All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1343: Be seen through

"Hmph, you guys were able to kill my corpse!" The ancestor of the Hong family said he was not shocked. It was impossible. The corpse of the corpse had reached the elementary level of the eternal realm, and the golden body was not bad. Ao Bai and Mo Xiaoyan killed three of them.

Moreover, he has been attacking, just being unable to take Ao Bai down, which is really shameful.

"Hey, you actually have a secret aura! Say, what is the relationship between you and Xuanwu?" The ancestor of the Hong family felt the secret aura at this moment, and asked coldly.

"Hmph, you don't need to know!" Han Chen replied coldly, and the three of them separated and surrounded the Hong family ancestor.

"It seems that your kid has a lot of secrets. You have even mastered some of the rumored basalt secrets." The ancestor of the Hong family sneered, "This way I can't let you go!"

I patted the green gourd, and suddenly 72 white lights flew out, and the 72 white lights circled the sky, forming a sword formation.

The sword formation quickly surrounded Ao Bai, Mo Xiaoyan and Han Chen rushed up to help, but they were both stopped by the ancestor of the Hong family.

Han Chen and Mo Xiaoyan were even more unable to confront their ancestors. The ancestors of the Hong family identified Han Chen, and with unparalleled strength of the golden body, Han Chen spit out blood. Mo Xiaoyan couldn't keep up with the opponent's rhythm, and was suppressed by the ancestors of the Hong family.

Na Ao Bai was surrounded by seventy-two white lights and turned into a ten thousand zhanglong dragon body. He couldn't avoid the seventy-two white lights sword formations. Soon there were scars on his body, and golden blood fell along the edges of the scales.

"This eternal peak powerhouse is really too strong!" Han Chen showed a hint of helplessness on his face. "We can't beat him at all, and his gourd sword is very powerful, and Ao Bai is cut all over his body."

Han Chen thought to himself.

Now it seems that the void elves can only escape with them.

Han Chen's heart moved, communicating with the Void Elf.

"You can't help it anymore." The ancestor of the Hong family showed a wicked smile, exuding an evil aura from his body.

"It's not the same with you." Mo Xiaoyan said with an aura.

While talking, Han Chen felt the Void Elf cleave the void and swallow Han Chen. The ancestor of the Hong family immediately noticed the spatial fluctuations with sharp eyes, and was prepared in advance. When Han Chen escaped, the ancestor of the Hong family immediately teleported. After arriving at Han Chen, he pinched Han Chen's neck.

The surging divine surging imprisoned Han Chen motionless.

"Do you want to be stunned by me, or do you reveal all the secrets yourself?" The ancestors of the Hong family laughed domineeringly.

Ao Bai and Mo Xiaoyan consume a lot of money, and they want to stop the ancestor of the Hong family, but they are a step slower, and when they recover, Han Chen has become a hostage of the ancestor of the Hong family.

"In that case, then I will tell my ancestors..."

"My secret is that you dream!"

The mysterious aura of Han Chen's whole body was inspired by his divinity, emitting a strong brilliance from his body, and a black shadow rushed out of Han Chen's oblique thorn, and with a squeak, it directly opened the Hong Family Patriarch's lower abdomen!

"You, what did you do to me?" The ancestor of the Hong family looked at the small black hole in his dantian, the expression on his face instantly paled. You have to know that King Kong is not bad, how could there be objects that can penetrate your body?

The ancestors of the Hong family looked up again, only to see that Han Chen didn't know when, there was a black stick in his hand, but there was no divine fluctuation.

Han Chen was also a little unexpected. He took out this piece of black withered branches, and it had such a great magical power!

Directly pierced the eternal golden body of the Hong family ancestor!

This black charcoal-like tree branch was obtained with the black box of the robot mechanism before, and the aura was not displayed at all.

Han Chen tried to use divinity, and there were various methods to test, but in the end they were of no use.

This time when Han Chen was looking for a suitable magic weapon among the storage bracelets to resist the ancestors of the Hong family, he suddenly saw that this black charcoal branch actually emitted a black light under the influence of his mysterious aura.

Flew towards the other party's Hong family ancestor.

And without hindrance, it directly penetrated the body of the Hong family ancestor.

The grand ancestor of the Hong family changed his expression, and he didn't know what happened for a while.

But he was full of fear for the black charcoal branch.

Therefore, the ancestors of the Hong family no longer dare to underestimate Han Chen.

"Hmph, then let you see our Hong family's collection!"

The ancestor of the Hong family didn't dare to bully him and approach Han Chen, his whole body exuded a monstrous sword intent, and the shadow of the huge sword of the same line was blurred behind him.

He tapped the gourd, and the green gourd gave a whistle.

Seventy-two sword lights surrounded Mo Xiaoyan and Ao Bai, turning into thousands of lights to block in front of him.

Han Chen was thinking about how to deal with it. After all, the 72 sword lights almost beheaded Mo Xiaoyan, and he was very aggressive.

Now Mo Xiaoyan and Ao Bai's auras are both unstable, and they want to take down the Hong family ancestor.

Especially Demon Xiaoyan, the real demon energy spilled out, and there was a risk of falling from the realm at any time.

"Friend Daoist Han, I can't hold it anymore. After this battle is over, you must hurry to destroy God's side, or else my true devilish energy will be consumed and I will dissipate directly in your heavenly court." Mo Xiaoyan said through a voice transmission.

Han Chen nodded heavily.

"Why, you don't seem to be able to do it anymore?" The ancestors of the Hong family instigated the monstrous sword intent, and after refining the huge mythological form of the divine sword behind it, it turned into ten thousand swords of light, forming an ancient sword formation. A powerful attack power beyond the eternal realm!

"This divine power! We can't stop it at all, we quickly withdraw out of this space, or we will die!" Ao Bai exclaimed!

"You only want to escape now, isn't it a bit late!" The ancestor of the Hong family smirked!

"Can you send that thing just now?" Ao Bai sent a message to Han Chen. Seeing this situation, this space was definitely locked by the old demon and couldn't escape.

"I'm working hard, this thing was clearly inspired by me once, and now I have no reaction to my mysterious aura." Han Chen's face was bitter.

"I'll come with you." As he said, Ao Baixian approached Han Chen, venting a pure and mysterious aura from his body.

Suddenly a cold feeling was transmitted from the black charcoal to the two of them.

The two looked at each other! Eyes full of surprises!

"Not good!" Mo Xiaoyan stood in the front, and was first hit by a powerful impact from the opposite side. The huge sword light instantly penetrated her body!

Turning into ten thousand rays of light, rushed towards Han Chen and Ao Bai!

In an instant, that piece of space was shattered by thousands of swords, and the situation inside was obscured by the turbulence of space. For a while, no one knew what was happening here.

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