All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1327: Luo Hu

Chapter 1327 Luo Hui

Han Chen quickly stopped Huang Mengmeng, "I always have a foreboding that there is danger here, let's keep a low profile!"

As he said, Huang Mengmeng concealed into the void.

When Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng concealed to the void, the void suddenly broke open, and a divine light fell on the original position of Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng!

Sneak attack!

Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng have a feeling!

"No, it's Luo Hu! This guy came across the space to chase after him!"

"What, the one in the Conferred God Realm?" Han Chen's face was ashamed!

"No, this guy is not an old friend, but his disciple and grandson. The cultivation base is only Daewoo grade!"

"Isn't it strange that Daewoo-class travels through space?" Han Chen didn't understand. Could it be that the housekeeping skills of ancient mythical beasts are all traveling through space?

"Yes, our ancient sacred beasts are capable of traveling through the void!" Huang Mengmeng's small face is unusually solemn, "I will stop him for a while!"

Huang Mengmeng turned into an earthy yellow light ball, incarnate into a powerful image, in the sky, transformed into a huge beast form.

Covering this piece of space.

"Hurry up! Dive down! I feel there is something below that can stop Luo Hu!" In a short time, Huang Mengmeng's voice also turned into a bell ringing drum.

Han Chen knew that the other party had shielded the space under this body, making Luo Hui unable to perceive it.

Although the mysterious aura below became more and more intense, Han Chen found that as long as his high-speed rotation technique, he could still consume some mental power and avoid himself being hurt.

"Who are you? Also an ancient beast?" Luohu's eyes were startled at first, and then there was a touch of cruelty.

"Wait, you turtle shell, I am familiar with it. You turned out to be the old Xuanwu guy? No, are you his grandson? Jiejie, I have never seen such a weak animal!"

Luo Hu, who leaped from the void, had consumed a lot of him, but with his current strength, he could still hold on to a stick of incense.

But when I met this weak "sacred beast" in front of me, I suddenly felt ridiculous.

"Huh! Help me greet your ancestors!" Huang Mengmeng's huge figure spun, exuding an earthy yellow light.

"Although your natural gossip tortoise shell has the characteristics of blocking all divine attacks! But you are too weak now, and this gossip tortoise shell is weak, and even the yin and yang fish have not appeared! It is good for you to become my little Luohuo's food today!"

Luo Hu contemptuously, but his mouth kept on, the huge spatial power was absorbed into his stomach by Luo Hu, and then squirted out!

A dark flame was formed!

Jiuyou Hell!

The raging fire light immediately enveloped the huge turtle shadow, and even the space was blocked to death!

The earth-yellow light can't break through this Nine Nether Flame Hell at all!

Huang Mengmeng was furious, when was he so insulted!

Bite the tip of his tongue and spout a mouthful of blood. As a result, countless strange blood-red long swords sprouted on his tortoise shell!

With his own crazy rotation, kill all those black flames!

"Huh, enchant stone!"

As we spoke, a round, pitch-black stone protruded from the black Luohu sky, with a strong wave of light exuding it!

In an instant, all the divine nature around was absorbed by the enchanting stone!

"In this way, I will let you have no divinity to use!" Luo Hui intends to let the other party die from exhaustion, and then take advantage of it.

Feeling the rapid loss of divinity in his body, the giant tortoise gradually showed unwilling anger.

"Okay, you even got the old thief's sweetheart!"

Fighting against Luo Hui countless times, Xuanwu naturally knew how powerful the enchanted stone was.

However, Xuanwu is not without any means.

I saw that Xuanwu once again madly rotated his unique secret method, tumbling and stirring the thick and mysterious atmosphere around!

"What, are you crazy?" Luo Hui glanced, his eyes hurt!

This is where Xuanwu is really scary, they can drive the mysterious aura!

The opponent's realm is completely inferior to his own, but he definitely does not dare to directly take on the mysterious aura.

And this Xuanwu, who didn't know where it came from, was so reckless and directly poured the mysterious aura into his body.

"You, do you want to train yourself into a Xuanwu divine body!"

Luo Hui heard his father’s introduction about Xuanwu countless times, and mentioned this Xuanwu divine body countless times...

The Xuanwu Divine Body was originally a powerful physical body trained by absorbing the divine nature, but after the transformation of the Xuanwu ancestors, the Xuanwu Divine Body became a walking divine annihilation machine.

All divinities will be wiped out when they encounter this divine body.

Moreover, the absorbed divine nature will feed back to the divine body, make up for the loss, and form a more powerful divine body.

Another name is the immortal body!

If he really cultivated into an immortal divine body, he would be immortal, only to be divided and sealed.

"You **** Huangquan sender!"

Because Xuanwu has special techniques and attributes, it is especially suitable for entering Huangquan. In the past, many dragons or other big families looked for Xuanwu and they went to Huangquan to pick Sanshenghua and other materials.

But it also attracted the attention of the entire ancient battlefield, because this exercise was only known by the Xuanwu clan.

Therefore, under the suppression of millions of years, thousands of members of the Xuanwu clan were all annihilated and perished for thousands of years.

Never thought, I saw Xuanwu again today.

Luo Hui glanced at the crazy breath pouring back into the Xuanwu divine body, and there was a touch of madness on his face.

"I'm not as you wished! Even if your breath has surpassed me and reached the Daewoo Intermediate level!"

Luo Hui is furious!

An instant split on his forehead, revealing a dark eye from it.

"Dongxuan Divine Light!"

A dark ray of light attacked towards the khaki center, and the void shattered, shaking the void and emitting waves of ripples.

"Ah! Roar!"

At this time, Xuanwu had already gathered a large amount of mysterious auras, entered his body, and directly expanded his body veins a hundred times, so that they all burst out in the end!

However, as the body was constantly filled with secret auras, a thousand gray-white rays of light suddenly burst out!

After Xuanwu's high-speed rotation, a sprint, driving the ray of light, dashed towards Luohu!

The divine light of the hole stun hit Xuanwu's body, and was immediately absorbed by the mysterious aura on Xuanwu's body, and it continued to impact.

Luo Huo didn't look good, and was about to escape.

But the Xuanwu Divine Body was too fast, and it came to the front of his head in an instant.


With a loud noise, Luo Hu only felt that his head was pierced by hundreds of rays of light in an instant, and he vomited blood in a short while, fighting for the last trace of clarity, closing the void passage.

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