All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1385: Doppelganger

"Boom boom."

The man was directly blasted out of Ziyun, and Ziyun disappeared, revealing Han Chen's figure.

"How did you find us?" In addition to testing his physical strength, Han Chen asked the other party in time.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter to tell you, your destiny armor is imprinted with my spirit, and my body and the people behind the Hehuan League will find you sooner or later. Just wait for death." The clone said. The face is hideous.

He couldn't beat Han Chen, so he used these words to scare Han Chen.

However, there is a brand in the artifact, which is true.

Only at this time, the body cannot be cloned.

"The person behind the Hehuan League?" Han Chen sneered.

"Hehuan League is not from the God Realm in front of you. Sooner or later people from other God Realms will come to kill you." The clone grinned.

Han Chen didn't answer even more, and the powerful physical attack passed, **** into the flesh. Suddenly, all the venom splashes.

Soon, the avatar of the Poison Dragon Dao in Ziyun couldn't resist it, and he was extremely depressed, and this turned out to be like this.

This person stealing the lock of the destiny, actually defeated himself with the power of the flesh at the first stage of the eternal realm.

No, if this goes on, my clone will be over.

Just as I thought, the Poison Dragon Dao in Ziyun wanted to escape, so he turned and ran.

Han Chen sneered. In the void at the corner, he hit Huang Mengmeng head-on. Huang Mengmeng turned into an earth-yellow ball of light, and with one blow, the clone and the venom were sucked into a human being.

The clone died.

Tu Huang looked stunned.

Then Han Chen simply pointed out that he had moved the power of the physical body and killed a clone of the top eternal realm. This was too fierce.

Moreover, there was such a terrifying venom on the opponent, but it was actually blown by Han Chen.

It seems that my new boss is too fierce.

In the end, the boss appeared even more mighty, and he had already reached the strength of the body. Tu Huang thought so.

"Boss, you are so fierce..." Tu Huang's face was full of disbelief, and he didn't expect Han Chen to be so fierce.

"Team Korea, it's too light to clean up this kid." Jin Pangli and others cast envied eyes.

"Okay, Tuhuang, you go and see if there are anyone watching nearby." Han Chen said angrily.

Han Chen meditated for a while before he recovered. Looking at the people around him one by one, the five clansmen had already recognized the master. Jin Pangli, Sun Xue, Zhao Feiwu, and Hortou were his teammates. Has already recognized the Lord.

Wu Yuan is crossing the catastrophe, and it will not take long before she can enter the eternal realm.

It seems that as soon as the affairs of Hehuan League and Tianyuan City are over, they must quickly find the **** of destruction and the restricted area of ​​life.

In addition, earth civilization, a place related to its own secret existence, also needs to continue to search.

Presumably millions of years ago, this earth civilization had unparalleled prosperity on the ancient battlefield.

Han Chen benefited a lot from the development of the planetary divine body technique.

Moreover, the cultivation technique of this planet's divine body turned out to use the breath of reincarnation to cultivate and improve the fastest. This can explain why I saw the wood carving under the cave. After running the planet divine body technique, the whole body's cultivation base increased the fastest. .

This Fenghua Fire Pool seems to have to come again in the future, and there are many secrets in it that I don't know.

"What shall we do next? The leader of the Hehuan League is determined to hunt us down. That day, the three ancestors of Yuancheng Feng Hai, Gu Luo, and Hu family are determined to chase us down." Jin Pangli face Very melancholy.

Although his Korean team is very good at playing, but it can be too provoke, all of a sudden the Hehuan League and Tianyuancheng are offended.

"What else can we do? We will hide as far as we can. Now our Korean team is hiding behind the enemy?" Hornets taught.

"Not necessarily, the Korean team's move must have profound meaning." Sun Xue added.

"No, we, as members of the God's Domain Alliance, have not all received a semi-mandatory text message from the God's Domain Alliance? Aren't we going to protect Tianyuan City? Can't let the Hehuan League succeed." Zhao Feiwu said.

"I did come to avoid the battlefield in the first place. I wanted to harass the opponent and cause some interference to the AFC. It's just that," Han Chen said with a smile, "Now the situation has changed, and we have to do more than just Just avoiding the battlefield, you can go head-on to sweep the opponent. In fact, I am also very curious about what happened to the three ancestors."

Han Chen couldn't help feeling a little bit. In the past few days, there have been too many things that I have been busy with. It is the Huohui tribe crossing the robbery, and the Fire Crow Taoist Dongfu encounters the pseudo-reincarnation. After these few opportunities, it is the planet of Han Chen. The divine body embarked on a very strong growth path.

But to say that the one who has gained the most, should only be regarded as the flame essence.

This guy was able to swallow the Frozen Lotus Fire, which is really awesome.

The strength of this guy is still unknown and needs to wait for the final result.

And Wu Yuan is already stable here, and she succeeded in crossing the eternal realm by living to death, which is quite emotional.

"Go straight to Huanglong? I like it!" Zhao Feiwu said positively. He knew Han Chen's many methods, because Han Chen didn't hide from them, so he still had some confidence in dealing with an eternal peak powerhouse.

"Now that we have said so, let's go." Jin Pangli, Sun Xue, and Hortou all said.

"Okay, get ready." Han Chen smiled.

Then he took out the materials robbed from his body, and gave them to the five elders, and asked, "Look at what artifacts these materials can create!"

"I'll take a look." The big clan elder of the five clans said calmly. The four people behind were already calm.

This is too scary.

A dozen storage rings are full of materials.

How does it feel that the combination is more sufficient than their Huohui clan weapon material library.

Suddenly four or five people had their eyes lit up.

"Hey, this is Gengjin!"

"This is the magic nucleus of the Chi practiced **** snake!"

"Yunfujin, which had been extinct for tens of thousands of years, has appeared again!"

"Bailimu! The best wood attributes!"

With the detection of four or five people, their faces are not as simple as smiling, and they are so crazy that they don't recognize them.

Jin Pangli looked at everyone's application, and they were not calm. You must know that each of them has a powerful guardian artifact, and now they are short of some artifacts with stronger attack methods. Of course, they hope to make some artifacts with powerful attack attributes.

"Hey, can you tell me about what artifacts you can refine?" Han Chen was calm.

"Oh, master, these materials are really great. We currently have a few old men discussing about more than a dozen divine tool refining plans, but in the end they are refining, because they lack the spirit, they may not reach the elder. Refining the destiny armor lock, but it should be possible to refine the first-class artifact. Among them, it is not a problem that Bailimu can refine the second-tier artifact." said the leading elder.

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