All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1261: Huang Mengmeng's magical powers

Chapter 1261 Huang Mengmeng's supernatural powers

Feng Sen’s huge roars continued, the gray cloud and the divine thunderstorm dragon pressed towards Han Chen, but the moment they touched Han Chen, these water dragons broke in half and dispersed in mid-air. Then, the thunder attribute divinity contained in it has been wiped out at all.

"Don't you know that cultivating the Asura secret method will become the enemy of the entire ancient battlefield?" Feng Sen showed an expression of disbelief. Knowing the moment of the attack just now, seeing the opponent's divine nature devouring characteristics completely awakened him Legends heard.

Shura represents the secret technique of the Shura family!

For the enemy of the entire ancient battlefield.

At this time, it appeared on Han Chen.

Is this just to get through the iron shoes and find no place to find it without any effort?

As long as he cleans up this person and submits it to God's Domain Alliance from Tianyuan City, then he will receive a considerable reward.

Will also get priority in the next promotion.

"Noisy." After Han Chen absorbed the thunderstorm attribute in the gray cloud, he passed the gray cloud directly, because there was no divine support inside, Han Chen completely treated it as an ordinary cloud layer.

"I showed it so generously in front of you, I didn't let you escape!"

Without saying a word, Han Chen flew towards the sky, and the sky instantly turned into a huge black sphere. The black sphere quickly spread around Han Chen.

This is for Huang Mengmeng to show the power to block the sky, lock this place, and let them cut off all communication and information transmission.

"No, I can't contact the outside world!"

"What! My spiritual power can't be transmitted."

"This whole piece of black, have we entered a different world?" At this time, the nine people who presided over the big formation were shocked and unspeakable.

They used to be hunters, but now they are the prey of others...

"I can't tear the space..." Feng Sen's face is very ugly, and he feels extremely uncomfortable. He hates Han Chen even more. "Huh, we have ten people here, and you are just a mid-mythical person. , Don't want to rush out from me, I don't believe that ten people can't kill you with me, you should die!"

"go to hell!"

Han Chen saw Huang Mengmeng easily seal off the space and was so airtight that he secretly encouraged him by sound transmission.

But secretly let Huang Mengmeng lie in ambush in the void.

Han Chen also wanted to try his limit.

"Tianyuan Soul Locking Formation! Lock!" Feng Sen hurriedly urged his men to send out this shock!

A terrifying coercion came from the nine pillars, with different degrees of sea power shining on them, converging in the sky to become a new dungeon.

"Attack!" Following Feng Sen's order, the sea water in the sky gathered into eight giant dragons, and the giant dragons skyrocketed, making a loud noise, rubbing the air and hovering down.


Han Chen snorted, and the mythological form behind him became more solid, and the mysterious skull on it showed a bloodthirsty smell.


Han Chen's twelve black gold wings flapped, forming a black gold fist with a mysterious aura enveloping it. Although it was small, the momentum toward the giant dragon was not weak at all.

Boom boom.

The two forces slammed into each other fiercely. The sea dragons bit their black fists one after another, but they seemed to have broken their teeth. The dragon screamed strangely, and the divinity in the body was quickly consumed and changed. Become an ordinary dragon.

Feng Sen looked at the Eight Dragon Soul Locking Array in front of him, and was destroyed by Han Chen's relaxed punch. He was very surprised, and unconsciously wanted to look at it more.

Unexpectedly, soon, the black gold light flashed in the sea water, bursting the whole sea water in an instant, and a huge black gold angel with twelve wings came out from the sea water, and the skull on his head was even more frightening.


Han Chen trembled twelve black gold wings once again, and the black gold wings had already distributed some mysterious aura at this moment, crossing Feng Sen in front of him at high speed for cutting.

Feng Sen was also ruthless. Seeing that he was careless, he immediately threw out the treasure in his hand, and the blue light flashed.

That Han Chen's twelve black gold wings turned into a high-speed cutting machine, strangling Feng Sen. There was a blood dance in front of him, and a large amount of blood appeared. The Feng Sen in front of him suddenly became several segments, and his whole body was broken. , No piece is complete.

It's not miserable.

Looking at the battle in the sky below, the other nine people felt unconscious for a while, but no one dared to move without Feng Sen's order.

Now Feng Sen was directly chopped up by Han Chen, and the big formation couldn't help but sway, because without a host, they could easily be divided and killed by the enemy.

They are so depressed. Considering that I don't have any deep hatred with Han Chen, I think Han Chen will let them go.

"Friend Dao Han..." Before the name was called out, I suddenly saw a white light falling from a distance of several kilometers from Han Chen, and a blue ball fell from it. The basketball unfolded and turned into a The man with red lips and white teeth, who is not Feng Sen?

"It's dangerous. Fortunately, when I came out, the young patriarch gave me this secret treasure." Feng Sen thought with lingering fear.

"Substitute technique?" Han Chen whispered the name, revealing a hint of surprise, but it was only a hint.

It is really that Feng Sen is a bit weird, and he even completed the magic weapon in such a short time.

It is a pity that I met him Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng today.

"Why, don't you run away?" Han Chen suddenly laughed.

"You..." Feng Hai has a feeling of wanting to vomit blood, this person is too arrogant. Now there is only one person, dare to say this to the entire law enforcement team of ten people in front.

Of course, it was not that Feng Sen didn't want to escape, but because this place was weird. According to the function of this magic weapon, he could have been able to travel through the void to a place a hundred kilometers away, but now it has only been transmitted more than ten kilometers.

It can be seen that he is still in a place prohibited by the opponent's space.

When I thought about it, I was afraid.

This person in front of you is too powerful.

If I knew this, I wouldn't wade in this muddy water.

"How about, let's make a deal. We are willing to give you a lot of sacred stones, as if nothing happened to us today, and we will not pursue you any more afterwards, how about it?" Feng Sen really has no choice, this Only then asked with a pleased expression.

"Hmph, today is either you die or I live. I have opened up such a battle. If you want to leave, don't even think about it!"

Han Chen now singles out a full-strength law enforcement team, and how many people will be frightened if such deeds spread.

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