All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1506: Divine way

Han Chen gave Wu Yuan a wink and left the place quickly.

"What happened?" Wu Yuan saw Han Chen hurriedly, she should have discovered something, but she couldn't see what happened, so she had to ask.

"Nothing, I just think it's weird. I always feel that someone near my cave is watching us." Han Chen said after hesitating.

"No, we all just flashed away, why didn't they react at all?" Wu Yuan asked after pondering.

"Yes, that's because we have used a mask. The mask has changed our cultivation base and form, so the other party hasn't reacted for a while. But this group of people gave me the feeling that their cultivation bases are not weak, especially It was the one hiding in the northwest corner, and it gave me a familiar feeling, so I felt it necessary to quickly walk away from this place of right and wrong." Han Chen explained as he fleeed quickly.

"Then let's find Amir quickly and say goodbye, let's leave. I don't know who is so bold and dares to watch us." Wu Yuan couldn't help but frown, complaining.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Han Chen suddenly said coldly.

"Oh? What happened?" Wu Yuan lied without knowing it, watching Han Chen lead him in place.

"Look." Han Chen gently raised his finger and pointed at the back of a sacred mountain ahead.

Then Wu Yuan followed Han Chen’s eyes and saw that on the flaming red mountain, there were pavilions flying out. There happened to be two people on it, one holding a piano and the other holding a book. When one person has one piano, one person has one book, they are singing something.

"Friends of Daoist, I'm tired on the road, why not sit down and listen to me and a song "The Way of God"?" The Qin Shu two in the mountain suddenly said.

The sound is full of magnetism.

Han Chen and Wu Yuan glanced at each other, and thought in their hearts that a woman who didn't know where they came from had such a feminine voice.

Han Chen could feel the divine fluctuations in them, and felt that he had reached the top level of the eternal state.

And Han Chen's cultivation base at this time had already undergone the transformation of the mask, but he suppressed and slaughtered the Eternal Realm Elementary Stage.

Therefore, they all have a condescending feeling when they speak, which is even more incredible now.

Han Chen was not afraid of these two people at all.

Floating on top of the fiery red body here, there are red maple trees everywhere, and I can't help but want to indulge in it.

"Be careful, this is not an ordinary maple tree, it should be some kind of poison maple forest with neurotoxins." Han Chen reminded in a low voice.

When Wu Yuan heard Han Chen's introduction, she was shocked and quickly held her breath.

His mother had already cultivated to the eternal realm now, so there was no problem in surviving for a few years without inhaling a trace of air.

"Two fellow Taoists, please sit down!"

When they walked in, the two stood up, blessed the two Han Chen, and said.

Han Chen glanced at the two of them and was amazed. They all felt that this person was very good. I saw a man and a woman. The woman was wearing pink and gorgeous clothes, holding a fiery red piano in her hand. While playing the piano, one could see a kind of firebird dancing gracefully.

The male star eyebrows and sword eyes also look very pleasing to the eye.

Both Wu Yuan and Han Chen took a look at these two people, and they felt that they did not seem to be malicious towards them.

"Two dao friends, please don't take offense. We have been paying attention to them for a long time, and in a sense, we are also fellow daoists." The man with the star eyebrow sword stood up and said, seeing Han Chen return one. The face was guarded, but he sighed in relief, "Next is Xingqing, this is my sister, Xingyue. Don't blame it if you take the liberty to disturb."

"Next to Han Chen. This is my wife, Wu Yuan." Han Chen said lightly, although the other party is very polite, but the other party's habit of stopping people halfway has greatly violated Han Chen.

"Unexpectedly, Daoist friends have made friends with our brothers and sisters without concealment." Xing Qing gave a mysterious smile.

"How to say? Do you know our real name?" Han Chen showed a vigilant look.

"Haha, please don’t mind fellow daoists. We originally belonged to the Hehuan League. To tell the truth to the daoists, the daoists must also know the internal affairs of the Hehuan League. Most of our internal parts are actually the external structure of the Hehuan League. Dao." The man with the star eyebrow sword said, showing a gentle smile.

"So fellow Daoists know that we have changed our face too?" Han Chen was not surprised, but faintly replied.

"Yes. This is a mask made by our Hehuan League. We naturally know some ways to identify it in our daily research. However, our brothers and sisters are not here to find your fault. In fact, we have to tell fellow daoists. A big inside story. After saying it, I think fellow Taoists will thank us." The man with Xingmeijian's eyes once again smiled gently.

"Thank you? So what's the news? Please clarify it." Han Chen lost the vigilance he had before, but still did not dare to relax his vigilance.

"Presumably fellow Daoist, you have already traded treasures related to the breath of reincarnation from that dwarf race." Xingqing probed for a while, then turned back to Han Chen and said mysteriously.

"That dwarf..." Han Chen was shocked. Since the opposite has already arrived, I'm afraid that many people also know that he bought the small grinding plate. It seems quite strange at this time, and he didn't mean it. What about the trickery of the other party?

"Presumably fellow Taoist still doesn't know, that small millpan, that is an imitation of Reincarnation Tianbao." Na Xingqing put together the book, and then looked at Han Chen with full attention.

"What is Reincarnation Tianbao?" Han Chen seemed to have already guessed in his mind, but it shouldn't be said at this time.

Samsara Tianbao must have something to do with the breath of Samsara.

Han Chen was shocked. He also had a Treasure of Reincarnation, that is, that dark branch. He never thought that he would encounter such a Treasure of Reincarnation in such an environment.

I also bought it with a trivial three hundred sacred stones.

Wait, is there any trap...

"Presumably fellow Daoist has already guessed something, so I, Xing Mou, will make a long story short and let me introduce it casually. Samsara Tianbao is a Tianbao that has been specially used for practicing Samsara, but this thing is not available to everyone. He practices It is the breath of reincarnation, and the breath of reincarnation can fully activate the reincarnation celestial treasure. Generally, the reincarnation celestial treasure is one or two better than the artifact of the same level. It can be seen that the reincarnation celestial treasure of ours is powerful. !"

Xing Qing looked at Han Chen in her spare time.

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