All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1362: Grey wings

Han Chen felt that the gray wings on his body were really exactly the same as him, and he always obeyed his command.

Moreover, the material above should be transformed from the mysterious aura, which means that the wings can absorb all kinds of divinities.

Han Chen tried to spread his wings and absorbed some divinities. With these divinities, Han Chen discovered that he was actually feeding back the sea urchins!

And after the gray wings flashed out, they had a hardness beyond ordinary artifacts.

Han Chen stretched out the gray wings and turned into a stream of light, and came behind the four clan elders with a scream.

The sea of ​​thunderstorms had already bombarded the four of them to their heads, and Han Chen appeared behind them, naturally frightening them.

"Why is this person unaffected by thunder robbery?" The four of them couldn't close their mouths in surprise.

But the problem is that they have exhausted their magic weapons, and there is no alternative.

"We are willing to hand over our family of artifact refining techniques to you, and let you choose three to leave. In exchange, you can no longer deal with our family members." The oldest of the four said.

When Han Chen heard this, he moved in his heart and said coldly, "As long as you can survive the Thunder Tribulation Waterfall, you can talk to me about terms."

Han Chen turned into a streamer, and Han Chen realized that with gray wings, his escape speed was a hundred times faster than usual.

I originally wanted to test it out. Since these four old men are so good at being humans, naturally they won't continue to trouble them.

So he walked into the sea of ​​thunderstorms and kept compressing these nine-color thunder tribulations.

Suddenly Han Chen's heart moved, and a figure floated out of Han Chen's star machine.

Han Chen looked at the yellow light that suddenly appeared in front of him, always feeling a touch of familiarity.

It's just that the earthy yellow light hadn't changed yet, and I heard a very dissatisfied voice inside.

"Friend Daoist Han, how can you eat alone without asking me to join!"

There was a strange look on Han Chen's face, because the voice of this speech was no longer milky milk, but a clear and beautiful female voice, with the feeling of empty Gu Lingyin.

And from the other side's tone, he still likes to eat Thunder Tribulation...

I saw the earthy-yellow light in front of me changed again, and a goose-egg face appeared on it, bright and white, and it looked very cute. He has a slender figure and is wearing a beautiful Gothic costume.

It looks very retro.

"Why, don't you see me for a few days?" The girl said again.

"Huang Mengmeng?" Han Chen showed a wry smile.

"Yes, it's me, your nine-color thunder catastrophe is so delicious, mine is only seven-color, it's really unpalatable." Huang Mengmeng said excitedly, pouting her mouth.

"How did you make this look? It seems that even your gender has changed." Han Chen said with a wry smile again.

"Our sacred beasts have no distinction between men and women. Look at my Xuanwu ancestor, how could it be a man that gave birth to me?" Huang Mengmeng smiled, "Our human bodies can be changed because of our preferences."

"Oh, that's the case." Han Chen nodded calmly, but when he detected Huang Mengmeng's cultivation, his entire eyes were green.

"You, why have you directly reached the peak of the late Eternal Realm!" Han Chen looked stunned.

"Yeah, it's not because there is a question of perception, otherwise I can directly advance to the Daewoo level. Because I can't get out of that hurdle, so I wake up from the retreat. My cultivation is really too slow. "Huang Mengmeng said.

"..." Han Chen looked embarrassed. If this speed is still slow, wouldn't it be annoying?

Han Chen said that he was fast in cultivation, but this Huang Mengmeng was like riding a rocket.

"Huh, how can you play tricks?" Huang Mengmeng exclaimed.

"What shame?" Han Chen looked dazed.

"Look, is your Divine Soul clone in the thunder tribulation cloud layer, secretly absorbing the power of the thunder tribulation!" Huang Mengmeng looked at Han Chen with enthusiasm, and ran towards the Thunder Spirit without saying anything. past.


Han Chen exchanged several times, but there was no reaction at all.

Han Chen was anxious, took out the black cauldron, and covered the sky with the thunder light!

"What happened to this special?" The people around saw the scene of Thunder Tribulation, especially when they saw Han Chen turning into a streamer to pounce on Thunder Tribulation.

"The Korean team is still as fierce as ever." Jin Pangli used an umbrella-shaped artifact to protect his whole body, and the leader of the Hehuan League could not attack at all.

The leader of the Hehuan League is even more angry.

But the opponent's artifact is so protective that it is three levels higher than the opponent, and it can't kill the opponent.

He looked around and looked at everyone else basically.

Could not help but smile wryly.

Seeing Han Chen in the thunder robbery again, he was even more desperate.

It's so difficult for people to come out of nowhere!

"Boss, let's retreat first," said one of the Hehuan League members.

"What to retreat, can you face the anger of the leader?" said the leader.

"However, our lives may be explained here. These people are obviously only in the form of mythology, but the difficulty is not less than that of the first-level powerhouses in the eternal realm. We are only suppressing them and can't kill each other at all. Rather than us Apply for the leader of the elders to come personally, otherwise you can't beat them here." The person said.

"It makes sense for you to say this. You drag these four people first, and I will transmit the sound." A message came from the leader of the Hehuan League.

Han Chen did not notice the call here, but even if the call was sent, Han Chen and the others were not afraid.

Because Hehuan League was fighting against Tianyuan City on the frontal battlefield, and the clone lacked skills, how could it come here.

Han Chen turned into a streamer tossed in the thunderstorm sea, constantly suppressing the thunderball with the help of the black cauldron, and constantly nourishing his impeccable diamond body.

Huang Mengmeng was even more upset when he saw that Han Chen had a black big tripod to help, and took a tenth of the Thunder Tribulation.

The Thunder Tribulation, which was supposed to last for half a month, was abruptly missing by more than one day.

Coupled with Han Chen's hard work, less than a stick of incense, the thunder calamity was reduced by half.

Those onlookers were dumbfounded.

"Team Korea, this is too fierce." The Hornet held a weird big stick artifact, which can stretch and shrink, but it can be big or small. From the enemy's point of view, it was extremely difficult.

"I also think that the Korean team is too powerful." Although Zhao Feiwu is just a puppet, he can stand up as many times as he keeps fighting, and those puppets will be broken as soon as they are broken, and they will be resurrected by splicing them together.

"If the Korean team is strong, we can be stronger. We must know that the Korean team allows us to have one artifact per capita, but it is really awesome!" Jin Pangli held the umbrella-shaped shield with great ease.

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