All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1185: God is indifferent, depending on...

Why Han Chen has been reluctant to expose his congenital awakening. Even if he publishes some information on the Internet, he also publishes some information that he might see.

Whenever you reach a level, try to give others this level of things as much as possible.

But if it is knowledge beyond this level, even he is reluctant to expose it.

Even if it was to Wu Yuan, he didn't dare to say more.

Because he knows that human nature is the most untestable.

If he stabbed this knowledge out when he was still very weak, it would still be a trivial matter to be surpassed by others, and more importantly, would be feared and squeezed out.

Now that you can know some knowledge, then you can know more.

Since you know the way to get the purple outfit in advance, why not announce it?

You have gained an insight that transcends the times, why not give freely?

This is like some people who build roads for villages. Since you are willing to spend hundreds of thousands to build roads, why can't you spend more money to let everyone live a better life?

Human nature is originally a combination of light and darkness, and it is inherently complicated and contradictory.

Really smart people will not test human nature. They will hide the darkness of those around them, and influence others through themselves, so that they will only show their bright side.

This world does not pay attention to right and wrong, the adult world only has responsibility and choice.

If Han Chen exposed his congenital awakening at the very beginning, then he would definitely become the focus of the crowd, and then everyone would squeeze benefits from him as much as possible, and then take this as a matter of course, and those who oppose People will also be silent.

Such a choice may not be wrong for Han Chen, but he personally pushed countless people into the abyss of corruption, because such a **** will not end once it starts.

When people become robbers, there is no way to turn back.

Anyway, those who sacrifice are the interests of the few, and the majority are the ones who make it. Therefore, they will make excuses for themselves and then regard their actions as legitimate choices.

From the perspective of the rewards of good and evil that Han Chen had previously understood, then Han Chen has done the most evil thing with a kind mentality, which is to guide the darkness in others' hearts.

Fortunately, the person who was born awakened was Han Chen, a relatively selfish person. If he were replaced by a selfless hero, it would only become a tragedy, not just a tragedy for one person, but also a tragedy for the world.

Although the mind is the guide of behavior, in the real world, your thoughts and your actions often have nothing to do.

Some people who are dissatisfied with the world will reason with the world. Why should I be good for everyone, but everyone has to treat me like this.

Some people who build roads for the villagers will ask the villagers loudly, why I am doing good for you, this road can give you the opportunity to get rich, but you still want to get more from me.

But the real world won't make sense to you.

God is unkind and treats everything as a dog

Your thoughts are only important to yourself. God can't hear them, and they won't listen. You will only act according to the most basic and ruthless rules.

Therefore, good and evil from the human perspective will not be paid attention to, only feedback will be obtained.

Wu Yuan squeezed Han Chen's hand. For Han Chen's previous concealment, she would have a little temper in the beginning, but in the end she would choose to accept it. As she witnessed so many things, she has been able to truly understand Han Chen.

Sometimes, whether human nature is good or evil, it depends on what you want to see.

"In the face of everyone’s pressure, I thought about compromise at first, because if I just fight, then I will be greeted with a shattered end. Even if it’s resurrected, I will still be the object of being excluded and suppressed. If you want to emerge in this world, it will become an alien in everyone's eyes.

However, the choice of compromise may be right, but it is not my favorite.

In fact, I have never thought about what I like and what I want. I just obey this so-called rule of the weak and the strong. I just abide by this unchanging truth. .

But that kind of special feeling made me intoxicated. After struggling with pain, I found that among the dilemma of choices, I was even more inclined to fight.

So, I gave up the principle of pursuing interests that I had always followed in the past, and started to think seriously about what I wanted, and started to pursue what I really liked. "

Hearing this, Han Chen also had some admiration in his heart.

If he is willing to guard China because he grew up in China and has been protected by China, then the Lord of the Stars is truly fighting for his own heart.

Maybe he lacks some family and country feelings, but without any support, he can make such a determination, which also requires great courage.

It was Han Chen himself, giving up everything he insisted on, and didn't know if he could do it.

"It's just that when I was determined to fight, Feng Yuexing gave up." The Star Master said.


Wu Yuan blurted out in surprise.

She couldn't understand that Fengyuxing wanted to fight against such an environment, so the Lord of the Stars would gamble everything to help them.

However, why would they choose to give up.

Han Chen was also very surprised, he couldn't understand.

"Wind and rain star, this civilization is also a very good civilization. They have performed very well in all aspects. At the beginning, when facing the difficulties of God's Domain, they chose forbearance. They chose to pretend to yield until they accumulated enough The power of the eruption broke out.

When they broke out, they already had three myths, which were true myths, and I thought that everything I was looking forward to was finally able to see the results.

They must use their wisdom and courage to open up a space for themselves, create a future for Fengyuxing, and strive for a future for Fengyuxing. If their civilization is not suitable for God's Domain, then they will change God's Domain. Above, the idea is exactly the same as your earth.

However, they discovered one thing at this time, that is, all their actions are expected by God's Domain, and their actions are welcome to those powerful people.

No matter how hard they struggle and struggle, they are ultimately just pawns on the chessboard.

When they thought they could change the environment, they found a pair of eyes watching them in the sky, watching everything about them.

As a result, they were panicked, they collapsed, and those brave fighters lost their goal. They no longer knew what they were insisting on. "

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