All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1321: No soul

Chapter 1321 No Soul

Never thought of a white giant shadow spinning around in the void, opening its mouth and swallowing Gu Luolan in one bite.

A giant dragon slowly flashed out of the void.

"Senior Ao!" Hu Jun exclaimed.

That dragon is really Ao Bai.

"Senior Ao, why did you appear here?" Hu Jun said respectfully again, the other party's body is so solid, it has reached the state of King Kong not bad, and dealing with his own level is basically one slap.

So how dare Hu Jun be disrespectful!

But when Hu Jun first saw Senior Ao, he thought it was Han Chen's elder.

Han Chen didn't introduce him, so Hu Jun was the elder of Han Chen by default.

When Ao Bai spoke, Hu Jun dropped his jaw even more surprised.

"Friend Daoist Han, I have already imprisoned Gu Luolan's spirit according to your instructions, what should I do with her next?" Ao Bai did not reply to Hu Jun, but claimed to be Han Chen's subordinate.

Han Chen actually has an Eternal Realm subordinate?

No wonder I just heard Han Chen say that there is an eternal realm powerhouse who is practicing in the magic weapon of the cave, it seems that it is Ao Bai!

This is too powerful!

Even using the magic weapon of the cave to install an eternal realm powerhouse casually!

No wonder Han Chen was not afraid to follow the opponent into the void when he was fighting outside with the mysterious genius of the ancient Luo family.

It seems that Han Chen already has a way to deal with it.

Thinking that I could win over Han Chen, it was a great opportunity.

In the future, you must hold Han Chen's thigh tightly!

"Yes, please help me search for her soul, and see if I can get some useful information. The other party dared to enter the depths of this mystery alone, and he must have a very important goal. See if he is looking for something like us. Soul grass!"

Han Chen gave a simple order and let Ao Bai leave.

It was Hu Jun's dull look that made Han Chen feel a little strange.

"Director Hu, what's the matter with you?" Han Chen waved and took away the storage bag.

"Oh, no, it's nothing. From now on, Fellow Daoist Han doesn't need to call me Director Hu, let's call me Brother Hu." Hu Jun said seriously.

"That's not good, right?" Han Chen always felt weird.

"Friend Daoist Han doesn't need to care about it, just call it." Hu Jun said haha, the other party actually has the strength to kill the Eternal Realm solo.

How dare I let the other party call me Director Hu.

"That's OK, Brother Hu, let's meet in the same generation." Han Chen said, "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's withdraw first. After the news from Gurolan is confirmed, we will enter the depths."

Speaking of Han Chen and Hu Jun, they withdrew, waiting for Ao Bai's subpoena.

About three hours later, Ao Bai came over with a tired face and passed everything to Han Chen.

Said, "This woman must be the core disciple of the ancient Luo clan. There is a lot of news, but the core part is prohibited because of restrictions. Please forgive me."

Han Chen waved his hand and let Ao Bai go down to rest.

However, Ao Bai did not go to the magical treasure of the cave, instead, he entered the deeper part of this mysterious aura, cultivating the mysterious aura here.

From Hu Jun's point of view, this Ao Bai's cultivation base is so powerful that he can enter the depths of this secret without any protective equipment!

Han Chen checked the storage bag with the jade slip given by Ao Bai.

As a core disciple, he really possessed a lot of items, and there were only two or three magic weapons.

There are two artifacts, one is a shawl, which is said to be able to withstand divine attacks to a certain extent, but it is quite suitable for Wu Yuan.

The other artifact is the same item as the moon wheel, with a strong moonlight attribute on it. If it is not for cultivating moonlight, it can hardly be used.

In addition, there are 30 Shenyuan Pills. It is estimated that because she has reached the eternal state, the Shenyuan Pill is of no use, so it does not consume much.

Han Chen also recovered the three Daewoo Pills that he had lost before.

There is a snow-white pill, Xuepo Dan, which is suitable for the strong in the eternal realm, and is used to improve the cultivation level and refine the divinity.

There are only three pills left.

Some other healing pills are not left at all.

It seems that in order to restore her cultivation this year, she took a lot of restorative pills.

This has led to some instability in the realm.

Han Chen found a piece of cloth on this person that was exactly the same as his own, with some weird patterns on it.

Han Chen tried to put these two cloths together, and found that there was a certain connection. But what will become in the end, Han Chen doesn't know.

After distributing these Shen Yuan Dan, Han Chen and Hu Jun set off again.

From a moment ago, the fog began to be unstable.

"It is said that there are mysterious strong men in it. Is this true? Ten thousand years ago, the patriarchs of the four major families fought because of what?" Han Chen suddenly asked.

"Yes. Back then, the four big families fought, naturally for the ownership of this secret realm. They were all shot here in the secret realm. They were not close to the depths of the secret realm. They fought so much that the mysterious powerhouse appeared. With the shot, the four people were killed to pieces, and then the spirits of the four of them were mixed together, and then put into the same body. The patriarch of our Hu family was also captured at that time."

Hu Jun recalled.

"Since he is so powerful, why did he let people from the four major families come in? In addition, who told you that there is the news of the birth soul grass?" Han Chen showed a weird smile.

"I guess this secret realm originally belonged to the Taicang Palace, and he is not qualified to get involved. The news of the birth of the soul grass is passed on to each family by the patriarchs." Hu Jun said.

"I don't agree with what you said about the Taicang Palace. I think he has a purpose for letting us continue in. And this news is told to you by the patriarchs, but where did the patriarch's news come from? They are all on the periphery, it is impossible to get here, obviously they cannot explore the depths of this secret..."

Han Chen analyzed.

"Yes, they have never been in the depths of the secret realm at all. The only people who know that there is a ghost grass in the secret realm are men who have been to the depths of the secret realm frequently or once." Hu Jun felt more and more terrifying when he thought about it.

"So, I suspect that the final form of your so-called four spirits fusion, I am afraid it is not four spirits, but five spirits, or your patriarchs have fallen, that powerful master must have passed the previous The memory of the soul to control your families." Han Chen continued to analyze.

The more you analyze, the more you feel the depth of the water.

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