All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1510: Heavenly Trap

"Hey, I heard that Heavenly Court has recently surrounded Zhenman City with heavy soldiers. If I hadn't picked you up earlier, I'm afraid I would have to ask Heavenly Court for someone. Where do you tell me to put my old face. Do you tell others that I am home? Has his daughter ran away from home?" The fat-eared man suddenly showed a smile that was more bitter than bitter gourd.

"What, listen to surround Zhenman City? What are they here for? Are they here to catch... somebody?" Amir almost blurted out and asked if he was here to catch Han Chen, thinking about it, it is very inappropriate to ask like this , So he swallowed it back quickly.

"Who is arrested? The Heavenly Court reported that they were arresting some traitors from the Hehuan Dao. They used the auction of the Tianlei Dao to hide a secret treasure for the cultivation of reincarnation, a small grinding plate. It’s a terrific treasure. I didn’t expect the Heavenly Court gang to be willing to do so. Under such a heavy temptation, there must be a lot of Hehuan Dao people who are admired."

Said the fat man.

"That's fine, you want me to be obedient, you have to report to me every day, what happened in that town of barbarity, everything is fine, including anyone who escapes from the city at night, you have to tell me. Otherwise, I don't know Be steadfast." Amir's face was restored to the beauty of a celestial celestial being, and with the current fairy clothes, it seemed even more floating.

That Amir's father sighed heavily, and he didn't know what evil his woman was doing, and he even cared about Zhenban City.

But seeing what she is paying attention to is not very outrageous, so she agreed.

"Also, the person I recommended to you, you must find a way to give him the sign of the deacon elder." Amir reminded him again.

"The one you were talking about is Han Chen, I remember it, the real ears are all cocooned, and you are still whispering. I don't know what kind of ecstasy you have eaten, so I help him." Amir's father sighed .

"Huh, I don't care, he saved her daughter's life. Now it is natural to repay her. Isn't her daughter's life as good as a deacon elder brand?" Amir acted like a baby, obviously knowing that his father loved her most.

From the current appearance, I can't see how cold Amir was when hiding in the long-distance race.

But outside, Amir deliberately changed it in order to protect himself. Otherwise, it's easy to provoke bad guys.

When her father left, Amir confided to herself, "Han Chen must promise me to come back!"

Han Chen yawned from a distance.

"Is there any beautiful beauty missing you?" Wu Yuan said a little jealous.

"How come." Han Chen suddenly felt a chill in his back.

Han Chen coughed and said, "Close to the subject, we still can't wait for Amir anymore. Now Zhenman City is full of heavenly people, even Sun Xue, Jin Pangli, Zhao Feiwu, Hornet, and Tuhuang. I don’t know how people escaped. It seems that they can only be informed quietly, and they will come out after disguising themselves."

With that said, Han Chen used the Void Elf to spread what he was about to say, and soon received responses from others.

Han Chen knew that he would not encounter any Heavenly Court people to chase him down.

So he walked around calmly, waiting for the others to gather here.

After waiting for about two or three hours, the five people finally followed. Now these five people don't dare to compliment their outfits, just how ugly they really are.

Naturally, Han Chen wouldn't say anything. All of this is to save his life. There is no life. What's the use of being beautiful.

Therefore, Han Chen continued, “We can’t get in touch with Amir, and we don’t have time to look for it, and Zhenman City also has their sphere of influence. I originally planned to ask about it the next day. , But now that so many people in the heavenly court are around here, it is better for us to retreat as soon as possible."

"Yes, they are all from the Korean team!" everyone said, and Tu Huang sighed his master.

Han Chen didn't care and continued, "Everyone, pay attention to the secret atmosphere and pay attention to safety."

Everyone turned into streamers and quickly flew out of this temporary cave. Just when they first fell to the ground, they heard a squeak, and then the explosion of bombs appeared, and the streamer flickered behind.

"Dodge all! Also open the protective cover!"

Han Chen reacted the fastest and quickly greeted everyone. Han Chen was shocked. The explosion sounded even Han Chen did not feel the divine fluctuation.

Wait, the explosion was not made by divine nature, but it was made through a divine weapon. Han Chen discovered that the opponent had a huge sling cannon and flew the bomb over.

Only then did Han Chen spread his spiritual power farther, and only then discovered that a team of more than a dozen people had appeared at a relatively long distance. Nine of them were strong in the eternal realm, and three of them turned out to be Daewoo-class. The strong!

"Will you meet such a high standard?" After Han Chen reported the observed information, Jin Pangli joked.

The others despised him.

With so many people in the team, are they still alive to go out?

It's really annoying, and I am still in the mood to laugh.

Han Chen was paying full attention to the surrounding situation at this time, and it seemed that this time he could only clash in one direction with all his strength.

And Han Chen also got news from Mo Xiaoyan, that the boundless sea's direction, just keep going south, so Han Chen looked for the south direction.

"Everyone rushed over with me, and now we can only break through to the south. The south is our destination. And just two people guard the south," Han Chen analyzed.

"Okay, kill him, dare to block the direction of our Korean team!" Jin Pangli cheered loudly, but halfway through the sense of the opponent's cultivation, his face turned green.

"Why the other party still has two Daewoo-class guards in the south? This is too difficult." Jin Pang's face turned green.

The other people's expressions also changed, but Han Chen smiled slightly, "I'll deal with one person, I'll hand over another Daewoo-level beginner to you. Don't let me down."

Only then did they know Han Chen's arrangements, and everyone felt a little settled.

After all, they had heard of Han Chen and had fought with the false gods. The mere Daewoo-class monks couldn't beat Han Chen at all. As long as Han Chen got it done, they would definitely not come to pester them again.

Thinking about it this way, everyone calmed down a lot.

"Everyone, hurry up!"

"Encircle and join together!"

"I would rather kill the mistakes than let them go. Anyway, they have cultivated the mysterious aura and the reincarnation aura, and even those who are with them will be killed!"

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