All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1178: Myriad tribulations are difficult to enter...

It is said that the development of the earth as a whole is still on the right track, entering a stage of rapid progress, but there are still many problems in some places.

Especially the spiritual practice path that Han Chen summed up with Xia Mengsi before leaving.

Regarding the three realms of mind cultivation, it has become the mainstream of mind cultivation.

During this process, many so-called "cram schools" were born, and many cults were born. They claimed to have a very high spiritual realm and could lead others to liberate themselves, so China’s army directly gave up many of them. Mission to eliminate all these heretics.

Later, the legendary beings issued a joint statement.

[There is no way to learn from others in spiritual practice, because even the most advanced illusionist cannot fully understand the heart of others. Anyone who teaches spiritual practice is all a liar and all heresy. There is no shortcut on the path of spiritual practice. Can go. 】

Such a statement does remind many people, but there are still people rushing to it.

Some people even put forward the legendary conspiracy theory, thinking that those legendary-level existences do not want more legends to threaten their status.

Conspiracy theories exist in all periods, and they have been repeatedly banned.

Because too many people were involved, Huaxia could only give up.

Later, in some youth training camps in the Sky City, where Chen Dong went, some talented teenagers quoted and expressed their views.

【Cultivation of nature only, not life, it is difficult for the ghost of a thousand tribulations to become holy. To become a powerful or great being, you definitely do not think it out, but make it. There is really no fixed formula for spiritual practice, but we can choose to practice it physically, only to turn the results of spiritual practice into the real world. Action will make sense. 】

His statement did not attract attention at first, after all, he was only a 13-year-old boy.

It is necessary to know that players under the age of 10 cannot enter God's Domain. In other words, this young man has only been in God's Domain for three years. How can he be recognized?

You must know that this young man was only learning knowledge in the Sky City at the beginning, which is equivalent to the flowers in the greenhouse. How can the flowers in the greenhouse teach those warriors who have experienced battles?

But this young man, after publishing this paper, became a legend in only one year, and it took two years to comprehend the prototype of the field and shocked the whole world.

This kind of cultivation speed increased, and even people thought that he was the next Han Chen.

When you become famous, even if you fart, some people will feel fragrant.

So when looking back on the growth trajectory of this teenager, many people were awakened.

The various chaotic spiritual practice schools on the earth have all dissolved, or they have begun to focus on putting the results of spiritual practice into practice.

Those legends that have become famous also praised this post.

"That’s right. Our achievements are not thought out, but made out. We have firm beliefs and transparent hearts. When we are in confusion, we will firmly guide the way forward, but the road ahead is still Let us go down to earth step by step."

And the teenager also joked:

[The so-called spiritual practice is equivalent to an experience accelerator. The spiritual practice can speed up the accumulation of experience, good equipment can also speed up, pedigree is also fine, and good wilderness is also fine, but even if your cultivation speed is 10 times faster, If the time for spawning and leveling is not enough, it is still useless. 】

Many parents cried bitterly after seeing this post: "If we understood this earlier, we would not go bankrupt and buy a school district house in the old days."

Allowing children to enter a good school and have a good learning environment can indeed improve grades.

However, there is not only one factor that can improve children's academic performance. School district housing is nothing for the rich, but for ordinary people, the price-performance ratio is not enough.

Instead of having the money to buy a house, it is better to apply for two more cram schools to be more reliable.

It is even important to sacrifice the money to buy a house, reduce some work time, and spend more time with the children.

It is always more cost-effective to spend energy to cultivate children's interest in learning than to spend this energy on buying a house.

This has nothing to do with right or wrong, only with the cost performance.

It is precisely because of this young man that the enthusiasm for spiritual cultivation has almost subsided. Those on the Internet who have made a fortune by philosophical speculation or holding lectures are often asked: "You turn your lofty mind into the real world. Has it been practiced?"

Don't talk about those people who are hot-headed because of chasing stars, even Han Chen himself, after hearing this sentence, felt fortunate.

It's not that he didn't do this, but because he did it so well.

Some things are normal for oneself, but not necessarily for others.

For Han Chen, isn't it normal to turn the thoughts in his heart into actual actions? If you have an idea and don't do it, what is the difference between it and nothing?

Since he has taken this as a matter of course, of course he won't emphasize it.

Because he has done it, he will pursue spiritual improvement.

But when others hear it, it's completely changed.

Even big men like Han Chen are pursuing the improvement of the spiritual realm. It can be seen that the improvement of the spiritual realm is far more important than the improvement of the external level.

This sentence itself is correct, but people have ignored their own positioning.

Are you Han Chen? Which of the legends on earth can you compare to?

After all, Han Chen's pursuit is only something that a few people need to consider. For most people, their pursuit is still a down-to-earth improvement.

The spiritual practice is of course important, but it is meaningful only when it becomes reality.

This is like although the knowledge in the textbook is very important, but if the knowledge in the textbook is not turned into practical actions, then the knowledge will really only occupy the brain stock.

It is the same to explain with the theory of empirical accelerators. Having knowledge can double the efficiency of your practice, and even reach the level that ordinary people cannot achieve by time. There is no way to draw conclusions, but accelerators are only accelerators after all.

If you want to level up, you still have to honestly go to the wild area to clean up monsters.

"It's hard to enter the sacred soul of a thousand calamities."

Han Chen thought about this sentence, which was originally an advertisement for Jindan Avenue in ancient legends, but no matter whether practitioners existed in ancient times, real Taoist thinkers are not like bald donkeys who only pursue realm, their ultimate pursuit After all, it is still joining the WTO.

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