All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1291: Feng Hai Pao

"This time after we work together to find the Soul Flower, we must distribute it equally." At this time, the old man of the Feng Hai family finally revealed the fox tail...

"Okay!" The three said yes, but only they knew what they thought.

"Let's look back at this game. How wonderful it is!" Old Ancestor Gu Luo smiled and changed the subject.

"Why haven't they appeared for so long?" said the fat guy from the Guro family before.

"Maybe because Han Chen also has void talent, it is difficult for them to kill each other." One person replied.

"Hmph, it must be a girl from the Guluo tribe who wants to capture Han Chen alive, and ask him where he is."

"When you say this, I think, will the girls of the Guluo clan fall in love with Han Chen, and they will marry and have a baby inside." One person opened his mind.

Just after speaking, he was sprayed to death.

No one paid any attention to the person, watching the stalemate on the scene intently.

"Captain Hu, the opponent is too strong, and we can't resist it at all. The opponent has five top-tier mythological forms, four middle-tiers, and not even one elementary-tier! We don't have enough mana anymore. "

Jin Pang Li was able to escape the fatal blow of the bear state man at the top of the mythological form, and was panting. He had been slapped by the strange bear two or three times, vomiting blood for several liters.

Had it not been for Han Chen to give him a life-saving armor, at this time I am afraid that only the soul escaped.

"Hold on a little longer, Han Chen will be out soon!" Hu Jun suddenly shouted, so that everyone around him was morale boosted!

"Bah, what is it called!" The Feng Hai family spit directly at Hu Jun and the others.

"The girl of the Guro family, haven't you killed Han Chen?" As the battlefield stalemate, they became more curious about what happened to Han Chen and the girl of the Guro family.

Due to the emptiness and isolation, no news can be passed on here.

A black-faced man said, "I guess, as long as ten breaths, they will come out!"

"You are so accurate, you have already become the great wizard of prophecy..." the person next to him said jokingly.

Unexpectedly, the void burst open, and a man in cyan clothes crawled out of the void.

"Han Chen!" Wu Yuan's eyes were sharp, and she could tell at a glance that Han Chen had come out.

Han Chen's whole body is tattered, not an inch of skin is intact, his lips are broken, and he said in slurred words, "I just encountered a void storm, I am lucky to escape!"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone present was taken aback.

The ancestor of the Guluo family stood up, and a flash of lightning in his hand approached Han Chen's door.

Wu Yuan didn't even think about it, she hugged Han Chen directly, trying to help Han Chen avoid this fatal blow.

Han Chen had never thought that this lofty old man would care so much about a disciple of his family!

As soon as I saw Han Chen, I wanted to crush Han Chen to death!

Feeling the white lightning and the terrifying power erupted, Han Chen only felt that his legs were shaking constantly.

I couldn't help being shocked.

I had to contact Ao Bai who had turned into a white dragon and injured Ao Bai at any time, and wanted him to take this blow at any time.

And Mo Xiaoyan was also awakened by Han Chen, and Mo Xiaoyan even yelled directly, "Call me twice in such a short time, how can you compensate me!"

Han Chen was speechless for a while.

When it was said that it was too late, an old man in red suddenly appeared in front of Han Chen between the electric light and flint, and the old man in red lightly flicked the electric light directly, turning it into dust and disappearing in the space.

Han Chen walked around Guimenguan again inexplicably.

I was sweating all over.

"What a courage, you dare to save the people my Guro family is going to kill. It seems that our City Lord's Mansion is very kind to you." The ancestor of the Guro family grinned and said coldly.

"Old ancestor Gu Luo, please forgive me. This person is our important helper to search for that thing. If we kill it now, it will affect future plans." The old man in red is the ancestor of the Hu family. Shi shot to block the danger in front of Han Chen.

"Humph. I don't need you to tell me." Come on, the old man of the Guluo family didn't shoot Han Chen again, just turned his head and asked, "What happened to your granddaughter?"

"Your granddaughter? I haven't seen it before!" Han Chen's face was extremely aggrieved.

But thinking of what happened in the void just now, it feels refreshing.

You know that the girl is so self-confident that she is so talented that she didn't even guard against the three Ao Bai, Mo Xiaoyan and Xue Yan summoned by Han Chen.

Coupled with Han Chen's cooperation, the girl was directly wiped out completely, and her spirits were wiped out. However, the pair of Void-talented Spikes was thrown to Void Elves.

The Void Elf said he would take it home and bury it.

The woman's bag was pretty good, and Han Chen took it away.

The most exciting thing was the girl's horrified expression when she discovered that she was surrounded by two eternal realm powerhouses.

But Han Chen is now pressing harder.

I didn't expect that a person I killed casually was the great-great-grandson of the Guro family.

This is how many years of blood mold has been poured before you encounter such a big pit.

Han Chen almost fainted to the ground.

However, Han Chen had already thought out a set of rhetoric, so he said, "We are chasing me in the void. I am in a weak position. Suddenly a violent void turbulence blows over and almost tore my whole body. Waiting for me to die. When I finally survived, I realized that the woman next to me was nowhere to be found. It was most likely that she was blown away by the turbulence of the time!"

Han Chen's face was not red and his heart was not beating.

Most of the people at the scene believed it, and they didn't expect that such a gifted girl would actually die on her own gifted supernatural powers, which is really sad.

However, in the hearts of several old and cunning ancestors, it is unknown what they think.

Looking at Han Chen’s expression, the guy from the Guro family wanted to swallow Han Chensheng alive, skinning and cramping!

That night, Hu Jun, who was limped, ran into the Han Chen camp.

When they met, Han Chen bowed deeply.

"No need to..." Wu Yuan quickly stepped forward to persuade her.

Han Chen smiled slightly and waited tightly.

"Han Chen, how can you let the old leader bow to you!" Zhao Feiwu said reproachfully. Although the world is respected by martial arts, it is necessary to say some incense affection anyway.

Jin Pangli and the others were dumbfounded. They used to be the commander of their superior Hu, the commander of their soldiers and guards.

Now bow to Han Chen unexpectedly.

I was so shocked that my jaw dropped.

This Han Chen's strength is just the middle level of mythological form!

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