All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1370: Curse of Blood

Even this kind of artifact can be refined.

"Master, I think we can subdue these people and enrich our team." Dogleg Tu Huang said eagerly.

Han Chen glanced at Tu Huang, and Tu Huang immediately fell into a cold sweat.

To say that it is absolutely impossible for these people to act as Han Chen's servants without any selfishness, that is, to allow these people to form an alliance with themselves and not be bullied by others.

But in this way, the benefits to Han Chen are real.

The artifacts produced by the dwarves are all the best.

And they have to follow the tradition of body fit, so the artifacts they produce are more advanced.

In this way, Han Chen was able to conquer a bloodline that was infinitely close to a dwarf, which was naturally very good.

Han Chen showed a touch of thought, "There are so many of you, do I have to sign a contract with each of you? That would be very troublesome."

Hearing what Han Chen said, the five tribe elders were surprised and delighted, and at least proved that he didn't have to die this time.

But this signing of the master-servant contract does require a huge divine and soul power. If there is no huge divine and soul power to support it, it is easy to go wrong.

"Don't be afraid, I have a blood curse method here, which can curse all people in this blood line to death." At this time, Xue Yan's voice came from Han Chen's stellar machine.

Han Chen was immediately surprised, and on the surface he was still extremely calm and said, "I know a way to curse through blood..."

Han Chen whispered, stunned by what the five clan elders had said, making them feel terrified.

But compared to the murderous aura just now, they are now more willing to follow Han Chen and serve as slaves.

Han Chen and the five elders finally agreed to this plan.

So the five clan elders were planted a master-servant contract by Han Chen. Han Chen stopped paying attention to the rest.

As long as Han Chen had a thought and used the blood curse method at the same time, all the three generations of these people died.

This is a very terrifying blood curse.

"Did your divine weapon Destiny Armor be born?" Han Chen asked coldly.

"Report to the master that it is done." said the five clan elders.

"Humph, since it's all right, then you just said that the light egg hasn't come out yet?" Han Chen's expression changed immediately.

They were so frightened that they quickly apologized and said, "We really need to conceive some of them, but now that we are born, that counts."

"Then go take a look, I'm not someone who can't wait."

After all, Han Chen let the five of them lead the way.

The five people's faces were sad, and they finally passed. At this time, they even dared not have a double heart, and immediately went in.

"Master, I heard that the divine tool here is the lord of the Hehuan League...that the servant needs, if we take it away now, I guess he must be prepared. There may be spiritual imprints on the magic weapon. "Gu Tu Huang said.

"Oh, is there such a saying?" Han Chen smiled, but he had already asked Xue Yan in his heart. As a magical tool, Xue Yan must know more.

"Yes, it is possible that our spirits will be planted with a spiritual brand. In his case, the spiritual brand must be arranged in the weapon. This is reasonable. This relates to which part of the weapon is marked by the other party. Spiritual imprinting, this requires a careful investigation. I can teach you a set of methods to prevent the other party from finding it, but this is just to cover up the breath for a day or two and cannot be tracked by the other party."

"That's enough." Han Chen didn't entangle, it's normal to gain and lose.

After a while, a group of seventeen people walked into the depths of the cave. In the depths of the cave, Han Chen saw the glowing egg that he saw that day.

The cracks inside are so dense that they may rush out at any time.

"What a strong divine fluctuation!" Even Huang Mengmeng did not enter and showed an expression of admiration. The ancestor Xuanwu naturally left her countless treasures, including exercises and cultivation experience, and even buried treasures.

But Han Chen didn't force Huang Mengmeng to say it, and waited until he wanted to say it.

"I don't know if the master knows the function of this destiny armor?" the Five Clan old man asked.

"Stop selling it, don't tell me clearly." Huang Mengmeng almost ate the five of them in one bite.

"Yes, boss." The five clansmen said in unison, "Although our Destiny Armor Lock is built according to the plan of the leader, we have optimized a lot of materials and functions according to the actual situation. The current Destiny Armor A lock is actually an artifact that allows the Destiny Armor Lock to function by injecting divine nature. How to understand it, it can be said that as long as the deity you inject is strong enough and large enough, then Destiny Armor Lock’s blocking ability has no limit."

"There is no limit!" Han Chen showed a thoughtful look.

He suddenly remembered that black wooden branch that was about to be scrapped, it was also a secret treasure that needed to be infused with the breath of reincarnation.

Only after eating more mysterious aura, his power will strike.

Han Chen has been wondering what the reason for this black wooden branch is. Now thinking about it, isn't the reason very similar to the lock of the destiny?

But it was still different. The Destiny Armor was mainly divine, but the black wooden branch needed a mysterious aura.

Therefore, the black wood sticks are more restricted than ordinary ones.

Then this is an artifact that can be upgraded.

Han Chen felt incredible.

"Team Korea, this weapon is awesome." The rest of the people are envious, but they are already armed with a magic weapon now, so naturally they won't be so jealous.

"Hehe, bosses, you are actually interested, why don't I build some artifact protective equipment for you?" said the five clan elders, taking the opportunity to show off their magical methods.

"No need." Sun Xue refused.

"I don't need anymore..." Hortou Feng, Zhao Feiwu, and Jin Pangli also replied.

"Uh... this is a divine tool." The five clansmen were very puzzled, but didn't want to explain anything. At first glance, these people were just buns, and they hadn't even seen what the divine tool was.

That's why I am so disdainful.

I'm afraid that in the future, you will say it is really fragrant.

"It's just a divine tool." Jin Pangli said with a glance at the old man.

The old man suddenly felt despised, but he was helpless. After all, their artifacts had already been handed over, and their lives were in Han Chen's hands, so naturally he didn't dare to make any mistakes.

Listening to the expectations of these three people, they felt that these young people were proud, and they didn't even put the artifact in their eyes.

"No, the artifact in Guangdan is about to be released!" Suddenly the five clan elders said at the same time.

Han Chen avoided it early.

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