All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1331: Sanjiafenhu

The first thousand three hundred and thirty one

When I heard from the people who inspired the spirits to escape from the secret realm for the first time, Han Chen had killed all the members of their ancient Luo clan with just one person.

But after that, they have no idea what happened.

"That surname Han's heart is really vicious, and even drove our Guluo clan to extinction!" said the person next to it.

"Hu Family..." Feng Hai Xiaotian was stopped just as he wanted to speak.

Quickly glanced at the ancestor of the ancient Luo family, the ancient Luo Fanxuan.

At this time, the three ancestors were silent.

Walked into a room and hit several restrictions.

"What's the matter with you all? Haven't all been planned?" Feng Hai Xiaotian said exaggeratedly, "Why do you seem to have nothing to do with yourself."

"You're talking about dealing with the surname Han, you didn't say that the Hu family was divided up together." Hong Xuantian said his thoughts.

"After the Hu family is divided by the three of us, then those resources are inherited by us. What are you worried about. You can also make a lot of money. Isn't it?" Feng Hai Xiaotian was anxious.

"Besides, don't your Hong family especially want the Hu family's cultivation technique." Feng Hai Xiaotian added.

"Although I covet his techniques, after the demise of the Hu family, the next one is my Hong family." Hong Xuantian is cunning and cunning, and only then revealed his true colors. "I mean, I was originally stronger than you Feng Hai and Gu. The Luo family is much less. The Hu family's pill and ore resources should be distributed to me a little more so that my strength can be improved."

"Old Monster Hong, your wishful thinking is smashing." Feng Hai Xiaotian's face showed a deep groan.

One reason for destroying the Hu Family was that the Hu Family colluded with San Xiu Han Chen and completely collected all the gains from the entire secret realm.

Presumably, no one can compete with him for the last birth soul grass.

"Huh, don't blame me for talking too much. The population who returned from the secret realm knows that Han Chen has definitely got the soul grass. You know better than us what the soul grass is. Just give it to yourself In the hands of the head of the clan, then their Hu family will have another eternal peak powerhouse. At that time, no one can stop the Hu family. You have all reached the top eternal state, and you must know the top eternal state. What does it mean to be a pinnacle!"

Feng Haixiaotian showed an expression of hating iron but not steel.

"Huh, of course you will be worried. We, the Hong family, are only ranked third, and we don't have much interest in opposition to the Hu family." Old Monster Hong once again showed his fox's true colors.

"Forget it, don't fight between you two. What we care about is the soul grass in Han Chen's hands. The Hu family did too much this time. Let's pretend to lead the team here to surround Han Chen and let the people of the Hu family Bring the team over, and then we took advantage of the emptiness of the opponent to break through the Hu family in one fell swoop. It was originally a matter of killing two birds with one stone. As for Old Monster Hong, I would like to share more resources. .

The trio finally left a middle-rank eternal elder, staying here. After the ancestors of the Hu family came over, they began to prepare.

"I have three Sanqing transformation talisman here, which can re-engrave a avatar from us. Although the realm of cultivation is no different from our own, it will become very dull and dull when really fighting, like a puppet. But as long as Taking a look at the Hu family from afar, I think it can still shock the other person." Feng Haixiao said in a gloomy tone.

"That's great." The three of them walked out of the temporary cave.

Back to their respective camps, secretly prepare.

The strong men of the Guluo family live in the lofty cave house in the middle.

"Ancestor, our genius, Gu Luolan, has already been promoted to the eternal realm as soon as he entered, and I believe that Han Chen will be attacked in the secret realm. Will we be too wasteful of resources in this big fight?" Follow Gu Luofan The clan elder next to Patriarch Xuan said.

"Huh, what do you know. Although I also believe in Gu Luolan. But Han Chen is too weird to be able to travel through the void. We are just in case at the moment. And five years are coming soon, logically speaking. , Gu Luolan and his team should come out soon. The delay in it for so long is really worrying.” Gu Luo Fanxuan analyzed, his eyes glowing.

"The ancestor is wise! But the ancestors can rest assured to encircle the Hu family, my ancient Luo Hanchen will not be insulted!" said the elder who claimed to be ancient Luo Hanchen.

The two planned again to ensure that the plan was foolproof.

In a short while, just after three days, the ancestor of the Hu family rushed over with a group of people.

He also received letters from the disciples who returned. Although the information is not complete, Hu Jun and his team should be the deepest.

I have the best chance to get the Birth Soul Grass.

But when the ancestors of the Hu family heard that the three families had sent many people to surround the secret realm exit, they probably guessed that the other party wanted to take action against the Hu army, so they rushed to organize the tribe to come.

A group of tribesmen are coming.

Don't be fooled by the other three families.

In the past five years, the ancestors of the Hu family have clearly felt the Hong family's alienation from them, and suspected that the last person who ran out of the Hong family must have said something, causing the relationship between the two families to finally become indifferent.

"Ancestor, these three families are coming here aggressively, and our Hu family is so weak, will it be a tiger's mouth?" the clan elder next to him asked.

"The current situation is that our Hu family is isolated. Even if we don't resist, we will be swallowed up sooner or later," said Hu Shiqing, the ancestor of the Hu family.

Although he was very old, he could still see clearly in his head.

"Nothing should have taken away more than half of the forces in our clan. Although the Hu Army is very important, we must be careful that the other three suddenly act on us." said the clan elder.

"Your worries are not unreasonable, but both sides are important, and the other side has already sent so many people. We don't have more people. It is estimated that the Birth Soul Flower was really taken away by them. Our ancestors have only been taken away. The result of human refining."

Hu Shiqing's face is solemn, it is basically a dilemma.

"You bet all your hopes on Hu Jun, I don't think it is good." The clan elder also smiled bitterly.

"There is no way, our Hu family does not have some outstanding disciples and grandchildren." Hu Shiqing said seriously.

"But Hu Jun's men are just casual cultivators. They are outsiders. How can they work hard for our Hu family?" Hu Bai said his hidden worries.

"What you said makes sense. We are just using casual cultivators to obtain the birth soul flower." Hu Shiqing, the ancestor of the Hu family said.

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