All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1508: Hehuan Road

"Yes, in fact, many gods abandoned lands are very dangerous. Those of us who are cultivated in the eternal realm can't pass through. Only those legendary powers can travel outside the territory. There are many dangers outside the territory. , It’s even more dangerous than going through the void.” The nerd Xing Qing said again and again.

From the other party’s introduction, Han Chen also knew that the God-forsaken land outside the realm was not something people could go to. Han Chen couldn’t help but ask, “In addition to the powers above the Conferred God Realm, Can no one go?"

"Yes. But there is another way that should work, and that is to use the piercing artifact, so that you can shuttle back and forth." Xingqing said bluntly.

"What are the currently known world-crossing artifacts?" Han Chen's heart moved, and the world-crossing artifacts were logically considered Han Chen's stellar tools?

But still have to see if Xingqing has heard of it first.

"The world-piercing artifact, conservatively estimated, every royal court has one. I know that Longting has a world-piercing artifact, which was lost tens of thousands of years ago. It seems to be called a stellar instrument. The Dragon Court invaded us, and we were so frightened that we hurriedly dispatched great power to communicate, only to know that the other party wanted to find the missing star. I don’t know the specific details, but the folks wear it. I still learn from a book. Seen in ancient books."

Xingqing deserves to be a nerd. There are so many things she remembers, all kinds of miscellaneous talks.

In this way, Han Chen finally figured out two or three things, that is, his stellar device is indeed a world-piercing artifact.

In addition, the black wooden branch is a reincarnation celestial treasure.

And that earth civilization turned out to be built in a land abandoned by the gods, no wonder no one who asked me about it knew about earth civilization.

"By the way, since your soul and human body can only be transformed into each other, do you have a special technique for cultivating souls?" Han Chen asked curiously.

"Yes, most of the cultivators we stay in the Acacia Realm have practiced the Divine Soul technique. Once the physical technique we practice reaches above the eternal state, we must go through the realm and come to the heaven on our side and continue. Look for the exercises to practice, otherwise our road will be broken. However, most of our reports are in the Giant King’s Court, and we believe in the Giant King Gaia.” Na Xingqing said as a treasure.

It seems that they really have a way to penetrate the world. But looking at the way he was in pain, he must have spent a lot of money to cross the boundary.

However, Han Chen currently does not need to cross the boundary, but in order to prevent the destruction of earth civilization by that Dao ancestor, Han Chen still has to prepare.

The person who shot, Han Chen's breath can remember clearly, as long as they meet face to face, Han Chen will definitely not be wrong.

Next time you see this person, you may have to turn around and leave, and that cultivation level is too terrifying. Han Chen felt the tiger's body shake after thinking about it.

Fortunately, I don't know the name of the other party, otherwise I will be sensed by others.

As they were talking, a white light flashed in front of the four of them, and when they opened their eyes again, they came to a colorful cave. The cave was filled with sparkling minerals. Even without lighting equipment, it would illuminate it. Up.

Han Chen released his mental power, and after looking around, he found that there was nothing, so he felt a little more peaceful.

Going forward, I walked into a secret room again. At this moment, I saw a person sitting inside. This person was wearing a black robe and exposed a pair of pelican eyes, which looked heroic, but the other's face was also changed. .

But here, everyone is with each other.

"Chief Yin, these are the two Taoists I introduced. They are good at refining pills, and they are more clever. Didn't we say that we need to recruit a new group of people to join us and participate in a new type of mission? That mission... …" That Xingqing bookworm, once the chattering box was opened, he couldn't stop at all.

The sister Xingyue winked frantically, but the nerd didn't pay any attention.

The black-robed officer Yin had to cough, and then interrupted Xing Qing's speech. The officer said, "Yes."

Chief Yin glanced at Han Chen and Wu Yuan, and then at Xingqing's brothers and sisters. Then he said, "You have worked hard, brothers and sisters of the Xing family, this time you are out for a hard time. Then go to my adjutant to receive the reward. Right. You go out first, I need to communicate with these two fellow daoists."

Han Chen didn't know what Chief Yin's sentence was good, but he didn't seem to be malicious, so he didn't keep the Xing Family brothers and sisters.

When the Xing family brothers and sisters left, then Chief Yin continued, "Yes, the hidden technique is good."

"While going out, how can you not have a heart to guard against." Han Chen calmly looked at the other party's eyes, as if not afraid of the other party at all.

"Okay, courageous! After the initial selection of our organization, Daoists can be considered qualified people. Now our Hehuan Dao has to do a big thing under the eyes of the heavens, so it needs a lot of manpower. Are the two Daoists Are you interested? You must know that you want to exchange for Divine Soul Cultivation Techniques, and you also need to exchange the merit points of our Hehuan Dao. If you promise to help with this important event, then not only can you become the young master of Hehuan Dao, you can also To obtain that divine soul cultivation technique, I guarantee that its rank is not low."

The black-robed man saw through Han Chen's cultivation base disguise, but didn't dig deep, which was considered to have left Han Chen face.

At this time, the cultivation base shown by the black-robed man has approached the state of the Daewoo-level intermediate peak, and it seems that he has the opportunity to enter the Daewoo-level top peak at any time.

One step further is a false god.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist is already determined to bring me into the group. How dangerous is this mission and how many people are involved?" Han Chen asked directly without answering.

"This mission is not very complicated, but it's better not to know the content of the mission for the current status of the Daoist. But what we want the Daoist to do is to help us refine a kind of pill. This kind of pill needs to be practiced. Only those who have passed the breath of reincarnation can refine it. In our Hehuan Dao, it is also known as the reincarnation pill. The unilateral name is the evil spirit pill." The person said.

Han Chen showed a pensive look. The other party must have made it clear with Xing Qing just now, and Han Chen had been speculative with Xing Qing before, and also explained a lot of things, such as the fact that he could refine the pill.

Never thought, the other party said it all.

However, maybe the other party may have a good intention and want to help Han Chen become the young master of Hehuan Dao as soon as possible.

After Han Chen finished thinking in his mind, he was relieved.

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