All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1244: Three Santos

The first thousand two hundred and forty-four chapters three city masters

This is the reality of strength.

Young City Lord also took a few steps back. He didn't fully see how Dongfang Sulan died, but his back was wet.

He was extremely jealous of Han Chen. He had previously felt that under the name of Young City Lord, there would be no danger.

But Han Chen changed his pedantic idea.

Han Chen stepped forward, went to Director Hu, and said indifferently, "I promised to do the task for Tianyuan City and give me the Yuan Devil Pill."

This sentence is extremely rude.

However, Director Hu did not dare to say a word, and tried to squeeze a smile, and put both hands on it. Later, Han Chen chose a cave in this Tianyuan City, and then Director Hu respectfully left, and before leaving, he added In one sentence, "There is a generous gift next, which will be sent to the house later."

Han Chen waved people away.

He looked at the drop of black pill in his hand, this was the original magic pill. There is also an introduction later. It says that the Yuanmo Pill is refined from the special heaven and earth treasures of the ancient battlefield, which has the effect of washing the mortal and pure and divine.

Han Chen ate one and found that it was of no use to him, so he left the rest to Wu Yuan and the void elves.

According to Director Hu, it takes seven to forty-nine days before the effect appears, so Han Chen is not in a hurry.

After disposing of Wu Yuan and the void elves, Han Chen took out a storage bag with his backhand, wafting a faint fragrance.

It was Dongfang Sulan's storage bag that Han Chen picked up after all his busy schedule just now.

There are a hundred brilliant stones in the bag, which should be the sacred stone introduced by Director Hu. The sacred stone is an important trading item in the ancient battlefield, which is equivalent to the money on the earth. These sacred stones are all excavated from the sacred mine.

At present, Hehuan League and God's Domain Alliance are mainly competing for control of God Mine.

This hundred pieces of sacred stone is a huge sum of money, and it seems that the family behind Dongfang Sulan is also quite substantial.

There were also some feminine items inside, and Han Chen turned it over and only shouted bad luck.

After finishing everything, there is an old pill and a wine-red box inside.

This pill is clearly written, and it is helpful to the form of mythology. The Shenyuan Pill is specially made from ancient battlefield magical grass and various auxiliary medicines. It improves the cultivation of mythological form. effect.

The above language is still ancient text, and Han Chen only completed the translation through the watch of the Alliance of Gods.

In addition, the burgundy box would not be opened by Han Chen at half past one, but there could be sounds like a clock swinging countdown, which made people feel curious.

I was in a daze for a while, as if I saw a bomb in the civilization of the earth.

Let Han Chen feel naive, how can he be afraid of bombs with his current cultivation base?

Since coming to this ancient battlefield, Han Chen has not had a good rest. After Han Chenqing finished the spoils, he fell asleep.

But in the entire Tianyuan City, because of Han Chen's arrival, there was a feeling of wind and rain eager to come to the city and destroy it.

Even ordinary people felt the anxiety from Young City Lord.

Tianyuan city main city, city main mansion.

As soon as the young city lord came back, he was ready to retreat to practice, but he never wanted to be summoned to the old city lord by the housekeeper immediately.

He walked into the old castle that the old city master could not get out of. This was a stone room with only one bed, one chair, one table, one pill furnace, and nothing else.

Obviously, the old city lord is an ascetic cultivator.

"Are you out to make trouble again?" Without seeing the Old City Lord, a sigh of hatred for iron and steel suddenly came from the secret.

"This young master didn't cause trouble, it's really that the new human race monk was too arrogant." Young city lord Shangguan Yuhui was too hard, and this time he lost face to grandma's house. Originally thinking of bullying and bullying the novice, others directly squeezed a follower in the form of a myth, making him tremble.

"Huh, I don't know what happened to Tianyuan City, and punished you to retreat for ten years. Go." The Old City Lord's voice came from the secret, but he never showed up.

The Young City Lord was shocked, but he stopped talking and retreated.

"This person's cultivation is really strange and weird. As an eternal existence in the form of a secret mythology, I can't understand what weapon this person finally uses, so I blow Dongfang Sulan." In the secret, one person Speaking, but the voice seems to be different from the voice just now.

"We have recently received a lot of text messages about this son. They are all from the ignorant old folks of God's Domain Civilization. Some of them say that Han Chen is a demon. Don't contact him. Some people say Han Chen Chen is a friend of our ancestors. He must be a good wine and meat treat. What kind of person is he? How should we face it." At this time the third person's voice rang.

"Kill," the first person said simply.

"Hmph, old blame, you know about killing. But I still want to take this person away, so that the three of us don't have to exist like people and ghosts. He is at the same level of physical body. 3 to 4 times as much. Besides, isn't our so-called choice of less city lord for choosing the right body?" said the second person.

"Huh, the current enemy is still Hehuan League after all. As long as this son is not a spy of the Hehuan League, we can use it with confidence." The voice of the old city lord remembered.

The final word.

Even so, who can guess the mind of the first person and the second person clearly.

Han Chen fell asleep until noon the next day. He was woken up by the manager Hu’s butler. Han Chen made a temporary formation outside last night and opened it when he heard the sound transmission talisman. He walked in and put down things like a butler. , He confessed and left.

There were thirty sacred stones as well as some mythological practice experience, which greatly improved Han Chen's favor with him.

It seems that the forces of all parties in Tianyuan City are beginning to surge.

Director Hu seems to want to support his side.

Han Chen has no intention of fighting for fame and fortune, otherwise how can he let the old guys of the Gods' Domain Alliance ignore?

At the moment, it is still necessary to find out the five internal organs, five bodies and ten hiding places of the Xuanwu ancestor as soon as possible. With his help, Han Chen can enter the eternal state to be able to be sure.

Han Chen currently has only one cultivation method, which is the ancestral heart method provided by the ancestor Xuanwu. You must go to some special places to practice, otherwise the speed of cultivation will be greatly restricted.

But if you want to find the five internal organs, you have to wait for Huang Mengmeng to wake up, and every once in a while, Han Chen has to give medicine to Wu Yuan and the void elves.

"It seems that we need to stay in Tianyuan City for a while." Han Chen thought.

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