All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1325: One item

Chapter 1 325

Han Chen is not hypocritical, he experienced the weak civilization of the earth, and then took the earth civilization all the way to rise.

If it wasn't for a breath of energy in my heart, how could I rise in this short century?

Suddenly, Han Chen thought of the destruction of the Earth's Holy Land created by his ancestors in the ancient battlefield, and his heart was also in his throat.

But this news has not been fully confirmed, so the team members have not been told.

The affairs of earth civilization are only personal affairs, not the task of team members.

So Han Chen didn't plan to tell everyone around him what he knew.

"Brother Han is Qingshan, I am willing to be Songbai!"

"Life after life, support each other!"

Ao Bai and Xueyan worship again.

Han Chen had no choice but to follow him.

Afterwards, there was no extra nonsense, Ao Bai and Xueyan returned to the cave with blood too much, looked for a secluded place, began to recover their spirit, and prepared to recover their bodies.

Han Chen looked at the seven blood fruits left in his hand and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Among the group members, it is estimated that the Hornet is an Orc, and the rest are Humans. Huang Mengmeng was originally from the Xuanwu direct line. After eating this bloodline fruit, I don't know how much blessing it will increase.

However, Han Chen looked at the bloodline fruit in his hand, but wanted to know if he could inspire the bloodline of the king.

Suddenly Ao Bai's voice transmission came into Han Chen's mind:

"Human King bloodline, as we all know, it is the bloodline of human royal family. Mortals condense privately, which will violate the heavenly rules. Therefore, the condensing method is not handed down. I only have the dragon clan condensing method. I am willing to share this method with fellow daoists. My dragon clan does not pass on the secret, and I hope that fellow daoists will not pass it on to others!"

Han Chen was moved in his heart, and at the same time, he wondered what identity this Ao Bai was before. He even knew this method of condensing blood.

Han Chen glanced at these methods of condensing royal blood, a little dumbfounded for a while.

I didn't expect so much material to be prepared.

Han Chen was relieved after thinking about it.

Ao Bai was originally a dragon, and naturally possessed extremely powerful muscles and bones, so the previous method of directly using the formation method to condense the blood vortex was not suitable for Han Chen.

Therefore, in order to cultivate the dragon clan as a baby, they refined medicines that can neutralize some of the blood and fruits, so that Han Chen would not directly die due to blood repulsion in the process of condensing the blood of the king.

The Sanshenghua, the yellow spring sand, the black heart of the soul lake, and the Nine Profound Dragon Demon Cores inside are extremely difficult to collect.

However, there are some auxiliary materials that I have seen, and can be obtained after a little collection.

Han Chen asked Mo Xiaoyan who was practicing, and Mo Xiaoyan was also shocked that her jaw dropped. This soul lake black heart is the place where the real demon energy of the Demon Realm is strongest.

Sanshenghua is only possible to find it when you go to the place of Huangquan Samsara.

In this way, Han Chen's plan to continue to condense the blood of the king was completely eliminated.

This dragon race is really amazing, and it can even go to the place of Huangquan's reincarnation. It must be the strongest in their family who made the shot.

Han Chen didn't consume much at first, but after taking a little medicine, he recovered to the peak, and continued to climb this mountain.

The more he walked up the mountain, Han Chen suddenly saw a gray mist appear in front of him.

Han Chen's mental power sensed that this should be a barrier formed by the gathering of mysterious auras.

He stretched out his hand and touched it, and found that a few icy breaths came from Han Chen's fingers immediately!

The power of this attack is the same as that of Han Chen's first contact with that mysterious aura!

Without hindrance, head straight to Han Chen's Dantian!


Han Chen hurriedly turned his dantian into full operation, and the ancestor's exercises were also madly operated by Han Chen. If that mysterious aura directly penetrates the dantian, the consequences would be disastrous.

That breath is extremely domineering, destroying all obstacles along the way, and Han Chen's meridians instantly become tattered.

But Han Chen couldn't take care of this at all, the power in his hand was running wildly, and he was bound to contain this mysterious and cold aura!

With the operation of the exercises, more and more divinities envelop the dantian, forming a white cocoon.

That icy breath hits directly!

After several attempts, it was absorbed by Han Chenyuan's ancestor's technique and turned into a divine nature that can be absorbed.

Only then did Han Chen realize that his back was wet, sweating profusely, and lying on the ground gasping for breath.

"Sure enough, this is the limit I can bear!"

However, when Han Chen checked his body, he found that the cultivation base that remained at the top level of the mythical form had begun to loosen a little.

It seems that this process is very dangerous, but with his own strength, Han Chen still has the opportunity to improve his cultivation.

After Han Chen adjusted it, once again ran the Xuanwu ancestor's secret method, operating to the best condition, Han Chen tried to insert a finger into the mysterious breath barrier.

In an instant, two pieces of information spread to Han Chen. Han Chen had his first experience and soon began to deal with the situation here.

Although Han Chen was still sweating profusely, after several attempts, Han Chen finally determined that this is also possible.

Han Chen wanted to let Ao Bai and Huang Mengmeng come out to practice, but found that both of them had fallen asleep.

Han Chen couldn't help but smile. It turned out that he was the only ascetic who was forced to do so.

Clean up, Han Chen tried again...

I don't know how long it has passed before Han Chen woke up from his cultivation. He was pleasantly surprised to find that his cultivation base kept breaking through the shackles!

As Han Chen broke through the top level of the mythological form, a gray mark was left in Han Chen's dantian.

At this time, Han Chen remembered what Hu Jun had said to himself, after reaching the top level of the mythological form, everyone's aptitude was determined.

Each person’s qualifications are divided into nine grades.

How to classify each person depends on the number of marks corresponding to that person's dantian.

And most people's initial rank is finally finalized within a year of becoming the top rank of mythological form.

Now Han Chen has been practicing for a long time before getting a gray mark.

Judging from this mark, it should be the mark of the mysterious aura corresponding to the divine nature.

"Then it seems that I am the first-class mythical form!"

Han Chen said mockingly.

Han Chen ignored so much. He saw that there were many vortices on Han Chen's physical body because of the cultivation of the planet's divine body.

But now Han Chen can't estimate the cultivation of the planetary divine body, he should first improve his mythical form mana cultivation base.

After the adjustment, Han Chen once again immersed in this barrier, and half of his whole person was submerged in this mysterious atmosphere.

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