All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1249: Team formation

The first thousand two hundred and forty-nine chapters are formed

Jin Pangli was very excited and accepted Han Chen’s statement, so Jin Pangli said, “I’m willing to find fellow Daoist Han, no, Captain Han. Most of them are ascetic monks who practice like Jin. The acquaintance time is not short. Although their cultivation level is not high, there is absolutely no problem with loyalty to you."

Han Chen nodded and asked Jin Pang to leave to look for them, and gave his temporary captain's waist card to the opponent to avoid being bullied by other teams.

After finishing all this, Han Chen turned his head to look at this Chief Hu, and said, "I'm negligent."

"Where is it." Director Hu said quickly and perfunctorily.

"Where are the sacred mines of these four major families?" Han Chen said.

"Huh?" Director Hu was a little confused, what does this guy mean? This sting is too fierce, it makes him a little unacceptable.

What Han Chen meant was that he wanted to engage in the sacred mine of the four major families?

You must know that the sacred mine is an important resource in the ancient battlefield, and soldiers must compete.

It is also the lifeblood of the four major families, controlling the sacred mine is equivalent to controlling a large group of cultivators.

But as soon as Han Chen came to Tianyuan City, he inquired about the location of the sacred mines of the four major families. Is this going to be robbed?

"Don't be nervous, I just ask casually, I will never rob the sacred mine." Han Chen said calmly.

He said no, but how would others know it?

"Oh, that's it," Director Hu was heartbroken. If you say no to robbery, then it must be robbery.

What to do then

Among the four major families, the Hu family’s opponent is the Feng Hai family. This family originally took away two sacred mines and three sacred mines from their Hu family.

Of course, the Feng Hai family can't be blamed. This is because the Hu family is getting weaker and weaker. The ranking of the four major families is already at the bottom, and it is still falling.

Had it not been for a Supreme Elder in the family who was a strong eternal realm, the other three families had already conspired to divide his Hu family.

And even though the Hu family controlled the Guards, the other three major families planted a lot of captains in to gather loose repairs, so that the Hu family became an empty shelf.

Thinking about it this way, Director Hu didn't have to hide it. Using the space talisman, he made a space barrier so that others could not listen to what they were saying. Unless someone with a higher level than Director Hu broke it forcibly, they would not be able to listen.

Director Hu then told Han Chen the location of Feng Hai’s six major mines and several small ones, and told Han Chen, “Although Feng Hai’s surface strength is only the third of the four major families, its ambition is not small. I am afraid that the strength is already very close to the second-ranked Hong family. As for the Guluo family to control Tianyuan City for ten thousand years, Feng Hai knows how to manage and has an excellent relationship with the Guluo family. The family nibbles open one eye and close the other."

"It's a hard bone." Han Chen said inadvertently.

"Well, you must not pay attention to those sacred mines. Although every sacred mine does not have an eternal state, there will be some strong men who are at the top level in mythological form. Some big mines have more than one top level. Strong in mythological form. So you have to be extremely careful." Director Hu reminded him very intimately.

Han Chen learned about some auction information held by the Feng Hai family, and learned about the power composition of the Feng Hai family, as well as some casual repairs that he solicited.

After a while, he left the space, just as Jin Pangli came back, and Director Hu took the time to retire in a hurry.

Seeing Director Hu's unmannered retreat, the daoists who had already heard Jin Pang's hustle and bustle of Han Chen's sky just now were once again stunned.

They were thinking in their hearts, it seemed that all of this was true.

"Presumably you have all heard that I come from God's Domain Civilization. Some of you should have heard of the name Han Chen." Han Chen took a sip of spiritual tea and said.

"Could it be that you are the Han Chen that the family said?" Just when the eight of them didn't know why, one of them suddenly plucked up the courage to ask.

"If your family says Han Chen is a demon, then it means me." Han Chen smiled slightly.

"Ah, how do you know?" This person became more embarrassed now. This person was called Xu Xiaoyou, the Xu family of God's Domain Civilization. The news received this time was heard through other big families.

At this time, other people also talked about it, and now they knew who their captain was.

That is the enemy's demon, his own good teammate.

"Next to Xu Xiaoyou."

"I am a native, wasp."

"Next Zhao Feiwu."

"Under Sun Xue."


Eight people introduced themselves one by one. Han Chen glanced at it. The tallest of these people was Sun Xue, who possessed intermediate strength in the form of mythology, and was beautiful, but unfortunately she couldn't see the face, she wore a veil to prevent peeping and couldn't see the lineup.

The rest are low-level mythological forms, just like Han Chen.

However, Han Chen had a hunch that the bottleneck of his cultivation base might loosen, as long as he had the assistance of the Shenyuan Pill, he could break through soon.

Because of the newly promoted squad leader, Han Chen asked Jin Pangli to go to Director Hu to change to a new Dongfu. The magical power of this Dongfu was stronger than before.

Meet the training needs of the nine-person team.

By the way, also received the team's team benefits.

"Everyone discusses the name and thinks that it is Han Chen team, then Han Chen team... Since I have a foreboding that the breakthrough of the bottleneck is imminent, I need these three Shenyuan Pills, and the remaining 30 Shenyuan Stones will be evenly divided by the eight of you. Well, although it is relatively small, when I break through, I will lose one third of the reward distribution for the next three tasks."

Han Chen looked at the thirty divine stones and three divine essence pills in front of him and said.

The other eight people heard that Han Chen had been allocated in this way, and they felt that it was reasonable. Most of them stayed in the current level for a long time, and they were not in a hurry to be promoted. Moreover, the stronger the captain was, it was good for them.

However, Han Chen promised to make a profit in the follow-up task reward distribution, but the rest of the people did not expect it.

He couldn't help but recognized Han Chen a little bit.

"By the way, Captain Han, this rookie's debut mission must be completed within three years, otherwise the team may be disqualified." Jin Pangli reminded.

"Well, I will work hard to break through the bottleneck, break through in two years, and complete the rookie debut mission in the third year!"

Due to the fact that the Sea Lord Slashing Squad was deflated, and some short messages from the God's Domain Civilization Family came out, Tianyuan City seemed to have approved Han Chen's existence overnight, so naturally no one came out to provoke.

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