All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1183: Good and evil are rewarded

The idea of ​​the nameless is similar to that of Huaxia. The ancients of Huaxia emphasized the harmony between man and nature and the harmony between man and nature.

The so-called unity of man and nature is to understand nature and understand the rules.

But China’s harmonious coexistence means that you can’t pose any threat to me, otherwise if nature can harm me at any time, then that’s what harmony.

This is not a double standard, but a normal attitude.

Because human beings understand the laws of nature and obey the laws of nature, so that they can use the laws when they need them, or even violate them.

From the moment the mountain was set on fire, mankind has embarked on a path that goes against nature.

Understanding the rules of nature is not inconsistent with the use and confrontation of nature. The two are originally complementary and inseparable.

Overcoming opponents with absolute strength, this sentence is after all just an ideal, a goal.

To use this sentence in the world is natural, it is easier to wash and sleep.

"When I first saw you, you thought you were just a lucky guy. Relying on some information you knew in advance, you continued to seek benefits for yourself, but I found the power of gratitude in you."

The unknown person said to Han Chen, "Unlike the belief in what you want, the power of these gratitude is extremely pure, and more importantly, when the object of gratitude has nothing to ask for the person who is grateful, then those who are grateful for the body and soul Harmful things will be rejected."

When Han Chen heard this, he also called out a fluke in his heart.

At that time, after he had obtained the information, he only told others with a smooth idea.

Anyway, thinking that this information is no longer useful to me, since it is helpful to others, just give it to them, and I won't lose anything anyway.

Compliments and gratitude from others may satisfy his vanity, but he has nothing to ask for.

It is precisely because of this attitude of being at ease, that is more in line with the situation at the time.

"Since it can be harmless, why doesn't believe in God take this path?"

Obviously Wu Yuan also knows some inside stories.

"No one can fully perceive people's hearts, and no one can control their thoughts."

The nameless person said, "If you hold this kind of thought, and then collect the gratitude of others, the person who will be hurt in the end can only be yourself. I even suspect that the origin of the gods of the way of faith may come from this."

"If we talk about the origin, the gods who have no way of faith are in front, who knows the function of this power?" Wu Yuan disagrees.


Han Chen said in an affirmative tone, "When I am grateful enough, no matter what I want to do, I will get help. When I was in Jagged City, even if it was to destroy the three major forces, there would be countless people helping me, no matter what. How much losses they will suffer during this process, and every time I call on everyone to act together, I will get a lot of responses, so I am grateful that this kind of power exists even in the real world, that is, good people are rewarded.

The good people here are not morals, but people who have done good things. The saints do not care about their opinions, even if I have no idea of ​​serving everyone, or even just satisfying vanity, but as long as I do things that are good for everyone , Let everyone really benefit, then I am a good person.

Of course, in the real world there are many examples of good people failing to pay well. There are a lot of news in the news, and there are many examples of farmers and snakes in the real world.

But the good person here refers to the good person in spirit.

Parents in the world love their children, so they are also good people, but the parents who have been hurt by their children are countless. The reason why filial sons are respected is because they are too scarce and because they value their hearts too much. I thought that as long as I was for the good of my children, I would definitely be able to get good results.

But there are more examples of good intentions doing bad things. If you teach your children badly, then don't use your kindness as an excuse for prevarication.

In fact, no one cares what you think in your heart, and the world will not repay your kindness. Only your actions are rewarded, not your heart.

This is, the ancients said that good and evil are rewarded. "

"You said this, are you not afraid of having an impact on this little girl next to you?" The unknown person laughed.

Sometimes people with inexperiences who know too much about high-level things will only suffer.

"She won't." Han Chen said firmly.

Wu Yuan has always been a person who does whatever she wants. She will not deliberately do good for good, nor will she deliberately hurt others for herself.

Although in God's Realm where monsters are spawned and leveled as the mainstay, such a statement seems a bit hypocritical.

But the essence of human beings is a hypocritical creature.

Don't think this statement is excessive, sometimes hypocrisy is not a derogatory term.

She will not do good deeds just because she knows that good and evil are rewarded, nor will she do bad deeds just because she knows that good and evil are rewarded, just do whatever she wants.

The saint does what he wants and does not overstep the rules, she is actually very close by nature, but even if there is some distance, she will not pursue it.

"I called you over this time. I actually want to thank you. Unfortunately, I can't give any decent thanks." The nameless person said, "We have already understood what you did in the chaotic sea of ​​stars. In fact, what I am most grateful for is that you did not deny the role of faith, but instead used faith as a tool."

Han Chen said: "The Night Demon suit is very helpful to me. I can do all of this because of the Night Demon suit worn on my body to have confidence."

"In that case, do what you should do!"

The unknown person waved his hand to let the two leave.

It was a whim to contact Han Chen through the induction of the Night Demon suit.

Come with joy and return with joy.

He wanted to see Han Chen, so he met.

I wanted to say something, so I said it.

After this meeting, it's time to separate.

There is no extra charge, no hope.

Just as he has no name, the name has no meaning to him.

Things that have no meaning do not exist for him.

After leaving the Night Demon Holy Land, Han Chen went to Dianxing Temple to meet the Lord of the Stars.

When the earth was facing the greatest danger, the Lord of the Stars stood up to help the earth, gave the earth a reasonable identity, and then protected them for three years. Even after the end of the three years, he has been selflessly helping the earth. For hope.

He is certainly not a truly selfless person, and he has his own purpose in helping the earth, but no matter what his purpose is, the earth owes him the favor it is difficult to repay.

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