All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1276: Eternal Strike

Han Chen was relatively calm, because he could feel the giant dragon in front of him, the look was abnormal, and the soul power was far less shocking than the first time he felt.

With his own ability, he can still be in front of this soul dragon.

However, the fact that the other party can live for so long in the weird aura shows that the other party is also very unusual for this aura.

While thinking about it, Han Chen released his mythical form, with twelve black gold wings behind him, and the skull on his head also appeared.

The black gold wings flapped behind him.

Pull Huang Mengmeng directly to avoid the giant claws of the dragon!

Hula la, that claw came down, directly tore open the void, and the terrifying energy fluctuations instantly smashed the bottom of the cliff!

Han Chen flapped his wings once again, with nine dazzling stars shining on it, and took out the God Killing Axe in his hand, secretly letting Huang Mengmeng hide in the void.

"The fireflies, dare to compete with the sun and the moon!"


The white dragon wagging its tail, the horrible energy ripples, and the trembling void, rolled up monstrous dust.

Han Chen avoided again. At the same time, Han Chen carried the God-killing Axe and slashed his tail severely, bursting out countless sparks.

The arms holding the God Killing Axe were already weak.

"Broken!" Han Chen could feel the iron-hard scales, which was really shocking.

Is this the power of the eternal state? The soul body is also indestructible!

Han Chen has not yet reacted to the surging physical ability of the dragon, and the dragon wobbles its tail. The dragon swept Han Chen's waist, and Han Chen only felt that his waist had a huge force.

The internal organs must be shifted.

If it weren't for Han Chen to slightly move his dantian's position in the end, otherwise the entire dantian's divinity would be scattered by the opponent.

"Give back my love!"

The dragon's eyes were red, and before Han Chen stood up, a huge white fire spouted from his mouth.

The temperature of the fire was as high as thousands of degrees, which made Han Chen's spirit suddenly sluggish, and his whole body was burnt completely, revealing a golden flesh!

The dragon had lost his reason and rushed into the flames, and the five claws that could tear the void grabbed Han Chen's head!

If this strike hits, Han Chen is very likely to die in an instant.

The eternal realm powerhouse beheads the cultivator of the mythological form level, it is simply cutting the watermelon!

The eternal realm powerhouse is really too strong.


At this time, a roar came out of the white dragon's forehead, and an earth-yellow ball of light appeared above its head. This ball of light was very huge.

Then he fell fiercely towards the dragon.

The blood-red eyes of the dragon seemed to have completely lost his reason, where there was no time to think, and he wanted to kill Han Chen.

The earthy yellow ball of light exuded a weird aura and hit the white dragon!


Sparks shot out from the earthy-yellow light ball, and hit Bailong's forehead like a blunt weapon.

But the Juli, who didn't know where it came from, directly exploded the head of a white dragon.

The dragon wailed a few times and fell to the ground.

Han Chen was panting, and suddenly a dark ball floated out of his body, the one that Han Chen found in the dragon's nest just now.

The orb flickered, and the whole body fell off and turned into a golden ball of light. With a squeak, it fell to the side of the white dragon!

At this moment, the earth-yellow light ball aura instantly wilted, revealing Huang Mengmeng's figure, Huang Mengmeng said weakly, "Han Chen, this is what I owe you, and I will give it back to you. I can't do it. I need to cultivate for a while."

"Are you soul damaged?" Han Chen had a kind of survivor's luck. If it weren't for Huang Mengmeng, it would really be possible to explain here today.

"Because this dragon is too strong, I swallowed the mysterious aura that had not been refined just now, and directly absorbed it into the dantian, and got a blow from the eternal realm strong, but now my dantian and meridians have suffered greatly. Destroyed, I had to sleep for a while." Huang Mengmeng's speech became weaker and weaker.

It was also at this moment that a white light flowed out of Huang Mengmeng's body, also looking very wilted, but still desperately rushed to the white dragon.

The white dragon's forehead and the inverted scales on its neck were hit by Huang Mengmeng's hard work, and the white dragon was also on the verge of extinction.

Now Han Chen only needs to make a single move to destroy the dragon's soul, and the crisis here is completely lifted.

"Please, don't kill him! I and he will be slaves to you for generations to come!"

Han Chen's heart moved, if he really had such a spiritual pet, it would be good, equivalent to an eternal combat power.

"Then you hand over your soul blood." Han Chen said.

"No, your soul control technique is of no use to us. I will teach you a soul master-servant contract, which is also helpful to me and other spirits." The woman who suddenly rushed out said.

"Are you Qi Ling?" Han Chen showed a strange look.

"Yes, the one in your hand is a stellar device, which can break through the boundary between the Heavenly Court and the Dragon Court. It is an ancient artifact that even the Dragon Emperor and the Emperor of Heaven are more concerned about! I am the spirit inside. You are willing to accept us as servants, and I am willing to tell you how I know how to conquer this stellar machine in exchange!

The spirit woman said.

With a move in Han Chen's heart, he asked the other party to rub the master-servant contract on the jade slip. Han Chen studied it for a while and felt that this set of master-servant contract was indeed much better than the previous soul control technique.

And after Han Chen researched it, he found that there were no loopholes, so Han Chen agreed to sign a master-servant contract with the other party.

"This is our soul crystal!" The spirit woman and the white dragon dedicated their soul crystals one after another.

Han Chen received these two soul crystals, dripped his blood in them, and soon the soul contract was realized.

Han Chen could feel the aura and life state of these two creatures in his head, and it seemed that there was a switch in it. If Han Chen wanted them to die, they would die immediately.

"Well, I won't treat you badly. After you have been my servants for ten thousand years, I will return you free. How?" Han Chen said.

"So, thank you, Master. The goose under the snow is the spirit of the ancient artifact. This is my husband, Ao Bai, of the dragon clan." After a brief introduction, the woman claiming to be Xueyan kept supporting Ao Bai. Speak.

"These are some healing medicines, you see if they are useful." Han Chen took out some medicines accumulated from the civilization of God's Domain.

"No, these medicines have no divine nature and cannot be repaired at all. The master knows where these secret breaths exist? We can use the secret breaths to repair it. Although it will hurt the body, it will enhance the coagulation of our body and make us more Powerful." Xue Yan said sincerely.

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