All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1289: Start of the match

Director Hu was also envious as he said, after all, they gathered the cultivation resources of the entire Tianyuan City.

Most of the talents were absorbed by the City Lord's Mansion.

Had it not been for Han Chen's arrival, Shangguan Yuhui would have been offended to death, maybe Han Chen would have joined the list of Young City Lords now.

Han Chen didn't know what Hu Jun was thinking, but he would sneer if he knew it. You also said that if it wasn't the qualifications you tested last time, how could he fight with Guan Yuhui.

But in the final analysis, I will have a battle with Shangguan Yuhui in the end. Unfortunately, since the last time, I have heard that Shangguan Yuhui has been in retreat directly and will not come out until the eternal state.

"The next test begins!" With the host's order, the two sides set their positions.

"Are you Han Chen?" the person under the mask asked.

"It's here, what's your advice!" Han Chen said neither humble nor arrogant.

So, let's live it! The man said coldly, and then added, "Your head is the opportunity for me to enter the eternal state!"

Having said that, everyone understands that this is the battlefield. Either you die or I live.

The creature with the white mask gave a low cry, and the long colorful horses flew over Han Chen.

Han Chen avoided easily.

Han Chen looked back, but saw that Jin Pangli beside him had been entangled by the opponent, and the colorful princesses rushed over and directly bombarded Jin Pangli's body.

Fortunately, Jin Pangli practiced with a body training technique, although he fell to the ground after being attacked, he quickly stood up.

Looking at the white masked creature showed an angry face.

"The three formed a small combat team!" Han Chen realized only then that this time it was originally a team battle.

It's a pity that although Han Chen has run into the team in attacking the blue ice crystal area, he still doesn't have the opponent so good at it.

Han Chen showed a solemn touch.

"You three form a team, can it prevent our attack?"

After the other party's leader had finished speaking, he went into hiding, hiding in the void.

There was cheers on the scene!

You must know the void talent, known as the three most difficult gods to cultivate!

I didn't expect this young man from the Guro family to learn the talent of the void!

"Congratulations to the ancestor of Gu Luo, if there is no accident for this person, I am afraid that it will forcefully suppress other people in this era!" At this time, the old ancestor Feng Hai family said.

"I think Old Ancestor Gu Luo sent this person out at this time. Maybe he wanted to conceal it before. Come on, Old Ancestor Gu Luo, how many such outstanding geniuses do you have!" The Ancestor Hong family wears yellow. He said nonsense with his clothes.

"Everyone laughed, this is my great-great-grandson, it's not that I want Xuezang. It is true that the world of cultivation is not peaceful at all. It is easy to die if you come out too early to practice. Besides, you are not also letting those who do not have the strength of mythical form. Didn't she really come out in practice? I just let her come out to the eternal state. It's just that she is innocent and too proud, so I let her out to practice and hone her spirit."

At this time, although the ancestor of Gu Luo was very humble, he was full of praise for his great-great-grandson.

"This woman is very talented, but I don't know if there is a suitable Taoist companion?" Suddenly asked Feng Hai, the old fox next to her.

"Haha, she hasn't grown up yet, how can she have a Taoist companion. Moreover, she cultivates this kind of hidden supernatural power, pure body, and cultivates more quickly, so I also intentionally let her less contact with outsiders!" Zheng said Then, the ancestor of Gu Luo suddenly gave a hey.

"Who is this mysterious person? It's worthy of being from the Gu Luo family. He can even comprehend the void talent!" Except for the red-clothed Hu family team, the rest of the phalanx smiled cheerfully.

"It's amazing!" Several people showed incredible eyes.

"Kill Han Chen team!" Feng Haijia's phalanx, who was killed by Han Chen just now, shouted angrily.

"Friends here, don't be so excited. I think Han Chen is already a corpse!" The Gu Luo family member next to him joked.

"Haha!" Feng Hai's laughter became even more arrogant.

"What is he doing?" Jin Pangli realized that he couldn't feel the other party's existence.

"Be careful, everyone, this person has been hidden into the void!" Han Chen showed a weird smile.

He originally had two void creatures, and he often shuttled into the void.

I didn't expect the other party to have magic weapons or elves that could hide into the void, or it might be a technique.

But among the talents of the void, no one can compare to the void elf, even Huang Mengmeng is slightly inferior.

Han Chen immediately ordered, "Nine of you combine to form a three-person formation, and then the three groups form a large three-talent formation! I'm going to come!"

Let's just say, Han Chen looked at Wu Yuan, Wu Yuan knew it, and secretly ordered the Void Elf, Han Chen's voice was also swallowed by a space crack.

"What! Why is Han Chen hiding in the void?" The people of the Gu Luo family can't stand it. Isn't this just a casual cultivator?

Where did the resources come from cultivating the void divinity!

"This person must be able to inspire void talent with the help of a secret treasure!" Feng Hai family members are about to breathe fire, and their own team has been destroyed by this unknown boy.

"Hmph, this kid must have gone to death in a void in the crack! Haha!"

"I also think it is. After all, when you travel through space, you will encounter various space storms. Even if there are no enemies, you need to be very careful all the time." These people analyzed.

"It seems that this kid Han Chen is still inevitable. Even if there is a secret treasure, it is not a cheap opponent!" Everyone talked about it.

The Hu Family who was just about to fight back, listened to the other party's analysis, and suddenly felt that Han Chen was a bit suspicious.

You must know that the opponent is at the top of a mythological form, very close to the eternal state.

Now that Han Chen is a middle-level existence in the form of mythology, he travels directly through the space to fight alone. Isn't this hitting the stone with a pebble?

It's really not fast enough.

"Do you see any name?" Old Ancestor Feng Hai asked Old Ancestor Gu Luo.

"I guess this child is using an extremely clever beast pet. Seeing that beast pet appears to cut the void so easily, it is obviously a special **** who is good at this way! It can't be an unknown generation." Gu Luo The ancestor said quietly.

His face is not very good.

"Huh, anyway, our Hu family's team is also proficient in void divinity. If you want to attack behind the scenes, you are afraid you will suffer a big loss." The Hu family's ancestor suddenly felt a little bit on his face. rosy.

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