits gain eternal life in the Lord's kingdom of God.

Now, let all of us take up the weapons in our hands and set off towards the group of demons. "

Under the impassioned speech of the archbishop, the legion of believers uttered excitement.

Behind them is their homeland, and before them is the demon who violated their homeland, and now they have to fight for the God of Light, and for the Great Lord.

"Since the promise has been made, it will not work if it is not fulfilled!"

A playful voice remembered behind the bishop.

The archbishop turned his head in horror and saw a black figure appearing behind him at some point, but the people around him didn't even notice the figure.

"Let every heroic spirit who died in battle ascend to heaven, can the benevolent and great God of Light really do such a thing? If so, let me verify it!"

As Han Chen said, a hand was placed on the shoulder of the archbishop.

The archbishop opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but found that his body had not listened to it, and the man in the black armor had changed his appearance.

Han Chen, who had become an archbishop, did not attract anyone's attention.

He opened his arms and shouted to the legion of believers:

"The merciful Lord will bless every one of you. Let us make our final prayers to the great and merciful Lord before the final holy war! The great God of Light, just promised to each of you, that is ours The content of the prayer, let us pray to the God of Light. This is our final declaration before the war."

Hearing the words of the archbishop Han Chen, many bishops were shocked.

There is no such paragraph in their original script!

The archbishop whose body had become transparent, desperately wanted to shout something, but couldn't make a sound, and couldn't leave the place for half a step.

There was an anxious look in his eyes, even with some grief and anger.

But under the call of the "archbishop", the believers who were preparing to fight began their final prayers.

A large number of believers knelt on the ground and began to pray to the gods in accordance with the promise made to them by the archbishop just now.

Han Chen, who has transformed into an archbishop, is guiding people loudly.

"The great and benevolent God of Light, your brilliance shines on the earth and brings warm brilliance to every people who believe in you. We will obey your orders, scrupulously abide by your guidance, and give in this holy war. We live until the last drop of blood is drained.

When we shed the last drop of blood, our souls will ascend to heaven, serving forever by the Lord, and forever by his side. "

However, the prayers of millions of people did not have a positive effect.

A large number of dark clouds appeared in the sky, countless thunderbolts fell down, and many believers were chopped into coke by the power of thunder amid the screams.

"Ah!" "What is this?"

"Good Lord! What happened to this?"

"Why should the great God of Light be punished?"

The believers who were praying were lost, wondering why the punishment would come, smashing their companions into coke.

Han Chen yelled: "Don’t panic, everyone. When you pray, the great God of Light has cast his sight here. Under the eyes of the God of Light, true believers and false ones Believers will have nowhere to hide.

The people who prayed just now did not have true faith in the Lord, so the great God of Light will be punished by God, but all the people who have absolute faith in the God of Light will receive the God of Light. Blessings, let us have no disadvantage in the next holy war. "

Hearing Han Chen's voice, everyone's hearts became quiet.

It turns out that the people who were punished by the gods just now were all false believers. If this is the case, what else should we be afraid of?

We are the most loyal believers of the God of Light, and we have the most pious beliefs.

Therefore, no matter how many believers were struck to death by lightning, the remaining people continued their prayers without arrogance or impatience.

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