All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1294: Eternal state

Suddenly said, "In this secret realm, there were still many mysterious treasures that appeared, and some people even collected artifacts! So everyone, please help our Hu family complete the task as soon as possible. You can also have more time to explore this secret realm. !"

When everyone heard what Director Hu said, countless daydreams really rose in their hearts.

But Han Chen showed a dispensable expression.

After that, Director Hu took out a dark flying boat from his storage bracelet, and everyone flew up.

"This is the Lingtian Profound Ship from our Hu family's collection. Its flying speed is much faster than ordinary ones."

After that, Ling Tianxuan boat rushed out.

"It's still a while before we reach the Kithi Desert, please feel free. When we reach the Kithi Desert, we can no longer fly, and we can only rely on our footsteps. There is a flying ban over there."

Director Hu said.

Han Chen feels nothing.

I don’t know how many days I have been flying, but suddenly the sky changes drastically.

Five-color thunder robbery descended from the horizon!

"Someone is crossing the robbery!" Jin Pangli was in a good mood watching the excitement.

"What do you know, these are all advanced thunder tribulations of the Eternal Realm. If the eternal realm gets angry, our lives are all gone." The Hornet said angrily.

"Yes, let's not join in the fun, let's complete the task first." Director Hu also said.

After that, everyone fell silent and stopped mentioning the matter.

Even if he wanted to, that person dared to advance directly in this plain area, and it must be protected.

If he rushes forward recklessly, he will only be considered by others to be unruly.

A group of people flew again. Two days later, but never thought that a tattered person suddenly rushed into their spaceship.

"Who are you?" Director Hu looked at the other party, his whole body in tatters, and an electric arc on his hair!

"I have handed over an important treasure to you for safekeeping! Thank you, brother!" The man said to show off his cultivation of the eternal realm, and turned into a stream of light and flew away at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, everyone was confused.

The well-informed Director Hu immediately reacted, "No, this is the other party deliberately planting the crops, let's go quickly!"

When Han Chen and the others heard this, he was shocked, what else did he do?

Everyone sent mana to the spaceship together, and the speed of the spaceship increased by one level.

"No, we have to detour a little bit and cannot follow that person's direction." Han Chen said.

Director Hu said nothing, according to Han Chen's statement, he did not follow the direction of the eternal state.

After finishing speaking, the team members in the blue clothes immediately separated into two groups and flew away. Although there were 15 fewer people on the side chasing Han Chen, there were still eight people catching up.

After all, the speed of the spaceship was not as fast as the opponent's full pursuit, and after a while, I could smell a burning smell behind the spaceship.

Han Chen and the others knew that the other party had begun to attack.

However, there were only eight people here. Director Hu and Han Chen were not afraid. Instead, they floated out of the spaceship and looked at the people coldly.

Director Hu thought that the eight people who came here were all ordinary mythological forms, but he did not expect that these eight people were all at the top of mythological forms!

As soon as he saw this, Chief Hu wanted to retreat a little.

"What is your relationship with the kid just now? Why did he give the heavy treasure to you for safekeeping?" At this time, the blue-clothed man who took the lead had a certain aqua-blue headband on his head.

His face is very cold.

"Dare to ask Taoist friends if it is Feng Hai's family?" Director Hu clung his hands and asked.

"Huh, you people in the Hu family don't deserve to know my name. I only give you three breaths, and if you don't hand over the treasure, I will destroy you all." The blue headband man shouted.

"Huh, so big!"

Han Chen's figure disappeared immediately, and appeared behind the last team member of the opponent in the next moment. The god-killing axe in his hand was taken out without knowing when he smashed the person's forehead and smashed the person from head to toe. opened.

As soon as the axe was stirred, the soul of that person disappeared from the world in an instant.

When everyone came back to their senses, they were all dumbfounded watching Han Chen leisurely packing the person's storage bag in his storage bracelet.

What everyone is especially worried about is the man behind him, who clearly only felt the middle-level cultivation base in the form of mythology, but was able to kill one person so quickly.

His own teammate is also the existence of the pinnacle of the mythical form!

He didn't even develop his own mythological form, and was directly split in half!

Is this a man or a ghost?

I have never seen this person before, nor have I heard anyone mention this person.

This place is really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger. Suddenly everyone vigilantly opened up their respective mythological forms.

In an instant, they all showed their own mythological forms, or sea beasts, or sea gods.

Especially the man in the blue turban, the mythological form that he showed was a sea **** holding a trident, and the outline of the beast under his feet was still rather vague, making it hard to see the appearance.

However, this seagod appeared to be exceptionally solid, obviously this person was already very close to the eternal state in cultivation.

"Okay, you guys are even stronger first, then don't blame Feng Hailingyuan for being cruel!"

"Kill them!"

As he spoke, the remaining seven figures presented their magic weapons one after another. Among them, the man with the headband took out a magic weapon that looked like a trident, exuding bursts of weird divine energy.

"Be careful with the trident man." Director Hu said to Han Chen.

At this time, several team members flew out of the spaceship behind Director Hu. Hornet, Jin Pangli, and Sun Xue all stood behind Han Chen.

Formed an enveloping formation.

"The four of you entangle two people, and I will kill one of them." Han Chen also spoke to the ten people behind.

At the same time, Han Chen used the Void Elf to enter the void again.

As Han Chen hid to the void, the remaining seven members of the Feng Hai family were all shocked!

"Retract your mind and kill one or two people to contain this person's arrogance!" After speaking, the trident man swooped up towards Director Hu.

Obviously Hu Jun must have been on it.

Also know that Hu Jun is their breakthrough.

Han Chen didn't seem to be affected by them. He appeared directly behind the nearest team member and swallowed that person in with a huff.

After the person was pulled into the void, his mythological form was too scared to stabilize, and there were faint signs of dispersing.

Because as soon as he entered, his connection with the outside world was immediately cut off, and he wanted to inspire the spirit token, but it had no effect.

"Hehe." Han Chen shuttled past the void, splitting it in half with an axe, and agitated it directly to wipe out the soul.

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