All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1173: Task evaluation

In the past, there were also detached persons in God's Domain, heading to the chaotic sea.

Their general approach is to destroy the past rule and subvert the past system, and after they leave, everything will return to its original state.

As for, like Han Chen, ordering everyone in his country to believe in gods, of course no one has done this.

Their goal is to dissolve their faith, how can they strengthen their faith?

Yes, the emergence of Han Chen gave Luan Xinghai a complete system of the Tao of Faith. Although it is a troubled world now, the system of the Tao of Faith will definitely grow stronger in the future.

Of course, no one has done this reverse approach.

After all, this is a different story, at least on the surface.

Han Chen breathed a sigh of relief: "Although I hate faith, some things really cannot be done according to my own preferences. To some extent, the existence of faith also has a positive meaning. At least it can guide those who are ignorant and make the original cowardly. People mustered up the courage.

But most things have a limit. The power of faith may be a good thing for those who have no potential at the bottom, but for human beings who desire to grow, and for those who desire to break through themselves, it is to limit their own development. The poison out. "

"There is another important reason. The enemy we really have to face is the Eternal Devouring Beast, or one of the real enemies is the Eternal Devouring Beast."

The guardian old man said, "So we fell into a misunderstanding of thinking in the past, because the eternal devouring beasts were all grown by the gods of the way of faith, so we tried to solve the power of faith from the root. This is the ultimate It still had a counterproductive effect. Of course, we could control within the scope of God's Domain influence, but we were helpless outside the scope of God's Domain influence.

Even if we forcibly kill all the gods, then the place where the gods are lost will become a granary for the eternal devouring beasts because the dragons have no heads, and will eventually be destroyed.

But you did the opposite, and established a complete system for the gods of the Tao of Faith, but you lowered their position to servants of human beings, or tools used by the lord to rule the country. This approach is simply It's refreshing, and it also lays the foundation for your final victory.

We can foresee that after you leave, the gods of the Tao of Belief in Chaos Star Sea are still aloft, but they are no longer the lifelong pursuit of the strong, they are just tools used by the strong to maintain their own rule, or use Means to elevate one's position.

As long as they are no longer the objects that truly outstanding people want to become, then the future development prospects of the gods of the Tao of faith are bound to be limited.

In this way, we can resist the invasion of the Eternal Devouring Beast with the help of faith in the gods, and also prevent the gods of the power of faith from becoming the new Eternal Devouring Beasts and embarking on the path of destruction, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Even if you fail in the Luan Xinghai area, it doesn't matter. Now that a brand-new road has been opened up, we will naturally have talents who will follow this path. "

Hearing the task evaluation of the old man guarding the tower, Han Chen was thoughtful.

It sounds like God's Domain seems to have the upper hand when facing the gods of the Tao of Faith, and it may even be unilaterally crushed.

But war has never been aimed at defeating and destroying. Destruction and construction are just a method. It depends on whether the ultimate goal can be achieved.

For example, in places like Luan Xinghai, Han Chen mastered special methods to overturn the past system.

But if it was not Han Chen, but other gods in the past, then with the cooperation of several god-level masters, it should be able to subvert there.

Han Chen now has some understanding of the nature of detachment, and probably can understand the strength after detachment. For detached people, as long as they are given a certain amount of time, they can do the same things as themselves.

But having the ability does not mean that you will use the ability.

Not all things can be solved by strength.

Strength is the foundation of everything, but it is naive to learn mathematics by the 99 multiplication table.

The most unexpected thing about Han Chen's actions in the Sea of ​​Chaos was to retain his faith.

If there is no such move, then no matter what kind of trouble he makes, it will be of no avail to destroy the entire chaotic sea of ​​stars.

A breakthrough in thinking brings about a change in the entire strategy.

"So, what kind of reward can I get?"

Han Chen's eyes lit up.

"Ha ha ha, do you still need any rewards?"

The old man from the tower said with a smile, "Since you have proven the potential of the earth and also proved your own possibility, of course God's Domain must lift the restrictions on the earth. We can give you certain authority to formulate rules and set you free. The determination of the future development direction of the earth, but I want to remind you here, first of all, you cannot go beyond the limits of God's Domain, and secondly, any change will require a price."

Han Chen understood this.

For God's Domain, the earth is simply a drop in the ocean, and only because of some brilliant performances, it was seen by these mighty people in God's Domain. Otherwise, it would be just a test product for God's Domain.

Being able to win such conditions in God's Domain is already very generous.

Although Han Chen personally wants more, he must be content.

Until the earth has enough power, it still cannot be too public.

As for the specific implementation of the rule change, it needs to be considered slowly.

"I have one more question to ask."

Han Chen said earnestly, "What the world after detachment is like, what the detached person needs to face, our threat should not only be the eternal devouring beast."

Although the Eternal Devouring Beast was terrifying, even Han Chen could find a way to contain it.

For those who are detached, they should have a more appropriate response.

If there is no way to deal with it, then there is no need for God's Domain to exist.

Therefore, although the gods of the Tao of Faith and the Eternal Devouring Beasts are enemies of the God’s Domain, they are not all threats to the God’s Domain. The God’s Domain must face more than these.

"Since you are destined to be detached, I will tell you in advance!"

The scene around the tower guard suddenly changed, and the space around the two turned into a cosmic starry sky, "This universe is very big, even the surface space is impossible to explore for a lifetime, and the deep space is even more so. It is impossible for those who are detached to explore to the end. The greatest purpose of the existence of God's Domain is to open up a piece of paradise for intelligent life.

Although this paradise does not meet the standards of your people on earth, in this cruel universe, it is already the limit we can do. "

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