All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1335: Escape separately

The first thousand three hundred and thirty-five chapters

Although there are many magic weapons given by Han Chen, after all, the strength lies here, and he has suffered several magic weapons attacks.

Han Chen noticed that Wu Yuan and Sun Xue were more relaxed. Zhao Feiwu was originally the body of the Eternal Realm, so he was not afraid at all.

The only problem is that Zhao Feiwu's sacred stone consumes the fastest, and one hundred sacred stones can't support a stick of incense.

Fortunately, Han Chen has a big family and has collected a lot from priests and children of the family, and he can barely fight for two or three days.

"You hold them, I'll hurt them." Han Chen said after observing the environment.

"Okay!" The Hornet and Jin Pangli once again seriously resisted the attacks from all around.

As soon as Han Chen exited, he saw Zhao Feiwu being beaten into flight by Feng Hai clan and Hong clan, turning into broken copper and flying towards Han Chen.

Zhao Feiwu's eyes were not good, his soul came out of his body, and a flash came to Han Chen's side. Han Chen quickly packed it in a jade box and sent it into the stellar device.

Han Chen looked at the Hong family and Feng Hai family elders, suffocating in his heart, turned into a shock, and flew toward the two.

When the two saw Han Chen flying over, they hid in fear.

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you. I don't know why two mid-eternal realm powerhouses are hiding from a person who is at the top of mythological form.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a joke.

But the Hong family elders and Feng Hai elders saw with their own eyes that after Han Chen sent the white-robed Guluo clan elders into the void, they would never be able to return.

They really didn't dare to face Han Chen with such weird and terrifying things.

For a while, Han Chen was furious. The opponent's escape speed was originally faster than his own. It was too difficult to catch up with these two old turtles.

"Hong Rigui, I told you to run away! He will be more difficult to chase by then!" The Feng Hai clan veteran suggested at this time.

"In that case, I will listen to you Feng Haixinyang!" As he said, Hong Rigui, the ancestor of the Hong family, turned into a streamer and flew from the left.

Feng Haixinyang flew away from the right again.

The situation has changed drastically now.

Han Chen couldn't solve these two leaders at all. And the ancestors of these three families have been in the stands. If these three make a move, Han Chen probably won't even have any dregs left.

Thinking like this, my heart sank.

At the same time, the cultivators who were close to three hundred black continued to attack Han Chen fiercely, catching fire for a while, freezing for a while, evacuating for a while, and flooding for a while, and Han Chen had to eat these low-level spells.

Now they formed three groups, each of them as a group, the typical exercises of their group were inspired and turned into a combined attack of hundreds of people, Han Chen had to deal with these combined attacks, let Han Chen immediately fought hard.

"The Korean team!"

Another divine light hit Han Chen, and the others were helpless, entangled by others, unable to step forward to help.

Sun Xue's opponent was even an eternal elementary powerhouse, and was firmly suppressed by the opponent.

For a time, Han Chen's team all fell into a hard fight.

Hu Jun watched from the wall, with a clear view.

My heart became more anxious, if I could not help Han Chen at this time, then what would I be to Han Chen?

He kept saying that he would be brothers with each other!

Hu Jun walked to the ancestor's side, the ancestor in front of him seemed to look with gusto, and his eyes seemed a little proud.

"Ancestor, ask to help Han Chen team!"

"Xiao Hu, you don't need the situation on the scene at all. Look at the three ancestors on the opposite side who are all in the stands. The meaning is obvious. As long as I do it, the ancestor on the other side will do it too. Han Chen now The team has become a trapped beast in the Colosseum. It will only be exhausted." The ancestors of the Hu family showed a deep look, frowning.

As an ancestor, if this situation is not visible, then it will be abandoned.

"But..." Hu Jun was anxious, seeing Han Chen being surrounded by another team, and he was about to make even more powerful tricks.

"No, just listen to me." The ancestor said lightly.

"Then I will act on my own behalf! Even if Han Chen can't be rescued, I will help Han Chen block some attacks!" Hu Jun was anxious, his ancestor did not support Han Chen at a critical moment. Is it because he is a casual cultivator ?

"You! You can't go anywhere! Are you going to **** me off? If you have entered the war, don't you mean that the Hu family has participated in the war? Be ready at any time, we have to go back quickly, give the birth soul flower to the patriarch, let us Hu family The second eternal peak powerhouse was born!" Hu Shiqing, the ancestor of the Hu family, was afraid of the stunned green in front of him, and rushed out with passion.

Quickly sent two people to watch Hu Jun.

"Look carefully, this is power tricks, do you know? Our Hu family is weak, but we use casual cultivators to get the birth soulgrass, and then use casual cultivators to weaken the vital power of the other three, so that our Hu family may be able to win It's profitable. Coupled with the emergence of the second eternal peak powerhouse, it is completely possible for our Hu family to dominate Tianyuan City in the next fifty years!" The ancestors of the Hu family want to laugh.

Stupid casual repair.

"But what do we do with the priest?" Hu Bai on the side also changed the topic very interestingly.

"Hmph, although the priests are currently facing the ancient Luo clan, as long as I have a thorough grasp of Tianyuan City, even if they want revenge or something, they can't do it. They will only make the Hu clan bigger for the sake of the **** stone. "The ancestor Chengzhu said in his chest.

Think about the light ahead, don't mention how happy you are.

"It's so good!" Hu Bai stopped talking wittily, focusing on the situation on the court.

Han Chen was surrounded by three groups again, and those people yelled frantically, "Go to die for casual repair!"

Han Chen sneered in his heart!

At the same time, it was transmitted to Han Chen's team and told them to leave their place and spread out.

"Is this sure?" Jin Pangli asked anxiously.

Those people were obviously surrounded by Han Chen. As long as these people were separated, there would be a good way to avoid the explosion of the Seven-Colored Divine Thunder.

"About 70%, you can eliminate them all, don't worry." Han Chen said while avoiding the opponent's attack.

Han Chen's teammates really started to retreat to the periphery, and the three families, seeing them evacuate, did not chase them.

"The ancestor gave an order, and Han Chen is our goal. Concentrate our efforts to kill Han Chen!"

In an instant, the scene was magnificent. Three hundred people surrounded Han Chen. They either flew or used magic treasures to accumulate energy. As long as the last two clans spoke, they all attacked Han Chen together.

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