All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1157: Han Chen's rules

"Your Majesty, it is a good opportunity to expand the Great Qin Kingdom."

A kind of powerhouse headed by Janette knelt in front of Han Chen and asked Han Chen to order expansion.

Since the capital of the Holy Empire was breached by the Angel Legion, the Holy Empire was torn apart in a short period of three months.

Now is a good opportunity for the Great Qin Kingdom to expand.

Especially those who have made enough merits to become gods, but are unwilling to become gods, they are more eager to make merits.

It is a very big temptation to make contributions, especially for those who are ambitious.

Sometimes they are not after the rewards after making contributions, but the process of hard work.

"Do you want to expand? Go ahead!"

Han Chen looked indifferent.

The people who knelt down Han Chen and sat down were dumbfounded. They didn't know what Han Chen's attitude meant.

Is this supporting them or is it sarcastic?

After all, many times, what a king says on the surface can't be taken seriously. The so-called king has no joking, that is to say, if you take it seriously, you will lose.

Therefore, many times, a minister must figure out the true meaning of the king's words.

Seeing that all the ministers did not speak, Janet took the lead and went forward: "Your Majesty, the expansion of the Great Qin Kingdom needs your own leadership. Please also your Majesty to be arbitrary."

"If I have to do everything myself, what do I want you to do?"

The corner of Han Chen's mouth showed an ironic smile, "If you want to make contributions and expand your territory, you can do whatever you want, but remember, don't try to challenge the rules I left."

The ministers said in unison: "Your Majesty's will, no one will follow."

"Although I have left the rules many times, since now is a critical period, I will tell you again!"

Han Chen's expression became serious. "First, you must never slaughter civilians. No matter who you are, as long as you take up a weapon, that is the enemy. You can take the other's life unscrupulously, but if the other party puts down the weapon, then You must never kill each other. If you think that the civilian population has been so large that you can kill unscrupulously, then I can guarantee that there will be no civilians in your territory from now on."

Han Chen's words shocked everyone's hearts.

Although I don't know why the monarch who started with killing and war cares so much about the lives of civilians, but since it is your majesty's will, then they are not qualified to refuse now.

"I know that some of you deliberately deport those civilians and believers who refuse to believe in new gods to barren areas, deliberately not giving those civilians food, or not issuing them weapons that can fight beasts. Refusing to teach them life skills.

I can tolerate this kind of thing in the past, but from now on, if you want to take over an area, you must properly arrange the people in the area. If someone dares to play word games under my order, or do things that are wrong. I will personally wipe out all the management in this territory. "

"Follow your majesty's will!"

All the courtiers said in unison.

Seeing everyone rigorously obeyed, Han Chen felt a little heavy.

Now he, after all, has not completely reached the point of being too unforgiving. Although he knows that this world has never lacked wars, and wars cannot disappear in this world, it is still a great sin to cause the displacement of countless civilians.

Even if it is ordered not to kill civilians, civilian casualties are still the most.

Especially those people who were deported to wild areas, during the process of opening up wasteland, some places could even directly die half of the people, and the ordinary people who survived do not know how much they will survive in the future.

Being able to issue such an order is already his last kindness.

"The second command, without my permission, also promote the gods outside the territory. All the gods must pass through my canonization before they can promote faith, and they must be within the scope of my canonization. If you want Violation, then be prepared to leave the Great Qin Kingdom!"

"The third order is that there are a group of people in the border areas who want to expand their borders and want to fight for independence. You can trade with them, but you must never directly engage in military conflicts with them. Of course, if they want to actively conflict with you. , Then you don’t have to be polite. In addition, when you open up wasteland, they can’t stop them. If you want to stop them, you can destroy them directly.”

Han Chen is still looking forward to those people who open up wasteland in the border areas.

Because these people with a pioneering spirit are the future of mankind, and they are the people he admires the most and the people he has the deepest hope for.

But these people are not destined to become flowers in the greenhouse. If he directly orders to protect those people, they will lose their pioneering spirit.

Therefore, Han Chen’s ability to issue orders not to directly cause military conflicts is already the limit he can achieve. If those who want independence are still not satisfied and want to fight for more rights, then take your fist. Come and fight for it, I have to see if your fists are big enough.

Even if you are a pioneering and enterprising person, if you don't know how to measure the difference in strength between the two sides, such a person has no future at all.

Moreover, the areas where those people are located are in frontier areas, and if the people behind want to continue to open up wasteland, they have to cross their territories.

At this time, there are not too many choices they can make.

Either he joined the land reclamation army and continued to open up the territory, or he gave way to those later land reclamators. If they blocked the pace of later land reclamationists, then Han Chen would not be polite with them. Your past achievements. It is the past feats, even human heroes cannot be the reason to hinder human progress.

"Follow your majesty's will."

The ministers continued to worship.

Han Chen doesn't talk about freedom and democracy to these people. He is an arbitrary tyrant. Before someone can challenge his authority, no one can challenge his will.

This is a world where the strong are respected,

What is a world that respects the strong?

As long as you are not the one standing on the top of the world, then in front of someone stronger than you, you have to kneel on the ground obediently and be a obedient pug.

Normally Han Chen would give these people the opportunity to speak, but the so-called speech is only to allow Han Chen to better understand the situation in the country.

"The fourth order is that people in different territories are absolutely not allowed to attack each other. When the troops in the territory go through other territories, they can plan the marching route under negotiation between the two sides, but it is absolutely not allowed to hinder the march or It was the lord who charged tolls and violated this prohibition, and the **** behind him was executed directly.

During the war, it’s fine for you to steal each other’s credit secretly. If you use some despicable means in the process of stealing credit, by framing your own allies and gaining benefits for yourself, then those who know the truth will go up to the gods and down One soldier and one soldier in the army were all executed, leaving no one behind. "

This order directly scared many courtiers to death.

From the gods to the soldiers, all executed, what's the joke? Shouldn't it be enough to execute the chief responsible person?

"The fifth command, all the above commands, will be delivered to everyone over the age of 12 within 15 days. If you want to hide my commands from ordinary people, from gods to missionaries at the bottom, all Kill, not leave one!"

"I know that my order is cruel. If you don't accept it, come and overthrow me. Before overthrowing me, you will execute it honestly!"

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