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Chapter 1283: Mo Xiaoyan

Nor can it be blamed on the male cultivators in their team, it is indeed that this demon Xiaoyan has a very good body. And it was naked just now.

"Are you going to hide me?" While talking, Mo Xiaoyan always exudes a seductive taste, and it even fascinates Han Chen's teammates.

Han Chen is nothing, because his own spirit power is relatively strong, and after signing a master-servant contract with Mo Xiaoyan, he is certain to be immune to her practice.

"Well, Void Elf, come out and help me transport him away." Han Chen said to Void suddenly.

At this moment, a snow-white elf came out of the void, and that was the void elf.

As soon as the Void Elf appeared, opened its claws, and hid behind Wu Yuan, as if treating that Demon Xiaoyan as an enemy.

"This little guy is so cute, must it be delicious?" Mo Xiaoyan licked her lips and said.

Then reached out to Han Chen.

Han Chen seemed to understand what the other party meant, so he gave more than half of the medicine from the alchemy room to Mo Xiaoyan.

After all, these things can't be eaten too much, so Han Chen tidied up a lot and couldn't use it. A team member can take up to two pills. If the amount is exceeded, it is likely to be eaten back by the poison.

Mo Xiaoyan brought it and ate it as beans.

The wounds on the body began to heal, and the ruddy color on his face returned. After the wounds on the body healed, the white skin was exposed.

"You can eat so much, are you okay?" Han Chen asked, after all, how overbearing this pill is, you can see the general.

"You don't have to worry about it, because this was originally drawn from my devil blood, so naturally there is no need to worry." Mo Xiaoyan replied.

Turning his head and said to the void elf, "Okay, let me go, I'm going to meditate for a while."

Although the Void Elf was unwilling, Wu Yuan still teleported her into the Stellar after urging her.

"Hey, why is there such an ugly dragon in your house!" Mo Xiaoyan, who had just entered, said to Han Chen.

"Unexpectedly, the stellar device that broke your head back then fell into your hands. It seems that your master-servant contract was learned from this device spirit in front of you." Mo Xiaoyan praised it, revealing There was a trace of envy, jealousy and hatred.

"You're ugly." Although Ao Bai was taciturn, Xue Yan didn't want to be pointed at by this demon Xiaoyan.

"It's quite individual." Mo Xiaoyan said with a smile.

"Let everyone evacuate, I feel that a few powerful auras are coming here!" Ao Bai said suddenly at this time.

After all, Ao Bai is now cultivating mysterious auras with his spirits. Naturally, his spirits are stronger than ordinary people and have a wider range of sensing.

"Well, everyone is ready to retreat!"

Han Chen didn't take the spoils lightly anymore, greeted him quickly, and then flew into the air one after another and quickly retreated.

Halfway through the way, Han Chen used the flame formation he had just learned to construct a flame formation, watching everyone enter the formation, and Han Chen walked in again.

Fortunately, Han Chen was lucky this time. He had escaped from the Hehuan League stronghold and had already run several million kilometers away.

At this moment, everyone sat down and took a good rest.

Han Chen also divided the things he had collected.

This time I gained a lot, but the Hehuan League got more raw materials, but those exercises are all the double cultivation methods of the Hehuan League, which is not suitable for Han Chen.

After the even distribution this time, everyone probably got a hundred or so divine stones and three divine essence pills.

This time because of the larger amount, everyone has a share.

Han Chen glanced at the magic weapons collected from the Hehuan League. The ranks were not high, and they were evenly scored. When the time comes, they will return to Tianyuan City and use them directly to exchange them for sacred stones.

Han Chen's biggest gain here was the refining methods of the Blood Demon Pill and the Detox Pill, which was the most practical.

Blood Demon Pill, now there are two in his hand, and he is not in a hurry to refine it.

Next, Han Chen also saw a copy of the Double Cultivation Technique and gave it to Wu Yuan, who was blushing.

The two of them practiced this technique that night.

Everyone has been cultivating for more than half a month in the temporarily opened cave houses, and most of them have recovered to their peaks. Among them, Jin Pangli suffered the first thunder tribulation, and Han Chen was on the side to help.

Han Chen took the opportunity to make a Thunder Ball.

Huang Mengmeng still hasn't regained consciousness, but through the contact of the soul, I know that Huang Mengmeng's situation is still stable.

It was that Demon Xiaoyan, but in fifteen days, he had recovered most of his injuries, so Han Chen had to feel that the physical fitness of these demons or dragons was too high.

"Although we have good physical fitness, we are limited by the fact that your heavenly court does not have the essence of true demons, and I can hardly make progress. You must send me back to the demon world in the future, otherwise my cultivation level can only stop here forever. "Mo Xiaoyan said sadly.

"...How do I feel, you are more like my master." Han Chen said weirdly.

"Go away." Mo Xiaoyan stopped talking.

In the cave, Han Chen spread out the robot puppet he obtained at the beginning. With the help of the new formulas and repair methods learned from Qi Ling Xueyan, he tinkered with him for half a month and finally repaired it.

In this way, Han Chen has one more eternal realm powerhouse, but this powerhouse seems to consume more energy.

It takes almost a hundred sacred stones to make one shot.

"If Daoist Ao Bai is allowed to enter this puppet, will he improve his cultivation?" Wu Yuan asked.

"No, Ao Bai is a divine soul after all. Without the warmth of the body, his divine soul can only be reduced, not increased at all." Han Chen revealed a strange touch.

This Ao Bai also lived by the mysterious aura.

Then he should be able to sense the more mysterious aura there.

So Han Chen turned around and asked Ao Bai, who also came from Longting and didn't know much about Heavenly Court.

But Mo Xiaoyan seemed to know, "I know that there is a place with a very strong secretive aura, just to see if you dare to go!"

"Where?" Han Chen thought about the restricted area? Isn’t there news of Xuanwu ancestors?

"The ruins of the **** of destruction!" Mo Xiaoyan said.

"It seems that the ruins of the God of Destruction must go." Han Chen said firmly.

Suddenly received Mo Xiaoyan's voice transmission and asked, "Where did your God Killing Axe come from?"

"My God Axe was obtained from a restricted area, so I am not very resistant to the restricted area." Han Chen answered honestly.

"It seems that your kid is also deeply hidden." Mo Xiaoyan smiled, then ignored Han Chen and went into a deep sleep state.

If you are sleeping, you can ensure that the magic element will not be lost, "I have something to call me. Don’t call me for something too big, and I can’t do anything about it. When you are done with the things in front of you and want to destroy the remains of the gods, then Wake me up."

Listening to Mo Xiaoyan's voice transmission, Han Chen showed a strange look on his face.

Just thinking about it, a white light came from the sky.

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