All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1530: Law enforcement elder

Han Chen knew about the first half of the plot, so naturally he didn't have to listen so carefully.

Han Chen also wanted to know what happened in the end of the earth civilization. The black hole man seemed to be on par with the ancestors, so why did his ancestors die in the end.

It's really confusing.

"I have to figure out the ins and outs of things. I always feel that key information has been covered up." Han Chen showed a thoughtful look.

"It's started." Wu Wenliang still looked at Han Chen with great resistance, and said viciously.

Han Chen also felt that this person was a little weird, but he still ignored him.

After all, Han Chen didn't want to see such a situation.

It was too late and it was fast, and an old man's image suddenly appeared on the huge cloud platform.

The huge star wheel behind that made everyone dazzled and confused. This time Han Chen did not feel dazzled and confused.

Could it be that my cultivation level has improved?

Han Chen compared it with his first time and found the key points, but this time Han Chen's cultivation level has improved and it is indeed clearer than the last time.

The looming old man looked a little dazed, like the state of great wisdom and foolishness as Taoist said.

But this is just Han Chen thinking about it in his mind. It is still difficult for Han Chen to see his face clearly.

"Don't make a noise, let's start speaking right away." Wu Wenliang obviously respected his teacher, so he took a serious look at Han Chen.

Han Chen chuckled lightly and didn't care.

Next, the ancestor star wheel revolved and began to preach. As soon as he spoke, Wu Wenliang began to doubt life.

"Why is it exactly the same as the big man who ran into at the door said! What's the matter? Is he really a prophet? No, it may be an enemy. When Wenqu Star God preached, he said the person who knew you best , Is often the enemy! Yes, this person must be the enemy, but he has already lost.

Wu Wenliang suddenly fought between heaven and man, unable to concentrate on listening to the voice of the ancestor.

"Hey, did you hear? I call you, Wu Wenliang." Han Chen seemed to shout for a long time, but Wu Wenliang didn't respond. Han Chen also gradually became anxious, because the black hole man was about to appear again from that distance. If you don't hurry, then all Han Chen's arrangements will be ruined, so for Han Chen, it is as pessimistic as having never entered this historical cloud.

So Han Chen shouted louder and louder.

The square was originally very noisy, but after the ancestors took their seats, everyone was quiet instantly. Only the voice of the ancestor of the star wheel echoed in the square, and the rest of the people listened extremely seriously.

But what about Han Chen?

With this roar, he immediately focused the eyes of everyone around him!

Han Chen was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that he was just a passerby here, so he didn't care at all, and he was quite calm in the eyes of many people.

That Wu Wenliang woke up from his dream, seeing everyone around him looking at him angrily, for a while in the clouds and mist, he didn't know why.

I only heard a stern voice from an older person next to that, "You young people, so ignorant of the rules, hurry up and silence your ancestors. Now you are going to be captured by the law enforcement team and locked up. Don't think of it for thousands of years!"

"Ah, elder law enforcement, I, I didn't do anything!" Han Chen didn't know who the old man was speaking, but when Wu Wenliang saw the old man, he was like a mouse seeing a cat, and he almost knelt down to beg for mercy.

And when the other party said that he was going to be confined, Wu Wenliang immediately became like a sieve, shaking constantly.

He is really scared!

Han Chen moved in his heart and immediately said in his Wu Wenliang's mind, "Follow me, it will be too late, otherwise you will be confined for ten thousand years!"

Then Wu Wenliang looked at Han Chen even more shockingly, but thinking about it, it seems that this is the same reason. Among the short flashing stones here, Wu Wenliang made an emotional action and ran!

The law enforcement elder was also stunned. What's the situation? Why are the young people so rebellious now?

Besides, now the Star Wheel ancestors are all on it, even if they really want to run, where can they go?

The law enforcement elders feel unreasonable!

But his hands and feet were not slow, he immediately took out a large stone slab from his hand, which was engraved with small seals, and the words on it suddenly looked like a living thing.


The law enforcement elder snorted, and a huge prisoner character floated from the carved stone slab, which became an overwhelming prison covering Han Chen and Wu Wenliang!

Wu Wenliang is just a small eternal realm, how can he withstand the Daewoo-class law enforcement elder, or the other party is particularly good at the secret method!

Therefore, Wu Wenliang also started to be scared, remembering that he was too reckless to run out with Han Chen just now, so it is better to bow his head and admit his mistakes and put him in confinement for 10,000 years!

"It's over, it's over!"

Wu Wenliang was about to kneel down to beg for mercy, waiting for the arrested one with peace of mind.

As a result, I saw Han Chen next to him. He instantly turned into a giant. With a big wave of his hand, he directly crushed the stone lettering!

"You, you!" Wu Wenliang looked at him with shock and horror!

Is this person's cultivation just now just an eternal state? How come you suddenly become a powerhouse capable of resisting the Daewoo class!

Wu Wenliang was dumbfounded, and he became more and more scared.

But at this time it was already difficult to ride a donkey downhill, and the matter was over, so Han Chen had no choice but to let Han Chen take him away.

The law enforcement elder was taken aback and exclaimed, "There is an inside thief! There is an inside thief! Catch the inside thief!"

The twelve gold guards on the high platform suddenly stretched out their hands and feet, or treasures, turned into countless golden lights and attacked Han Chen!

"Ah! The Twelve Golden Wuwei has taken action! Master Uncle, Master, it is really not that I want to commit crimes and rebellion, but I am being held hostage, all of this has nothing to do with me, please leave me alive! "

Wu Wenliang, who was abducted by Han Chen, was so scared that he knelt down and begged for mercy!

That's a real Conferred God Realm powerhouse!

In that gesture, there are countless charms, and countless people's beliefs in gods, how can they be resisted by that little big universe!

"This time we are dead! Such a powerful attack, and the twelve gold guards attacked at the same time!"

Then Wu Wenliang was shocked and shouted frantically.

Han Chen also suddenly felt his feet dignified, is this over? Didn't this time even persist until the black hole man arrived?

Is this dead?

I'm not reconciled!

I don't want to get nothing done like this!

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