All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1524: Yan Yan Tinder

At this time, Han Chen did not use Nakong Cicada to kill, so Han Chen's divinity would not be lost.

However, as they improved their flight, so that they could be completely disturbed by the divine nature of the firelight, they suddenly appeared in the sky.

All of them leaned over and looked down, and each of them opened their mouths like an O shape.

"Yes, this is the big guy! The rift you see is actually just one of his tentacles. Do you see if there are seven identical huge tentacles around it. So you will see those flames. It's so unscrupulous because the opponent's strength should be comparable to Daewoo-class."

Han Chen said to everyone, let the others listen carefully.

Now everyone suddenly realized.

I didn't expect that there was such a thing.

"Such a big guy, let's run away." The Hornet said with a guilty conscience. After he became a mythical form, he would only become a little bee, so he was a little bit ashamed.

"How can such a big thing let him go casually? I still want to use it to improve my cultivation." Han Chen said.

"Is this Yan Yi's Thunderbolt Fire? This volume and amount of fire are too huge, right?" Jin Pang said from ear to ear.

"That’s right, it’s this officer. Perhaps the volcanic eruption here has increased recently, causing the Yanyi Thunderbolt that sank into the heart of the earth to wake up. You have passed by this time by a coincidence. Launched an active attack. Fortunately, I showed up in time this time, otherwise you might all become roast pigs." Han Chen said with a smile.

The rest of the people's faces were also stunned, indeed, without Han Chen, they were dead this time.

"Okay, you don't have to act anymore. When you have cultivated Daewoo rank, you can naturally crack this thing easily. Don't let this become your demon." Han Chen explained again.

"Understood!" After Jin Pangli agreed, the others also stepped forward to express it.

"Okay, you can hide aside and restore your cultivation base. I'll take a look again here. I will completely subdue this Yanyi Thunderbolt Fire. In addition, I will send someone to guard me with you. More interesting." Han Chen said.

Hearing that Han Chen wanted to capture this big guy, everyone was excited and afraid, but in the end they still obeyed Han Chen's arrangement and ran aside.

Han Chen immediately let Huang Mengmeng come out and said, "Come on, you have to help me protect the law. When the flame essence and I subdue this guy, we may immediately enter the state of cultivation! Don't let anyone disturb you at this time. we."

"Okay, no problem." Huang Mengmeng could also see that this thing had a great effect on Han Chen and the others.

Han Chen yelled softly, and the essence of flame came out.

The two turned into streamers and rushed into the huge circle of flames. After a while, Han Chen used his Daewoo-class private space to resist those fires, and the next one was the flame essence to use the Daewoo-class private space to block each other’s. attack.

Therefore, the divinity consumed by the two is not much.

After a while, the two of them came to the center of the flame.

If it means breaking the opponent's hands and feet directly, it is obviously very irrational, so Han Chen chose to go straight to Huanglong!


Sensing the presence of Han Chen and the flame essence, the surging fire light broke out completely, and the Yanyi Thunderbolt fire seemed to have a natural killing intent on the flame essence, so when Han Chen and the flame essence were sensed , Sent a large number of means to attack the past.

The other party thought that Han Chen and others would be completely trapped by their own Daewoo-class space. They never thought that in just a breath, the two of them had already come in front of him. It was frightened and angry, with surging flames. Soaring to the sky, it seemed as if a huge lava cell fell from the sky, completely enclosing the two of them.

"Good fellow! The fire attribute energy is really surging." Even Han Chen couldn't help exclaiming, this fellow was too huge.

"Woo." The Flame Essence also let out a cheer, but I don't know if it was the joy of seeing the food or the fear.

But in this way, the irritated Yan Yi's thunderbolt fire became more turbulent, and eight giant claws were tossed up, and they were caught at the two people!

Eight sturdy fire sticks appeared on the top of Han Chen and Flame Essence, and they squashed in pain towards them.

"Good guy!"

Han Chen exclaimed again, but Han Chen will not be shocked by the huge momentum at this time, because Han Chen also opened up Daewoo's own space, blocking the intrusion of the fire, and at the same time summoned that shot. javelin.

Holding the javelin in a strange posture, the black light with the power to annihilate the world would immediately reach the head of the javelin.

Great shot!

Han Chen whispered, the surging energy was ignited from the sharp spear, tearing the void, and obliterating the valley into a plain.

go with!

Han Chen took the command, released his hand with the sharp spear, and attacked the nearest tentacle. As a result, he was killed by the sharp spear of Han Chen. It was cut off with one shot, and it immediately became a useless powerful break. Arm up.


The Yanyi thunderbolt fell to the ground in pain, and the huge monster turned over and crushed a volcano next to it, completely turning into a grand canyon and a plain.

Han Chen and Flame Essence glanced at each other, and both felt that it was even more dangerous next.

So the two separated their positions, sure enough.

After receiving the excitement, the Yanyi Thunderbolt immediately exploded with its due power, turned into thousands of sticks, smashed from the top of the head, and blasted out more than a dozen huge rift valleys on the ground.

Han Chen and Flame Essence both avoided in embarrassment.

"That thing is too fast!" Han Chen said with a wry smile.

In this way, both of them smiled bitterly.

"It seems that he will not cut off his seven tentacles. It seems that there is no way it can safely become our food." Han Chen showed a cruel smile.

With a wave of his hand, the black javelin returned to his hand only once, and then the surging black light appeared from that hand again.

Great shot!

Han Chen whispered, the surging energy participating in the huge energy, glued together, and once again one of the eight tentacles stood neatly and cleanly.

That monster hoops loudly!

But at this moment, the scene changed again. The remaining six tentacles of the Great Rift Valley showed their mighty power and slammed them crazily towards Han Chen. The sharp tentacles were different from Han Chen's chest.

"So insidious!"

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