All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1273: Dragon Court Decree

Everything turned into dust.

Instantly wrapped the elders of the Tulong clan, making them an isolated island on this cliff.

"No, hurry up, if they cut the entire section of our cliff, we will fall into the cliff and face the white demon directly!"

The man in the Taoist robe was shocked. Are all these white mists instigated by others? There is such an IQ.

It seems that there is only one possibility, and that is that the white demon below has already taken control of this area.

You were a genius ten thousand years ago, and you didn't expect that ten thousand years later, you would be able to do a lot of things in such a harsh environment.

However, it was absolutely impossible for you to rebel against Longting and want to reincarnate!

"Suppress me!"

Talking about the man in the Taoist robe, he excited the energy of the whole body, and the divine power disappeared crazily.

At the same time, the man in the Taoist robe released a golden decree in his hand.

"What, you brought Long Ting's decree here!" The patriarch was very knowledgeable, and when he saw this golden thing, he was deeply shocked.

"This thing is used in the heavenly grounds, will it stimulate those old monsters?" A surprise flashed across the old face of the Tuyan tribe.

"No, because this is a fake. If it is really the Dragon Court decree, I believe that as soon as it comes out, you will become a soul, and the white demon in the ground will be obediently called the Dragon King. However, this Although it is fake and defective, this decree is true and effective!"


"Fengtian, Long Huang Zhao said!"

"Eternity is destroyed, and the remnant soul is purified!"

In an instant, the decree radiated tens of thousands of rays of light, and a ray of light rushed straight into the sky, and even people from far away could see this light.

Here is the horror of the Dragon Emperor's decree.

As the golden light shone on the white haze, all areas of that area became transparent.

Many evil spirits watched their bodies being penetrated by golden light, showing a dazed expression.

Then there was a knowing smile on his face, which quickly dissipated directly into the void.

"Who dares not follow the decree!"

Many Tulong people bowed down looking at the decree.

This scene deeply shocked them.

That is the response from the **** of their faith.

At this time, the horizon rushed out several powerful powers that only people in the top and peak state of the mythical form could radiate.

"Turn dragons do things, idle people, etc., please don't interfere."

The people who ran around and thought it was the birth of a strange treasure scattered one after another, shocked in their hearts. The Tulong tribe is a race that claims to have the existence of strong eternal realm.

They dare not touch the mold.

Thousands of miles away.

However, after retreating to thousands of miles, he chose to watch.

If they find the treasure of their hearts, they will still come over to fight for it without any scruples.

Han Chen felt the chaos of the white mist in the void, and Han Chen estimated that two full days had passed.

During the period, the middle-ranked Sun Xue woke up first, but Han Chen directly said to her, "What happened here is not something you can fight against. I will send you to a safe place now, and you will help me watch Let’s take a look at the other team members. After they recover, you can go directly to the last mission point, but you can only inquire about the news. Don’t act without authorization. From this mission, many of these missions near the border are hidden. Of risk!"

Come on, Han Chen asked Huang Mengmeng to send people out of space.

Han Chen meditated for a while before returning to his peak. Just as Huang Mengmeng came back, the two instantly tore up the space and jumped out from here.

The white mist outside the space seemed to be a bit more grumpy than before.


Two unwilling beast roars that penetrated the soul came from the cliff, and both Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng felt a dull pain in their heads.

"This is an old monster in the eternal realm!" Han Chen groaned.

If there were such old monsters, it would be difficult for Han Chen and the others to want the benefits.

And the ancestor of the robe also made Han Chen feel uneasy.

Through the white mist, Han Chen saw a vaguely white long strip of mythical creature in the sky. Nine dark chains emerged all over his body, constantly pulling, but the white creature was not afraid at all. Fighting with that dragon palace is inextricably fought, the glow of light is immense, weapons, beasts roar, colorful roars from the battle group.

The shock caused Han Chen and others' brains to buzz.

Is this the eternal state? The mountains and rivers are broken, the earth is shaking!

What a horror!

The cliff near Han Chen quickly collapsed like a mudslide. With Huang Mengmeng's spatial talent, Han Chen could safely shuttle, otherwise it would be troublesome to deal with it, and he had to hide his breath.

"Can you still feel the call?" Han Chen asked.

"Yes, but it's not the white demon in the sky. That breath is still deep in the cliff." Huang Mengmeng showed a strange look.

Because although he could sense that special connection, it didn't seem to be the soul connection that came out of life.

However, no matter what, they took advantage of the full firepower above, and now it is all right to enter the bottom of the cliff to explore.

Although to the people outside, the white mist can kill them, to Han Chen, the white mysterious aura inside is simply giving experience.

If it wasn't for fear of exposure, Han Chen could turn into a streamer and explore treasures while practicing.


Above the cliff, the inside has been sealed by golden light, and it is difficult for people outside to see what happened here.

To outsiders, they only saw a huge golden palace suddenly appeared here. This palace seemed very spiritual and looked like a strange treasure.

So they have been observing.

See if there is a chance to go in and fish.

It's a pity that they found it impossible to get in.

Golden light flooded the entire Dragon Palace, covering all the creatures in it, including the earth dragons and the white demon.

"Brother, I didn't expect to see you in many years, you have become like this." The man in the robes was still shrouded in the robes, and he made a strange noise while speaking.

"Hehe, thanks to you. Now that I have refined the core energy of the formation that you left behind, you must not have thought of it. I told you that today is the day when I get out of trouble! After getting out of trouble, I want to let you ten times , Repay a hundredfold for the sins you committed to me back then!"

The long white demon said frantically, it seemed that this was just its incarnation.

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