All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1323: Planetary body

Chapter 1323: Planet Divine Body

It's just that there is a very simple attic in every place, and the attic is written on Earth Holy Land.

Presumably this earth holy land is the management organization that holds a place.

But that is to say, there are corpses everywhere in these management institutions, and their bodies are full of strange-shaped wounds.

Han Chen walked over them. Some of them were title-level or mythical cultivation bases during their lifetime. They even saw the ten most powerful people on the entire earth in the attic of the earth’s holy land in the ancient China of the earth. The posture of death is very strange.

All fell around a giant throne.

The throne is empty.

Obviously at the last moment, they chose to surround the throne and pray for the gods to come.

This is also the most devastated.

Han Chen discovered that one of them had reached the eternal state!

Only one step left to reach Daewoo level!

He has an ordinary face, but his ears are extremely fat. It seems to have a lot of Buddhahood.

Han Chen found a practice book about cultivating planetary gods from his storage ring, and Han Chen was immediately attracted by the practice.

This turned out to be the use of the strange aura to absorb into one's body, so as to develop a physical body that can absorb all kinds of divinities!

"So strong!"

Han Chen looked at it with relish after a while. From the first to the third level, it was relatively simple, that is, to extract the divinities that can be used from those mysterious auras, and then introduce these divinities into his body.

Continuously exercise, and finally achieve the goal of sublimation.

And as the number of mysterious auras introduced increases, his body can open up a vortex-like existence.

These vortexes are usually hidden in the pubic area.

After opening the vortex, it became the first step of the planet's divine body.

Han Chen practiced according to the strangely-shaped physical body diagram inside, separated those mysterious auras from the divine power, and guided these divine qualities to the whole body. After rotating for ninety-nine and eighty-one weeks, there was a sudden bang!

A powerful cyclone formed in the heart area, which soon calmed down under Han Chen's practice and fell to the bottom of the dantian.

Han Chen is happy!

He immediately found that his physical strength had risen to a level!

Yin faintly improved faster than his own divine cultivation base and became stronger.

From the process of cultivating the divine body on that planet, Han Chen suddenly thought, if his mysterious aura is used to cultivate the physical body, will he solve some of the unknown problems for thousands of years?

Just thinking about it, suddenly Han Chen was dizzy, his mind started flying all over the sky, and finally floated into a huge black hole vortex in the sky.

Han Chen only felt a pain in his brain, and opened his eyes again, only to realize that he was still in the depths of the secret realm, and a seven-colored thunder robbery suddenly appeared in the sky!

"Seven Color Thunder Tribulation!" Ao Bai's face was a little unnatural.

This Han Chen is too enchanting.

Han Chen looked at Ao Bai's expression and couldn't help being startled.

Looking at Ao Bai's appearance, it was only a short time since he was attracted by his thunder robbery, and from the time he entered the cultivation practice to finally attracted thunder robbery.

But why would I enter a place called the Holy Land of the Earth?

Is there anything hidden in it?

Han Chen also felt very strange.

So he looked up and asked Ao Bai, "Do you know a place called Earth Holy Land?"

"I am not from your heavenly court, so I don't know where your heavenly court is. However, I can be sure that there is no such place in Longting." Ao Bai said.

Han Chen wanted to ask something, but was reminded by Ao Bai, "Friend Daoist Han, your seven-color thunder tribulation is about to come, I won't be delayed here. It won't increase the difficulty of your advancement."

Han Chen had to give up, but everything just now was so real, it was incredible.

With regard to the Seven-Colored Thunder Tribulation, Han Chen can no longer be familiar with it, because Han Chen hadn't eaten the Essence Demon Pill originally, so every advancement was almost related to the Seven-Colored Thunder.

However, with Han Chen's current cultivation base, he was not afraid at all, instead he ascended into the air on his own, constantly compressing the seven-colored thunder.

One after another seven-color thunder beads were made.

This time Han Chen made three and a half thunder beads, and the seven-color thunder robbery disappeared.

"Ah, the master is really tough." Xue Yan said beside Ao Bai.

"I don't see that in a hundred years, Fellow Daoist Han will definitely enter the eternal realm." Ao Bai sighed, seeing Han Chen from the very beginning. At that time, he was only a middle-level mythical form, and he had evolved to the peak not long ago. In the past year, it has evolved to the top level of mythological form.

And with Han Chen at this moment, he can deal with the Seven-Color Thunder Tribulation alone, and his combat power is obviously comparable to the elementary level of the Eternal Realm.

What a terrible opponent.

"Is it because of the mysterious aura of cultivation?" Xue Yan asked.

"Probably so." Ao Bai replied enviously.

"That said, we can also become so strong!" Xue Yan thought in his heart, if he was also so strong, why would he be chased to Heavenly Court by Long Ting abruptly.

Ao Bai hugged Xue Yan tightly, "Don't worry, no one will separate us. I will become stronger and stronger!"

Han Chen didn't know that they were here for me and me, and only concentrated on condensing the seven-colored thunder bead, which dispersed with the smoke.

It turned into a blue light and fell in front of Ao Bai.

Ao Bai and the others looked excited when they saw Han Chen's broken clothes, holding four colorful beads in their hands.

Ao Bai and others are also very happy.

"Is it done?" Ao Bai said.

"It's done, this time it is the three eternal realms besieged over, and they can also make them go around without eating!"

Han Chen smiled, motioned Xue Yan to avoid it, then took a set of clothes out of the storage bracelet, gave himself a bidet technique, and recovered his hurried appearance.

"Let's go, it's time to see what secrets are in the secret realm wrapped in this mysterious aura." Han Chen packed up and set off on the road.

Coupled with the fact that Han Chen has now cultivated the planetary divine body, Han Chen felt that his physical body had barely resisted a blow from the eternal realm strong.

Even against the strong in the eternal realm, there is nothing wrong with it.

Ao Bai and others happily followed behind him.

The more you go inside, the higher the level of those evil spirits, but these have become Ao Bai's nourishment.

Ao Bai's eternal realm primary cultivation base has reached its peak.

After walking for almost half a year, a towering mountain suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Has it reached the deepest part of the secret realm here? There are all mountains of artistic conception here." Na Ao Bai asked.

Ao Bai's body is a bit stronger than it was a year ago, and because of the divine soul, his divine soul has surpassed the general Eternal Realm Elementary Stage and reached the astonishing Eternal Realm Intermediate Level.

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