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Chapter 1373: Reappearing earth civilization

They suddenly saw a black stone exposed inside.

Everything here has been scorched, but this dark stone has no effect at all, it is still black and translucent.

This special rejoicing made Han Chen and others feel very novel.

As Huang Mengmeng's mana fluctuated, the place was quickly cleared out, and everyone gathered around to take a look and immediately knew what place it was.

I saw the four words "Earth Civilization" written on it.

Han Chen shook his heart.

How can there be the four words of earth civilization here? Is it really a civilization that belongs to the earth established by ancient earth civilizations?

But the situation here is completely different from the dreamland I stepped into.

Although the dream is very broken, there is no such disgusting flame,

Huang Mengmeng said heartlessly, "How come there is such an interesting stone here. Haha."

After all, Huang Mengmeng wanted to move forward to remove the black stone. After all, it was a strange stone that could be burned in such a graceful fire pool without being affected at all.

But when Huang Mengmeng touched the black stone all of a sudden, the whole world changed drastically.

Although the fire is still the fire.

But above the firelight, slices of ancient buildings unexpectedly emerged.

"Dream back to Han and Tang Dynasties?"

Han Chen was once again surprised by the grandeur of these buildings. Now, these buildings are exactly the same as what Han Chen saw in his dream.

"It turns out that this is really earth civilization."

Han Chen couldn't help feeling a little.

However, Han Chen still found clues.

The ancient buildings of Han and Tang Dynasties here are not real. Han Chen touched it with his hands and found that he could only touch countless fires.

"What is earth civilization?"

Huang Mengmeng whispered to Han Chen.

"Do you remember that I was born from the earth? The earth civilization here should be the civilization power established by human beings who walked out of my original blue planet. It's just that it was a long time ago, and Logically speaking, this is already a very powerful civilization. It's a pity that I haven't been able to find the mysterious ancient civilization from a bit of ancient books." Han Chen sighed.

"If you can't find it, it doesn't mean that others can't find it. But I have lived for so long, and I haven't heard anything about earth civilization. It seems that the person who killed him back then was very powerful and could Erase all traces, or this earth civilization is a small force at all, so small that I have no time to remember it."

Huang Mengmeng's innocent inference.

Han Chen is somewhat lost, these are all dreams of his hometown.

How can you not feel sorry.

That is to say, the heartless and lungless people will ignore it.

The last time I entered the dream state, it was because of the cultivation of the planetary body. What if I could cultivate the planetary body here?

The fire attribute here is so strong, coupled with the evolution of the gray wings behind Han Chen, this place could not be used to exercise the divine body.

But I want to find the "Fire Crow Order!" recorded on the treasure map.

It is said that the Fire Crow Order can summon the legendary beast, the Giant Flame Fire Crow!

The adult fire crow has a powerful strength that can rival the Daewoo class.

This giant fire crow used to follow Dao Huo Crow, but now Dao Huo Crow disappeared in this place, obviously there must be a Fire Crow order here.

As Han Chen was thinking about it, he heard Huang Mengmeng say angrily, "All these are mirages!"

Han Chen looked up and saw Huang Mengmeng rushing into the mirage. The stone marked with earth civilization suddenly turned into a streamer and fell into Han Chen's hands.

Han Chen looked at the three words of earth civilization and couldn't help turning his own planetary body, as if echoed by the planetary body, the black stone carving immediately turned into some wonderful techniques.

Quite a few people meditate on it or play magical poses.

Han Chen glanced a few times and felt that the meditating old man with yellow eyebrows rose up and pointed out with a finger that countless black lights had gathered, and huge divine fluctuations had been gathered.

Han Chen and others were absorbed by the other party as if they had a strange attraction, and that finger shattered the void and talked about everything, as if it came from the creator's finger!


Han Chen and the others were too late to escape, and were hit by that god!

Suddenly everything turned into nothing again, Han Chen opened his eyes in confusion, and the people around looked at Han Chen with concern.

"Didn't you see..." Han Chen hesitated.

"What do you see? If you weren't moving all over, we all thought you had been hit by the fire charm." Huang Mengmeng said.

Only then did Han Chen know that Han Chen could only see all the things just now, and the reason why he could see it was only because he had cultivated the planetary divine body.

Han Chen immediately checked his body and found that the divine vortex condensed by the planetary body in his body was exhausted.

Have to continue to accumulate.

These whirlpools are the magical whirlpools floating above Han Chen's Dantian.

"I'm okay, let's move on." Han Chen didn't tell everyone what had just happened. After all, only Han Chen, a man of earth civilization, knew the secret, so Han Chen didn't have to say it.

"Follow the map and continue walking. As long as we walk for three days, we can reach the position of the treasure icon." Han Chen said with spirit.

The time is just right, and when the time comes out, you can go to Tianyuan City to see the situation, because according to what Han Chen heard before, the patrolling priest in the court was just coming down these days.

Han Chen suddenly said to Tu Huang, "When did the contract between you and Hu Shiqing in Tianyuan City agree?"

"Unexpectedly, the master even knows this. It seems that I can't hide anything." Tu Huang regained a serious appearance and said, "We originally agreed three days later, but when we came out to look for the destiny lock, it seemed that the leader was very Care about this artifact, so our Tulong clan wants to take the opportunity to help and make things foolproof. Unexpectedly, now that the artifact is in our hands, the Hehuan League leader wants to delay, and it is probably impossible to delay. He may It will still breach Tianyuan City in three days."

Han Chen was also shocked.

I didn't expect this lock of destiny to be so important.

"Do you know what is special about the Destiny Armor?" As he flew, he asked the five clansman next to him.

"We are only responsible for refining, and we did not make arrangements based on what. However, this destiny armor lock naturally absorbs divinity, and then attacks, which is very maneuverable, because we infer that it is among the five explosions of the leader of the Hehuan League Poison Dao broke out ahead of time. Therefore, this destiny lock is needed to release it."

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