All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1522: encounter

Watching aimlessly swiftly, Jin Pangli's mood improved a lot. The previous Zhao Feiwu was also chattering. These ten days have suffocated him, and he told himself something he knew about on duty.

It is said that in the Dongfu of the Korean team, there were several sounds of pill frying, but there was no movement of the pill frying furnace. Instead, it caused several pill calamities. Later, there was no sound and I don’t know if it was a medicinal material. Exhausted.

When it came, Zhao Feiwu admired and said, "The Korean team is amazing, and the pill refining is also amazing. This rate of pill formation is quite high. And it can attract pill calamity!"

Jin Pangli chuckled and said, "The Korean team is a flying dragon in the sky, we are just beasts on the ground, how can we compare."

Then Zhao Feiwu was silent, and said for a long time, "I have to work hard after all!"

Jin Pangli also nodded heavily.

Now another seven or eight days have passed. Counting the days, it should be two or three days before reaching the Luofeng Valley. As a result, the surrounding temperature has suddenly risen by several dimensions.

The hot Jin Pang kept playing cleansing spells and cooling techniques on himself to keep himself cool.

Soon there was a floating sacred mountain in front of him. This one was full of flames, but beside this volcano there was a huge red mountain. The trees on it were all fire-red, but they didn’t seem to be at all. Burned by the fire, it was obviously a tree with special abilities.

Jin Pangli was surprised to see.

Falling down from the two sacred mountains, I quickly saw between the two sacred mountains, as if a huge red canyon fell from nine days above, the fiery red light was flowing, fluctuating.

Jin Pang Li couldn't help but stretched his mental strength, and was soon restricted, staying within a few kilometers nearby, it could not be unfolded.

"Is there any special restrictions in this?" Jin Pangli started to control the flying boat at this time and began to slow down, so as not to be caught by the sudden danger.

At this time, the fiery red Grand Canyon below came into view. The huge Grand Canyon was full of lava flowing, and the surrounding area was suddenly covered with colorful soil. The plants were all fiery red fire-resistant plants. They didn’t. Be burned.

Generally they are some divine herbs.

Jin Pangli thought so.

Then Jin Pangli turned into a streamer and flew out, and quickly saw the place nearby, sneaking out a number of monsters, all cultivated from the left and right of mythological form, Jin Pangli wielded the huge sword, The monster was beheaded.

Go to the magic core.

It was at this moment that the surrounding environment suddenly changed, and the high temperature surgingly spread over. Suddenly, Jin Pangli's brain felt abruptly patted, and the hot brain was about to boil.

"It's not good, it's not good, there are abyssal beasts!"

Under this exclamation, Sun Xue and the others were all startled. They flew out of the cave and quickly saw the surroundings, showing a frightened expression.

There was fire in the front and all around, and in this environment, it became a stove.

The flames around them kept scorching them.

"The Korean team!" Zhao Feiwu asked hurriedly.

"He is still cultivating in the cave mansion, it is estimated that the cultivation has reached a critical moment!" Wu Yuan replied.

"No, the heat wave here is too fierce, and I don't know what is causing it. There is such a strong temperature and strength. We don't want to break through. We may all be refined here." Jin Pangli Time for analysis came out.

"Yes, everyone, we still need to work together to overcome the difficulties. Even if we don’t have a Korean team, we can overcome these difficulties!" The Hornet showed the strongest form of mythology, and the silver artifact suit was very eye-catching. The mythological form was revealed. It was originally an adult, but suddenly turned into a little bee. Fortunately, the chain mail was specially designed according to his characteristics.

The little bee that turned into put on the chain mail, but his body is not a bee, but a reduced version of the tiger's body.

Although the majestic appearance became smaller, it still exploded with incredible power.

"When has this kid been so fierce!" Zhao Feiwu murmured. After speaking unwillingly, he took out five spheres from his hand, and the five spheres were unfolded, and immediately changed into five stone puppets!

These are five puppets carefully selected by Zhao Feiwu, all of which are specially designed to deal with high temperatures.

"Your kid's things are not bad!" The hornet turned into a little bee and circled the stone puppets. From their puppets, there was a palpitating power, floating a kind of strong power.

From the outside, those stone puppets have the top level of mythological form in their cultivation bases.

The Hornet is only the first stage of the Eternal Realm now, so it can still feel the threat from the stone puppet.

"Hmph, how can I make you show up, look at me!"

Jin Pangli snorted, and flew out a black epee from his hand, replacing the golden flying sword before.

In this way, he completely embarked on the path of overbearing sword repair. The black epee circled around and landed at Jin Pangli's feet. Jin Pangli flew in the air, and at the same time, the mythological form behind Jin Pangli circled out. Now, countless shadows of the black epee!

"Wan Jian Chaozong!"

Thousands of sword shadows kept slashing towards the blood-red wall around them, trying to prevent the fire wall from overlapping and encircling them.

Sun Xue pulled out a long sword, and a refreshing feeling spread to the people around him. Although he felt the temperature change, it made everyone comfortable, but after waiting for the next second, he had to cover it, because that was from Sun Xue The temperature from the long sword on his body was too cold.

"Sister Xue, great!"

Wu Yuan took out the Seagod's scepter, flooded with seawater, walked to Sun Xue, summoned eight sea dragons, surrounded the surrounding area, the Seagod's scepter shot, completely suppressed the surrounding fire.

When everyone saw it, they were overjoyed, and they all glanced at Wu Yuan.

Wu Yuan blushed, turned into a blue shadow, and flew up, trying to extinguish the flames from a high place.

However, she obviously underestimated these flames. For a moment, those flames showed the flames of a beast's head, and they wrapped Wu Yuan in one mouthful!


Everyone suddenly exclaimed, if there is something wrong with Wu Yuan, how can they explain to Han Chen!

Everyone rushed towards the flames with flying swords, puppets, and ice cones in their hands.

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