All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1360: Huohui

"It's already very difficult to find materials that can contain this mysterious aura. It's also difficult to adjust the divinity from another world. This sort of arrangement consumes countless efforts of the old patriarch."

"This is all done! The old patriarch is really great!"

"Where is the old patriarch? Come out to host, let us see the craftsmanship of the old patriarch!"

Thousands of people gathered in this big cave. The noise of people was very loud.

The people around were very excited. As Huohui people, they were best at making artifacts, but the most powerful one was the artifact in front of them.

Destiny Lock!

It took ten years for all the members of the clan to have countless powerful players in the late Eternity Realm of the Hehuan League input divinity, and even the leader of the alliance came personally.

It is enough to prove how important this lock is.

"Originally, the leader postponed a year to start the war. We originally had a year to complete it. Now, as the leader's plan accelerates, we have worked overtime during the six months, and it finally came out half a year ahead of schedule!"

Before the old patriarch came out, he found a person who looked like a host and walked under the bare egg.

"The old patriarch is mighty! The fire emblem is mighty!"

The people below followed and yelled. The sound is loud.

"Below, please ask our old patriarch to inject the last piece of divinity into the destiny armor!"

Following the host's roar, a light slowly rose from the flame pool behind him, and an old patriarch walked out of the light.

The old man's back was straight, very tough, with a small goatee on his face, and a ring of burnt on his beard's tail.

The old man slapped away the lava and walked out of the beam of light.

The following group of people Shanhu Long live the old patriarch!

The old man was very emotional, his old eyes were muddy, and he looked very proud.

"You, today, are witnessing history!"

"Back then, the leader gave us this task, so we can't afford to lose!"

"Now we are here as promised!"

The old man stood on the high platform and said.

At this time, the host brought five people over, and the host said to the old man, "These five people belong to our alliance and are under the leader of the leader. They are here to urge our destiny."

"Hey old man, hurry up to finish refining the artifact, we hurried back to confess good to the leader." These five people wore the uniform uniforms of the Hehuan League, with domineering expressions on their faces.

"Huh, who are your five little dolls? Don't you know that there is a huge difference between the magical tool and the lack of it." The old patriarch said earnestly, "This is the most perfect work of mine. It’s impossible not to throw in the spirit."

"I care about you, now our alliance is tightly urged, and the leader is short of manpower, we need to get this artifact quickly. If there is no tool spirit, you will not fit your body and use your own essence to turn into a tool spirit?" The leader of Hehuan sneered.

"What do you mean!" The surrounding Huohui tribe members were yelled with anger.

"Do you want the life of our old patriarch?"

"There are scum like you in the Hehuan League, and sooner or later it will defeat you all."

"You are really spoilers, I will report your situation with the leader at that time." said the leader of the Hehuan League.

"Patriarch, we just give these people refining tools, but they want our lives."

The people around said.

Four powerhouses came out of the clansmen, and their cultivation bases had reached the middle stage of the eternal state, and powerful cultivation bases immediately radiated from their bodies.

"Why? You Huohui clan don't want to survive anymore?" The expressions on the faces of the five people did not change, and they still watched these people arrogantly.

"You dare to say something to fit your body? Let's see how we Huohui people beat you to death!" The four Huohui people who surrounded them, their hair fluttered like flames.

The power of the whole body swelled, and the molten pool behind erupted with strong vibrations.

"No, just say it? Isn't your refiner pursuing a perfect artifact, can you integrate your body into the artifact, turn it into a spirit, and enhance the ability of the artifact?" said the leader.

"You guys are looking for death!"

The Huohui people rose up into the sky and transformed into a mythical form of a giant lava beast. With a roar, the ground moved and the mountains shook, and the cave collapsed in half.

"You want to rebel?"

The five members of the Hehuan League also transformed into a mythical form from their bodies, took out several poison pills in their hands, and dispersed them all around in an instant, turning them into thousands of green rays.

"Disillusionment Poison Array!"

After the green radiance of the poison came out, the Huohui tribesmen all around instantly entered a confused look and kept holding their heads. Some people laughed wildly in their dreams, while some people were in pain.

"All right!"

"Four gods, please pack up your mythological forms, and then give them the antidote. The old man has lived long enough, and I am indeed looking for an artifact worthy of the old man. And now , I don’t think anything better, I chose the Destiny Lock, just as the Destiny Lock chose me. After I fit my body, this Destiny Lock will be officially completed! At the same time, it will be very difficult Entangled. Four great clansmen, you take these four flags and spread them around, waiting for production!"

As he spoke, he released a powerful spirit, dispelling 80 to 90% of the green and yingying poison around, but the poisoned person still couldn't wake up.

"The old man is now on the way, and we will definitely tell the great benevolence and righteousness of the old man in front of the leader, distinguish right from wrong, and make it clear." said the five members of the Hehuan League.

It was said that the five members of the Hehuan League handed the antidote in their hands to several nearby people, and when these people woke up, they let others pass on the antidote.

The clansmen around came to wake up, and heard that the old patriarch finally decided to fit his body, everyone surrounded him and began to cry.

At this time, the vibration in the Guangdan became stronger and stronger, as if it had become a violent beast, which would break through the barrier at any time and rush out to kill the Quartet.

Seeing that the situation is no longer implanted in the spirit, this destiny armor lock will become a defective artifact.

After the positions of the four veteran clan flags were set, the old patriarch took a look at everyone, did not say much, transformed into a mythical form, and condensed the soul to the most complete state.

"Take care, everyone!"

After finishing speaking, the old patriarch turned into a streamer and rushed into the bare egg, and all the flags of the square shot out a red light and fell into the bare egg.

The trembling of the bare egg gradually weakened from the tremor of the sky just now, and finally there was no change in the calmness.

The people around are staring at the bare egg!

There are too many things entrusted in it, and they are afraid to take a short look.

At this moment, there was a low voice in midair, "Do it!"

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