All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1333: Hu's plot

"Hmph, these three old monsters, I don't know what they are doing. We can't control that much anymore, we will get the Soul Birth Flower now and become the second eternal peak powerhouse!" Hu family ancestor said coldly.

Although he was suspicious, success was imminent, but he was not as careful as usual.

"Ah, the circle is scattered!"

Everyone has surrounded this place to a great extent.

"How come there are so many people here. Are they all here to welcome us?" Suddenly a very stinky voice came from the circle.

When everyone waited until the light dissipated, they saw the person who spoke, dressed very plainly, and at first glance he was not a nobleman.

"What? It turned out to be a casual repairman who is out of luck." Everyone sneered.

Then the white light dissipated, and several people came out one after another.

Several of them are dressed very plainly, but they are all relatively clean and tidy, and it seems that they have not experienced any battle at all.

If only one person is so clean and tidy, then it can be said to be lucky, but when six people appear at the same time, everyone knows that it may be from the same team.

"Hu Jun!"

Suddenly the crowd yelled!

The sixth person who came out was finally someone they knew!

That is Director Hu!

Most people can see Director Hu when they go to the Military Guard to receive a mission!

"I heard that he was the last team to enter, and he led half of the casual cultivators to enter. It is really difficult for him, so that they can bring back their casual cultivators intact!"

"Director Hu mighty!"

With a shout, the rest of the people shouted!

Especially the members of the Hu family, their faces blushed, their own members are too long.

Na Guluo, Feng Hai, Hong's family and others were silent, and apart from the six members of the Hu family who came back, two others were the only seedlings of the Hong family.

Han Chen was also beside Director Hu, looking at the familiar crowd around him and the four familiar families, and he was in a daze.

As soon as he came out, Han Chen noticed that he had a few special eyes on him.

"Team Korea, I found that a few eyes have locked on us." Jin Pangli beside him suddenly said mysteriously.

After four years of training, Jin Pang was only a line away from the top step. Sun Xue has also steadily entered the top level of mythological form.

With the supply of Han Chen's medicine, Wu Yuan's cultivation base has also increased to the middle level of mythological form. The Hornet felt a lot of pressure, because the Hornet currently has the lowest cultivation base in the team.

"Well, I have also noticed, everyone wait and disperse away. I guess their target is me." Han Chen quietly spoke to Jin Pangli, Zhao Feiwu, Sun Xue and others.

Now Zhao Feiwu just stayed among the puppets, and his cultivation base was also set at the elementary level of the eternal realm.

However, there are more than 30 eternal realm powerhouses here, so this Zhao Feiwu cultivation base is not very prominent.

Among them, Han Chen saw the location of the four ancestors. The Hu family ancestors need not say anything, but what makes Han Chen strange is that the breath of the other three ancestors is not stable.

"Team Korea, since we are all cultivating with your help, we are not ungrateful. At this time, you need us the most, and we will not disperse and leave." Jin Pangli said firmly.

"Are you too?" Han Chen said in everyone's heart again.

Before they could reply, Hu Jun and his people walked over excitedly, pulled Han Chen and said, "Thank you so much this time for helping our Hu family pick the birthday flowers!"

"This is the remuneration agreed before! In addition, I took out some of my salary, thank you for helping you in the secret realm several times!" Hu Jun said with deep meaning.

He really thanked Han Chen, otherwise he probably died a dozen times in it.

"The agreed remuneration, I accept, you take it out by yourself, I don't accept it." Han Chen smiled and glanced at the storage bag, which contained thirty Shenyuan Pills and 100 God Stones.

For an ordinary team, this is indeed quite generous.

But when compared with the gains of Han Chen's trip, it was insignificant. You should know that Han Chen collected more than a hundred Shenyuan Pill refining materials according to the map collected from the storage bag of the eternal realm strongman of the Hong family.

He also found an oceanic scepter in a lake, which was a divine tool. Han Chen's own attributes were wrong, so he gave it to Wu Yuan, which made Wu Yuan's strength a lot stronger.

The rest of the team members also had their own chances and found some ancient techniques or mysterious magic weapons, and everyone has a lot of good things.

Therefore, everyone looks down on this divine essence pill and divine stone. The reason why Han Chen didn't want Hu Jun to pay extra was a matter of credibility.

"No, I want to compensate you from the bottom of my heart. And I will soon be a candidate for the young patriarch, and my salary will increase a lot. I will definitely have more of these things in the future. You As long as you treat me as a brother, you can accept it." Hu Jun said seriously.

"Let you accept it, it's just a few Shen Yuan Dan and Shen Stone," the Hu family ancestor suddenly interjected, "No mother-in-law."

Han Chen could see the pride on his face, but after other Human Race people heard about it, they said mockingly, "Random cultivation is casual cultivation. I haven't seen this cultivation resource."

"Haha." The people around burst into laughter, "Hu Jun, ignore them, come and tell us uncles how you got this soul grass in the secret realm!"

"Sorry, I will leave first, and there will be a period later!" Hu Jun certainly can't refute his uncle face to face now, so he has to separate from Han Chen first, then return to Tianyuan City and explain to Han Chen.

Han Chen also clasped his fists. Mosquito meat is also meat, and Han Chen has no reason to refuse.

"Hu Jun, this kid is nothing!" Jin Pangli looked at the back of those people away, and surrounded Hu Jun, as if the soul flower was obtained by Hu Jun alone.

"That's right, I see Hu Jun is not a good place, if there is a good place, let's find another job." Zhao Feiwu said with a puppet machine.

Everyone agreed a few times.

"We quickly retreated with the Hu family." Han Chen said suddenly and solemnly. Everyone was nervous.

Because they saw the Gu Luo family who had been killed by Han Chen, and Feng Haijia and Hong who had killed the two teams, all surrounded Han Chen.

It looks like it should be encircled.

"You are not from our Hu family, why are you coming closer to do?" The man in Hu family costume shouted at the other three families.

"Fuck! We're just looking for trouble with a surname Han, regardless of your Hu family." The leader was a man in a white robe. His body immediately exuded the cultivation level of the mid-eternal state, and the person who started talking immediately Kneeled on the ground.

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