All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1281: accident

"Eternal Realm!" Han Chen showed a devilish expression.

"No, this is a pseudo-eternal state." At this moment, Han Chen suddenly thought of Ao Bai's voice, "This was forcibly stimulated with a pill. His soul and body have not experienced the baptism of thunder. The King Kong to our eternal state is not bad."

"Oh, it turned out to be like this. But his breath is still terrifying, plus this difficult venom." Han Chen showed a solemn touch.

"Poison Dragon Diamond!" The general raised his hand and separated part of the venom on his body, condensing a huge venom spray.

Han Chen hurriedly flickered and avoided, slammed in place, filled with venom, and the venom immediately corroded the ground out of a huge pit.

On the battlefield, due to the delay at this moment, Jin Pangli and the others only had time to kill one or two of them. The remaining 16 people from the other party had all eaten the Blood Demon Pill.

Crazy energy surged, these people were only the first level of mythological form, and now most of them have been promoted to the middle level.

Even two of them directly rose to the middle level of mythological form.

There were more opponents than themselves, and Jin Pangli, Wu Yuan, Sun Xue and others were all caught up in a bitter battle, feeling overwhelmed.

When have they seen this battle?

But fortunately, they have all eaten the Poison Pill, so their cultivation is still not affected by the other party.

However, Zhao Feiwu still felt a slight numbness, so he added a detoxification pill, and everyone felt quite concerned.

"Well, do you want to watch your teammates lose one by one, or should they die together first?"

The general in front of him used his body's venom characteristics to frequently attack Han Chen.

Han Chen felt a little anxious.

Secretly speaking, the space here is too small, we gathered in a group and attacked the five people behind, and we must pull them to an empty place.

Stay here, Han Chen, I will block the attack of this general venom monster for you!

While talking, the rest of the team knew that Han Chen was about to capture the thief first.

Wu Yuan said, "You have to be careful!"

They suddenly joined the attack on the back together with the team members. The five guarding behind didn't know why they suddenly attacked themselves, and they were defeated in an instant.

Although some captains yelled loudly, it was still useless.

Sun Xue and others used their housekeeping skills.

Soon they fought and retreated, and walked straight out of the cave.

"You are still quite brave, but you are able to take on my attacks so many times. Do I remember a girl who used Feng Hai's exercises just now? He is from Feng Hai's?" The general said leisurely.

Under the control of the general, Han Chen's medium-level cultivation base in mythological form is not enough to see!

He is already in myth form!

"What about it? What about it?" Although Han Chen was a little impatient, Ao Bai in the Stellar wanted to show it.

Because he absorbed all the mysterious aura left from the previous seal land, he felt that his strength had increased a bit.

Han Chen kept keeping him still.

When it was said that it was too late, the general seemed to be dissatisfied with Han Chen's reply and shouted sharply, "The game is over! That girl, then I will save it and wait for the soul search!"

The mythological venom wolf suddenly swelled a little, and shouted, "Poisonous!"

With a crash, a huge venom barrier appeared in front of him. After this venom came out, the whole cave was cut into two directly. It seemed that the other party was very tired of Han Chen's evasion. A horizontal push came directly.

But Han Chen showed a weird smile. Quietly released a ray of light into the space.

At the same time, Han Chen quickly opened up the mythical form, with twelve black gold wings, shining, and tightly wrapped around him.

"Die! You have nowhere to go this time! Accept my venom to swallow your whole body!"

While he was speaking, he felt a strong energy fluctuation, which came from behind him. When he looked back, he saw a seven-colored bead floating towards him.

The venom beads could not be touched, but it had already arrived. Hit his forehead!


A huge thunder light shot out from inside!

"Damn it, this is the Seven-Color Thunder Tribulation! How come there is a Thunder Tribulation here?"

The intense light completely swallowed the entire cave, and the intense light directly overturned the restrictions of the cave, soaring to the sky, directly exploding a small colander like a patio.

Even the two sides fighting with each other outside the cave paused.

The players on Han Chen's side knew in their hearts that Han Chen must have made the shot.

The unidentified Hehuan Allied Army showed a trace of panic. Sun Xue saw the other's panic look. An ice crystal purgatory directly killed him, and the soul that was about to leave was quickly wiped out by Sun Xue's eyes.

The people nearby were too late to come to rescue, so they could only collect the teammate's storage bag away.

However, Sun Xue also began to appear unstable, and most of her mana had been consumed. Obviously, that move just now had exhausted most of her mana.

Sun Xue also looked at Han Chen, with a smile on her face.

Sure enough, I saw that Inoue took the lead in flying out that day, it was Han Chen.

You must know that these seven-color beads were condensed from the seven-color thunder tribulation, and their power is naturally not doubted, but they are a little worried that they will directly blow the person to death, and they will not be able to get the other party's storage bag.

Just now I saw that the other party had created a 10,000-poison barrier, which was equivalent to giving Han Chen some protection in disguise. Naturally, Han Chen would not let this opportunity go, and directly gave the other party a seven-color thunderball.

The effect is immediately obvious.

In the ruin, the venom of the general's body had already evaporated in the thunder light, and no part of his body was intact, and the breath had disappeared.

Seeing the timing on his forehead, he quickly escaped by the mist.

I never thought that there was a man hidden in the direction I escaped. I saw that the man was handsome and handsome, dressed in white!

"Eternal Realm!"

No wonder that Han Chen is so calm, it turns out that the other party has the protection of the family elders, and he is a powerhouse in the eternal realm!

The general didn't even have a chance to say hello, so he was slapped and fainted by Ao Bai. He took it and gave it to Han Chen.

Han Chen imposed dozens of restrictions on this general, because the opponent used drugs too fiercely, and the opponent's realm dropped to the initial stage of mythological form.

This surprised Han Chen a little.

The storage bag is packed directly, there is no time to check it temporarily.

When Han Chen appeared on the battlefield outside the cave intact, a group of people were nervous. The members of the Hehuan Alliance tried to escape in the chaos, but were all chased and killed by Han Chen.

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