All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1400: Xingyue Holy City

After coming out of the mist, she was soaked all over, her skin was cracked, and her clothes were torn.

Obviously the magic shark feast of that trick just now was very powerful.

In this way, the control of the home court was once again returned to the Yuehua woman. Han Chen and the others were defeated so easily by the other party after a long time of preparation, and the others felt uncomfortable.

But Han Chen knew that the attack just now worked.

The Stitching Monster also knew it, as long as there were a few such coordinated attacks, sooner or later the Yuehua woman would be completely depleted of her divinity.

This battle eventually became, let's see who of the two sides has consumed the divinity first.

"Let's do it." Hu Shiqing, who wanted to understand this level, said to Han Chen and his family chief.

The two once again mobilized resources and magic weapons and began to concentrate on dealing with the Yuehua woman.

"Fire Crow!"

Han Chen injected his divinity once again and summoned the fire crow. The fire screamed every day and turned into a streamer and rushed towards the person.

The surging power hit the Yuehua woman once again, and at the same time, the suture monster and Hu Shiqing's giant hit, and simultaneously attacked the Yuehua woman.

Han Chen used his planetary divine body to continuously absorb the divine nature, and then injected the divine nature into the Fire Crow Order, which turned into a Fire Crow attack continuously.

For Han Chen, this didn't consume much divinity.

"No, if they find out about their anomalies, they will definitely work together to deal with themselves." Han Chen controlled the divine absorption of the planet's divine body from the outside, and at the same time used the Fire Crow Token to constantly attack Yue Qingcheng.

From time to time, the attack power of the Fire Crow Order weakened, causing Yue Qingcheng to forcefully attack the Hu family.

Han Chen hurriedly said sorry.

Under such hiding, Han Chen's cultivation base kept consolidating, because Han Chen's Heavenly Vessels kept helping Han Chen refine the absorbed divine nature.

That Yue Qingcheng also seemed to know the plans of Han Chen and the Hu family, frowned slightly, and said, "I didn't expect that Yue Qingcheng will have today! Then I will let you see the real power of Daewoo-class!"

"Xingyue Holy City! Get up!"

A piece of white moonlight swirled around the top of that moon Qingcheng's head. After the white moonlight dispersed, a giant palace with flying tiles appeared from inside, but the entire giant palace was covered Silver-white light package.

In the white palace in the light, there was a statue that looked like a palace emperor, sitting with his hands slightly forward. As the moonlight spread, the emperor's eyes opened, revealing two green eyes like wild beasts.


"Listen to my call, meteor attack!"

After Yue Qingcheng’s magic weapon was sacrificed, the entire sky was white and misty. The giant palace in the white misty mist, the two green eyes, instantly turned into two silver-white light balls, condensed like Mithril, the mithril light ball seemed to have finally been crushed by thousands of catties.

And the emperor opened his eyes for an instant, the eyes of all the divine sharks around turned green, turning into ferocious beasts, staring at them hungry.


As Yue Qingcheng's order came down, the white and misty Star-Moon Holy City pushed two mithril light orbs, rushing towards Han Chen and Hu Family.

In an instant, the entire sky seemed to be covered by all the silvery white water light, and a brand new moon seemed to rise from the Xingyue Holy City!

The two mithril light **** are so dazzling, they are simply re-enacted moons.

"This, could it be the legendary Star-Moon Holy City?" Hu family ancestor whispered.

"What, it turned out to be such a powerful treasure. This time we are dead." The suture monster showed an incredulous expression.

Although he was already a Daewoo-class, he still couldn't compare with the real Daewoo-class, because in addition to his own strength, the number of magic weapons he held was also the key to victory.

"What's the matter? Do you know what magic weapon this is? Please don't hide your privates. The more we know about each other, the easier it will be for us to defeat our opponents." Han Chen frowned, the Star-Moon Holy City in front of him, possessing powerful attack power. , And that mithril light ball is said to be an important material for refining Yin attribute divinity.

Now being so used by the other party, there must be a powerful means to attack Han Chen and the others.

But Han Chen didn't know anything, so it was very unfair to Han Chen.

"This is circulated in our immortal cultivation stage. The Xingyue Holy City is the most important relic holy site of the Silver Moon Wolves. The divinity is very large, and the whole is indestructible. There is no person below the Dayu level, who can have a round in front of this kind of artifact! "

The suture strange said, to make up for Han Chen.

"Be careful!"

As he was talking, Hu Shiqing suddenly reminded everyone that the mithril light ball turned into a streamer and flew over, hitting the Hu family and Han Chen severely.

Han Chen's clothes were shattered in an instant, and the pressure around him seemed to crush Han Chen.

Han Chen had to run the planetary divine body with all his strength, and at the same time unfolded the giant form, twelve black gold wings and gray wings flapped wildly behind him.

"Not enough!"

He assessed in his heart that this was not something he could resist alone. Han Chen had thought about turning around and leaving, but the mithril power above seemed to have a natural attraction that made Han Chen unable to escape.

He was attracted.

Han Chen analyzed.

"Huang Mengmeng, wait for you to help me, help me resist, otherwise both sides will scream."

Han Chen said.

Huang Mengmeng agreed.

Booming, the ball of light flew over, and thousands of Yuehua Yinsi hooked Han Chen.

"A giant blow!"

"Five-pole Magnetic Yuan Shenshan!"

"The gourd raises the sword!"

Han Chen took out his most powerful magic weapon one by one, and was doing his best to take out the magic weapon.

"It's useless. The Star-Moon Holy City is indestructible and controlled by me. It is absolutely impossible to be destroyed by you people in the eternal state like this!"

Yue Qingcheng sneered, the law in his hand continued.

Suddenly the silver light behind him was messy, and a blue light flew out.

Yue Qingcheng was shocked, "Someone!"

She hurriedly jumped away, and at the same time she seemed to be imprisoned in her mind, seeing the thousands of sights in front of her.

In front is the Xingyue Palace, on which sits a white-haired old man.

"Xingyue Holy Lord!"

Yue Qingcheng looked at the front screen in shock, and then said tremblingly, "Didn't you have fallen?"

"Holy Master Xingyue, even if you are alive, you can't kill me. Don't forget that I am still a priest, but the priest in the heavenly court!"

Suddenly Jianyue Qingcheng woke up, and she realized that she didn't know when she had fallen into a illusion.

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