All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1313: Wangui Senluo Great Array

Han Chen was anxious, afraid that the opponent would suddenly disband the space, and he would lose the best way to kill the opponent.

"I didn't expect your divine nature to be so special. I must catch you, search for your soul, and find out this practice! Then I can also have such a perfect divine energy!"

As he was talking, there was a loud noise from the weird space just now, and I didn't know what I was doing.

At this moment the space began to flash and thunder.

"Well, this guy has started to attack actively, and it should be with the help of magic weapons." Han Chen showed thought, "but this thunder and lightning contains a trace of divinity, it seems to be a divine weapon!"

Han Chen also showed a relieved smile, ready to take action at any time.

Suddenly Huang Mengmeng's voice came in Han Chen's mind, "Found the origin of space!"

Speaking of Huang Mengmeng, he told Han Chen the coordinates of the origin of the space. Before Han Chen could make a move, Huang Mengmeng rushed up.

Directly swallowed the artifact that emits thunder and lightning.

"Hey, strange and weird!" Gu Luo Yinghao's surprised voice came from the void, and the connection between his own artifact and his mind suddenly disappeared.

Looking at his own space again, Han Chen didn't know when there was an extra villain around Han Chen.

Han Chen looked at the villain helplessly, and stopped talking.

The villain immediately retorted, "This is mine! You are not allowed to touch it?"

Gu Luoying vomited blood in anger. When did this become yours? Didn't you use any weird means to take away my artifact?

You wait for me!

Yinghao Gu Luo was planning to wait until he killed Han Chen, so he would find the villain and then ask him to hand over the artifact, otherwise he would kill the villain.

The hero of the ancient Luo is preparing to build a large array of ghosts in space!

Suddenly seeing Han Chen flying towards his origin of space, he was shocked, "How did the other party discover the origin of his space? It is very important there. If you lose your space, you will be destroyed. !"

In this way, all my work was wasted.

So Gu Luo Yinghao ended this about to be completed Wangui Senluo Grand Formation casually, and then immediately dropped it near the origin of the space.

Han Chen followed Huang Mengmeng's swift approach, but suddenly the space fluctuated, and he stopped feeling in his heart, but Huang Mengmeng directly shuttled past.

As Huang Mengmeng shuttled in, countless evil spirits ran out immediately and began to bite Huang Mengmeng.

Han Chen showed a weird smile.

What is this?

I saw that Huang Mengmeng also stunned for a while, and then happily opened the blood basin, and directly absorbed all the evil spirits nearby.

Han Chen knew that besides being called Xuanwu, this Huang Mengmeng was also called Shura. He grew up specializing in creature-eating spirits, so he was able to control those weird auras. Huang Mengmeng brought so many snacks.

"What kind of creature is this strange!" The ancient Luo hero hiding in the void showed a surprised look.

"You can eat so much, I will let you break your belly!"

With that said, the hero of the ancient Luo immediately waved the flag in his hand, and thousands of evil spirits gathered on the huge array of ghosts, and they were all summoned by the hero of ancient Luo.

To know that so many evil spirits shot at the same time, even if the strong of the eternal realm entered, don't even think about coming out completely.

Therefore, the ancient Luo Yinghao did not think that Huang Mengmeng, a creature with only the top level of mythological form, could be swallowed!

These evil spirits all have the top-level cultivation bases of mythological forms, which are collected from very old battlefields.

Very vicious!

Even some energy substances that can swallow the divine nature of the practitioners are produced. In front of such a large array, they face the failure of their divine nature on the one hand, and on the other hand they have to face thousands of practitioners, which is very scary. The picture is up.

But Huang Mengmeng was very happy, and the entire array of evil spirits was absorbed by three strokes.

The Gu Luo Yinghao who was watching was dumbfounded.

Until the heroic spirits of the entire Great Formation were absorbed, Huang Mengmeng hiccuped and looked towards the top of the Great Formation, shouting loudly, "Hey, are there any more? Just let it go. Just now Those are not enough to stuff your teeth!"

"I'm going to kill you!" Gu Luo Yinghao shouted angrily!

He just wanted to protect the origin of his space right now, not really frustrated.

"Han Chen, I found that person's hiding place." Huang Mengmeng didn't reply at all at this moment, but said loudly to Han Chen.

Yinghao Gu was stunned when he heard that, the place the other party pointed out was not where he was hiding, but Yinghao Gu fixed his eyes, and everyone was stupid.

The place Huang Mengmeng pointed out was not where he was, but where his space originated.

"Okay!" The twelve black gold wings flickered behind Han Chen, the nine-star chain, holding the god-killing axe in his hand, tore the void, and the shaking wings quickly flew towards the origin of the space.

Now that the evil spirits of the large array have been absorbed, naturally there is no obstacle.

Han Chen quickly came to the place Huang Mengmeng pointed at, and then naturally attacked the place just now!

The powerful energy fluctuations made the entire space tremble a bit.

The spatial energy fluctuations formed huge ripples, directly bombarding the surrounding large floating formations.

When all the dust settled, the place quickly returned to calm.

"Look, I just said this person is hiding here, right?" Huang Mengmeng pointed to the place and said happily at this time.

"..." Han Chen showed a weird smile.

"you guys!"

There was indeed a long-lost ancient Luo hero in the place that was attacked, but the other party was obviously very angry and shouted, "You even attacked my spatial origin, you all must die!"

"Haha, when will you not take action at this time!" Han Chen yelled.

"What?" Gu Luo Yinghao suddenly felt the explosive power after coming to him, and an extremely powerful body came out from it.

He didn't look back, but he also sensed the other party's huge body, which was really out of place!

Gu Luo Yinghao was dumbfounded and ran out like flying.

As an eternal realm powerhouse, he felt the energy fluctuation of the other party for the first time.

"When did this guy have an eternal realm strong on him?" Gu Luo Yinghao was frightened and ran away.

But never thought that suddenly a dark shadow flashed in front of him, and the King Kong of his eternal realm did not damage his flesh, and immediately turned into several fragments under the opponent's claw.

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