All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1341: cunning

Han Chen didn't answer, but he felt that there was a secret in it, not as simple as the surface.

"Since you have a birthday flower, give it to me, and I will return the remnant soul to you." The ancestor of the Hong family showed an old fox smile.

"Yes." Han Chen said calmly. But his heart was still entangled, what was the relationship between the City Lord's Mansion and Ao Bai's new physical body.

This physical body was from that priest when Ao Bai was in the secret realm.

"I didn't expect fellow Daoists to be so refreshing." The ancestor of the Hong family hesitated a little, and then agreed to the transaction.

Han Chen threw the box containing the birth soul flower over, and after the other party caught it, he checked but did not throw the remnant soul.

"Old Monster Hong, what do you mean?" Hu Jun shouted anxiously.

"What do you mean? Isn't it simple? Since you are willing to hand over such treasures as the Soul Flower, it means that you have gained a lot in the secret realm! So, you can give me half of what you harvest in the secret realm! "The ancestors of the Hong family smiled triumphantly. Now he has a birthday, and he is afraid of the ancestors of Gu Luo and Feng Hai.

He just wants to laugh wildly!

Moreover, his cultivation base was a whole level higher than the people in front of him, and he was not afraid of these people stealing and slipping.

"You!" Hu Jun spat out old blood.

"Hmph, since the ancestor spoke, then I have to give it..." Han Chen took out a divine tool he had snatched from Gurolan from his hand, and took out the Space Scepter. There are also the Lingbao of Fenghai clan.

"Huh!" The ancestor of the Hong family watched Han Chen take out the artifact, his eyes lit up, and his attention was focused here.

"Do it!" Han Chen Chuanyin said.

The blank void suddenly blasted a black gloomy light, and with a click, it cut off the physical arm of the Hong Family ancestor's eternal state's top peak!

The soul that was grasped by the arm was swallowed by the void before it landed.

"What is this? It's another artifact!" The ancestor of the Hong family hurriedly turned away, his eyes never leaving the various artifacts in Han Chen's hands.

When will there be so many artifacts for casual repair!

"Five-pole Magnetic Yuan Shenshan!"

Han Chen summoned the mysterious magic weapon from the storage bracelet, turning into a black light and pressing it towards the ancestor of the Hong family.

The Hong family ancestor waved his hand and blocked it.

"This is a mysterious magic weapon, it's a pity, such a good magic weapon skill." The ancestor of the Hong family became more excited as he watched.

I really met Bao this time.

As long as Han Chen is killed, he can get dozens of artifacts!

I can't stop thinking about it.

"Hmph, I'm afraid you won't be blessed!"

The twelve black gold wings behind Han Chen trembled, surging divinity emerged from it, and a faint black light radiated out.

Holding a god-killing axe in his hand, it turned into a huge shadow and hit the man's forehead.

"Small bugs!"

The ancestors of the Hong family turned thousands of things, and a flying sword appeared, slashing towards Han Chen.

Han Chen's God Killing Axe shook slightly before it was shaken away.

At the same time, an extra green gourd appeared in the hands of the ancestors of the Hong family, which exudes a strong divinity.

"Let you see what an advanced artifact is!"

"Raising the sword **** gourd!"

With the gentle tap of the ancestor of the Hong family, a white light flying sword flew out of the gourd, turning into countless sword shadows flying towards Han Chen, slashing on the god-killing axe.

Although God Killing Axe is indestructible, cracks have also appeared in the mouth of the axe.

"The peak of the late Eternal Realm is really terrifying!"

Han Chen couldn't help but retreat.

"Pull him into the void, I will fight him." Ao Bai's voice suddenly came from Han Chen's heart.

Han Chen understood, so he asked the Void Elf to tear the void, and Han Chen flew into it.

The ancestor of the Hong family was taken aback for a moment, and then roared, "Want to escape?"

It turned into a streamer to chase into the void!

As the pinnacle of the Eternal Realm, it is very close to the Daewoo-class Hand-Teared Void, so the perception of the void is much more than that of the Eternal Realm, so I am not afraid to enter the void to fight.

As long as there is no turbulence in the void, there will be no problems.

"Han Chen!" Wu Yuan and others called Han Chen urgently. When Han Chen was about to leave, the transmission gave Wu Yuan and others to help Hu's family clean up the mess and leave here quickly.

After entering the void, the ancestors of the Hong family saw Han Chen standing there, motionless, and smiled, "Why didn't you escape?"

"My realm is too far from yours, where can I escape to?" Han Chen replied calmly.

"Oh, then you are ready to die." The ancestor of the Hong family showed greedy eyes.

With a shot of the green gourd, four or five white lights flew out of it, turned into a sky full of sword shadows, and flew towards Han Chen.

Han Chen transformed into a mythical form of twelve black gold wings, shaking the void and flickering to escape.

But the flying sword seemed to have no obstacles, and when it rushed over, Han Chen felt anxious.

From the rupture of the God Killing Axe just now, because the realm was so different, Han Chen's mysterious aura could not exert its power at all.

Therefore, Han Chen did not consider what artifacts to use to block the opponent.

At this moment, Ao Bai emerged from the void, waving the dragon body, blocking the sky full of sword shadows.

Han Chen was able to breathe.

"Hey, it turned out to be the Dragon Clan! How come there is only one Divine Soul? The Dragon Clan with only one Divine Soul is not my opponent!" The ancestor of the Hong family did not know where he pulled out a divine artifact, which was a fan with fire on it. Attribute divinity.

"Seven Fireworks Fan!"

As soon as the fire fan came out, the ancestors of the Hong family injected spiritual power, turned into thousands of flames, and the phoenix rushed out, tearing the void directly!

The destructive power is terrifying!

The dragon that Ao Bai turned into didn't dare to resist head-on, so he could barely stop it by borrowing the body of a priest.

"This physical body of you looks very strange, it's obviously from the human race! I don't know which human race powerhouse was taken away!" The ancestor of the Hong family was also shocked by the opponent's physical body.

Although it was only the cultivation base of the mid-eternal realm, his resistance had already reached the peak of the late-eternal realm.

The two collided with each other for dozens of rounds, and neither side got any advantage.

Han Chen is using Ten Thousand Years Divine Liquid to restore his cultivation.

"You have a lot of treasures." The ancestor of the Hong family also noticed that Han Chen swallowed it was the Wannian Divine Liquid, and he was envious.

"By the way, your body gives me a sense of familiarity. I always feel like I've seen it somewhere! Ah, isn't this the body that the four big families vie for when the secret realm opened ten thousand years ago? At that time, I saw a weird aura flowing through the whole body! You have such a great opportunity to obtain this body!"

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