All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1310: Fire Dance Warrior

Jin Pang felt that this scene was very familiar in his centrifugation, "Will the same attack method not work the first time, will it be useful the second time?"

Jin Pangli laughed a bit, the giant sword behind him swelled a little bit, and lightly resisted the attack of the opponent's son and mother!

"Jin Pangli seems to have worked hard, this middle-level cultivation base in mythical form can catch the two attacks of the opponent's top-level peak of mythical form!" Hu Jun said very happily.

Han Chen didn't agree, instead, he said with no optimism, "I think the Huo Wu warrior on the opposite side is a bit strange! This time Jin Pangli probably won't be able to beat the other side. You have to respond at any time."

"How could this..." Hu Jun immediately retorted, but as soon as he said this, he discovered that the mythical form behind Gu Luo Huochu of the opponent flew out!

"What, there is this kind of operation?"

Hu Jun was silly to look at it directly. The previous mythological forms had beastification and deification, but they all acted as their energy shells and absorbed the master's divine power to maintain the form, so they would not leave the body.

But this Huo Wu warrior left the opponent's body on his own!

And the speed is very fast, without stopping at all!

And arrogant flames were burning around the opponent.

It was like a fireball attacking Jin Pangli, very fast!

Jin Pangli panicked, and just wanted to take a shot to avoid him, but he was already stuck on his body, his hands, hands and feet were severely grasped, and he couldn't avoid him.

It turned out that the other party's son-mother sword turned out to be a grill, holding people together.

Jin Pangli was helpless, so he had to get out of his wounds.

Kancan avoided the attack of the Huo Wu warrior, and suddenly a fiery fist attacked his body behind him!

There was not even a trace of attack fluctuation when this guy attacked!

The opponent must have hidden means of attack!

Jin Pangli only had time to think of this, and was hit by the Fire Light Divine Fist, and his whole person was instantly drowned out by the fire light.

I just remember that it seemed that someone had wrapped himself up, and that was the way to get out of trouble.

After getting rid of the trap, he was already covered in bruises.

I only heard Han Chen say, "Send it off for a good rest."

"What do you mean, why do you intervene in the team's match?" Gu Luo Yinghao said viciously.

This time their Guluo Huo Chu greatly increased their power and prestige, hoping that the people on the other side would retreat in the face of difficulties.

After all, according to Gu Luolan's request, they must calmly get Dayu Dan and complete the tasks above.

The resources behind are completely attributable to them.

Otherwise, even if they go out alive, they will still be punished by the family.

"Haha." Han Chen didn't talk nonsense, looking straight at each other.

The movement in his hand was not slower. After blocking the flaming divine fist behind Jin Pangli, his big hand withdrew from it, and the one-strike-turning-the-sky seal was put on display, stunning the ancient Luohuo.

Gu Luo Huo Chu saw that Han Chen turned out to be just a middle-level mythological form, and he didn't even turn into a mythical form. He directly resisted his own attack, and even felt deeply despised.


A powerful flame was released from his body, and the flames burst into the sky in a moment, and the Huo Wu warlord also emitted a strong light.

A violent light radiated from his body, and a pair of child-mother hammers turned and attacked Han Chen!

Ding Ding!

Han Chen summoned the Divine Killing Axe, and the red and white rays of light kept interlacing and attacking. The white teeth of light were strangely weird.

Even though the son and mother hammer changed a lot, the Huo Wu warrior found that his divinity was constantly disappearing, and his power was disappearing strangely.

"Captain, there is something weird about this man! It will absorb the divinity of people!" Na Gu Luo Huo Chu freezes his figure, looking at Han Chen as if looking at a weird demon fetus.

Showing a trace of caution!

"It's just a middle-level kid in the form of mythology. You can't stop it? What kind of face do you have a foothold in our Gu Luo family!" Gu Luo Yinghao coldly replied, what is the use of a sentence.

Gu Luo Huochu hesitated, and finally stared at Han Chen, as Huo Wu returned, the two figures once again merged into one.

"Okay, then I will use all my methods!"

Gu Luo Huochu roared, and quickly reconciled his divine power with the divine power of the Huo Wu warrior behind him, and then slowly his mythical form was merged with him!

The body has also become several times larger!

The Son-Mother Sword in his hand has become a Son-Mother Hammer!

The big hammer emits flames, and the small hammer emits a golden light.

The golden light seemed quite extraordinary, faintly splitting the surrounding space.

"Mythical form of son and mother! Complete body!"

The huge creature after Gu Luo Huo Chu and Huo Wu joined together, exhaled a flaming turbid air from his mouth, and the power in his hand seemed to increase by a few points.

"I didn't expect that your Guluo clan also practiced the indigenous secret method!" Hu Jun said at this time.

"You shut up, you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb." Gu Luo Yinghao said viciously.

Han Chen remembered after Hu Jun reminded him that there are some indigenous secrets in some ancient books.

For example, your own flame teleportation, as well as this advanced mythical form in front of you!

When the mythological form was just condensed, there was only the initial form, but the advanced version of the mythological form was developed by this native, but it has very strict requirements for the mythological form condensed behind him.

For example, the ancient Luo Huochu in front of him, when his mythological form was condensed, he merged some ancient gods and souls, so that the condensed mythological form had a certain vitality, that is, autonomous consciousness.

As long as the mythological form and the main body are running well together, then there is a certain chance to cultivate a complete form of mythological form!

That's how it is now!

Usually after a big transformation, his ability will suddenly climb to a new level!

"What, this person has become the elementary level of the eternal realm!" The Hornet touched this power next to it, and was shocked.

The others also stepped back.

"No, that man only reached the eternal state in his physical body, but his soul has not reached that level, but it is still very terrifying." Sun Xue said slowly.

"Han Chen still wants to be big now, why didn't he open up his mythological form, otherwise this is not the opponent's opponent at all!" Wu Yuan said with concern.

"How? Are you scared after seeing my ultimate form?" Gu Luo Huochu, the ultimate form at this moment, showed a mouthful of white teeth, which looked extremely asymmetric with his entire black face.

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