All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1180: The world is always a feast...

After flirting with Wu Yuan, Han Chen first went to see his parents, and after a few greetings, he called together the members of the earthly team.

After receiving the summoning order, the members of the squad dealt with the matters in their hands as quickly as possible, or directly pushed off the unimportant matters, and then came to the Sky City.

There are already two prepared dishes on the table, exuding an attractive aroma.

Mother Han is busy in the kitchen, and Father Han is helping in the kitchen. Although they can use their skills to cook directly, the two people like to handle the ingredients in person. This scene is just like the scene when the earthly team just started to convene.

The first person to arrive was Xia Mengsi. She seldom participated in various major events. She spent most of the time as a spectator, observing the various forms of life, or observing the customs of the gods. This is also the practice of the illusionist.

She arrived first because she was fine on weekdays.

"Head, you are finally willing to come back." Xia Mengsi smiled.

"Yes! I'm going to chase the head's wife if I don't come back again." Su Yue smiled and sat on the dining table.

"Bad girl, why haven't you married yet?" Wu Yuan gritted her teeth and said.

"Among the few of us, Xu Xiaoping found the man, and the rest are too high-sighted!"

Xiao Qian, who was on vacation, also came to the dining table, "Boss, this time, I shouldn't leave silently for several years!"

There are fewer women in the team, and Xu Xiaoping is looking for someone outside the team.

It is probably because the team members are too familiar with each other.

"If I have a choice, I want to stay here forever!" Han Chen's eyes were filled with sorrow.

Then, Han Chen smiled and shook his head: "I haven't been together for so long, how do you say such a thing?"

"Yes, yes, brother Chen, you will be fined three times the alcohol."

"Okay, I'll admit it."

Next, the members of the earthly team came one after another. Some of them gave up the area they were exploring, some gave up the work of developing the abyss, and some gave up the holiday with their girlfriends.

In this time of developing the abyss, everyone has different things in their hands, but in the face of more important things, all things can be slowed down.

After Han Chen's parents finished serving the dishes, they left the table silently, leaving room for everyone.

From their life experience, of course, it can be seen that the atmosphere of this gathering is somewhat unusual.

After an hour and a half, with the arrival of Deng Qing, all members of the entire team arrived.

In addition to the existing members, Chen Dong also came to the party.

After leaving the world team, Chen Dong has rarely attended parties, but this time, he came over uncharacteristically.

Of course no one would be unwelcome, but Chen Dong's arrival made them more confirm their own ideas.

Everyone drank happily at this party and told each other what happened after they left.

"Deng Qing! Do you think you can work hard? You plan your time to one minute every day. So is Wang Zhicheng. The two of us are simply workaholics. People have to leave a little time for oiling even if they are machines. The two are good, so many girls are chasing after each other, when they hear that falling in love is a waste of time, they shirk again." Chen Dong said with a smile.

Deng Qing and Wang Zhicheng chuckled and couldn't comment.

In order to divert attention, Deng Qing drew the flames of war on Zhang Qing and Zhang Yun: "Zhang Qing and Zhang Yun, at first I was afraid that you wouldn’t get the hang of it! Who knows that if you meet someone who looks right, you will confirm the relationship soon. Even if the two are twins, you still need to find a pair of twins. Can you tell who is who in bed?"

"Screw you!"

Zhang Qing kicked it with a smile, and then transferred the flames of war to Ling Lingling, "Ling Lingling, the only girls in our team are the head wife and Xu Xiaoping who have left the singles. They are because they have too high vision. , It's good for you. It's finally hard to meet someone who dared to chase you, and was beaten and cried by you."


There was a burst of cheerful laughter on the dining table.

"My mother is so mighty, are you afraid that no one will chase it? I just don't like soft eggs." Ling Lingling said with disdain.

"Who said Ling Lingling couldn't find someone? She has been accompanied by someone in recent months!"

Luo Kai broke the news, "I said Sister Lingling, you are really true. People have chased you for three years. No matter how you test your sincerity, it should be enough for so long! But these days you have never had time to contact us. , Shouldn't it be a secret certificate, go to the honeymoon!"

"Explain, explain honestly."

The crowd roared.

"Huh! Want you to control?"

Ling Lingling snorted proudly, but the female man who used the giant axe as a weapon was blushing that could not be concealed. It was obviously only a matter of time before it happened.

"Speaking of speaking, Shen Yunbing's temperament is becoming more and more outstanding. You usually don't show up and don't leak. Who knows that if you don't pay attention, you will become a legend. You are about to create a system like Xia Mengsi."

"Fan Xiaohai! You said that there are so many girls on the earth that you don’t like, so why go chasing the NPCs in God’s Domain! If you like it, you don’t speak it honestly, even if we hide it, we have to wait for this kind of thing. It’s only announced when there are too many. You said that others do this at the beginning. Is our team still afraid of such things?"

"Qiu Yong, you still said me, do you think you have several opportunities to follow Pangda to the Rune Master Guild for the purpose we don’t know? Does our team still lack runes? If you want any rune, someone will send it up obediently. She is clearly the female apprentice of Master Jia, who is greedy."

"I don't know if the boss's authority can liberate the countess, I don't know how many otaku will be ecstatic!"

"Speaking of liberation, I don't know that the goddess of ice and snow has been waiting for a long time!"

"The head's wife is here, are you drunk or tired of living?"

"Ah! Help! Brother Chen, take care of your wife! You want to revitalize your husband!"

"Cut! Brother Chen wants to have a husband, can we have only one head wife?"


The whole party lasted for more than ten hours. The dishes on the table were already eaten. The wine in God's Domain measured by amethyst coins did not know how much they drank. Everyone laughed and scolded each other happily, made fun of each other, and talked to each other. The scandals of each other.

I don't know how many times I drank all the wine in the glass, Han Chen smiled bitterly, "Why can't I get drunk anymore? Oh! It's fine to be drunk once."

However, everyone in this room is already drunk.

As he spoke, the atmosphere of the banquet finally became silent, and the members of the team cast their eyes on Han Chen, waiting for the final decision.

"Fine, there is always a banquet in the world, if the hearts are together, why do you care about the form?"

Han Chen opened the team channel, used his mind to call up the option of disbanding, and silently said "Yes", "The earthly team, just disband."

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