All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1532: Monkey

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it!"

Obviously, Han Chen had considered too perfect. Just when he said it, the man completely gave up on himself and didn't believe it at all.

"It's useless if you don't believe it, it's displayed in front of you so truly." Han Chen added heavily.

Wu Wenliang was completely silent.

There were dozens of breaths between the two without talking. Han Chen knew that time was pressing and said, "I don't know what you think in your heart, but as long as you want to have a chance to survive, you must help me!"

"How can I help you? I'm just a man with nothingness in history!" Wu Wenliang completely lost his fundamental belief in human existence.

"Are you hurrying to become such a historical nihility and fall into this historical fog for the rest of your life? Do you want to live such a life? Although the ant is small, but still alive, you are a big living person, you said these things to me? "Han Chen was so angry.

"I..." How can he be compared with the ants, he can think, can come up with good methods, and his methods have a one in ten thousand chance to change the world!

"Cheer up, I think this historical fog is not impossible to crack. It may just take a little time to waste. Nowadays, we must face two realities, one is my lack of cultivation, and the second is that I fundamentally I don’t know why the earth’s civilization became what it is today."

"So we came alive again this time to solve these two problems. Do you understand? When I first came in, I couldn't see the star wheel ancestor at all, and it was even somewhat vague. Now I can see it. Knowing the twelve gold guards, you can see the outline of the star wheel ancestors! I believe I will be able to take you out of this mist if I give me a chance to practice!"

Han Chen was also passionate at this time, looking for one in ten thousand chance amidst all the difficulties, "I will go for thousands of people!"

"Though thousands of people are coming!" Wu Wenliang repeated this sentence, suddenly letting his eyes shine.

So Han Chen repeated the speculation he had seen and the subsequent plot, and said, "Wait a minute, that dark person will shuttle from the black hole, and then that person will destroy the world. After the cultivation base, everything here will be destroyed..."

"No, even the ancestors can't resist it? Our ancestors are the supreme powerhouses who cultivate the divine nature of the space. With the ability of cultivation above the ancestors, how can there be unstoppable enemies? And, we If they all die, will my master die too?" Wu Wenliang said angrily. At this time, Wu Wenliang had a wonderful fairy in his mind. She was dressed in plain clothes, but she had an unparalleled beauty. He was the goddess of all male disciples in their line.

At this time, he cared about her goddess instead.

"Everyone will die, no one can get lucky. In other words, judging from the results, you have already hid in the fog of history and temporarily avoided the disappearance of the smoke." Han Chen sighed and said.

"Regarding the place where the ancestors are cultivated, I have to ask, are you stupid to read, there are people outside the world, and the truth outside the sky, don't you know?" Han Chen said angrily.

Seeing that Wu Wenliang didn’t say anything, Han Chen continued, “I guess the person who saved us just now should be the ancestor. He told me through a voice message that he knew what I came from and saved me on purpose. But he You can’t tell me to retrieve it directly. So I guess that in this residential house we are in, there are clues we need."

"What!" Wu Wenliang made an exaggerated move.

"What's the matter?" Han Chen was also stunned, not knowing what he wanted to do.

"No, you said that the ancestor talked to you directly, that is the real ancestor, how envious I can..." Wu Wenliang said in shock immediately.

"Fuck..." Han Chen couldn't stand this nerd anymore. Is this worth the excitement?

It's all because of the cult of personality in this world.

Han Chen sighed, and he began to look at the surroundings. There were ancient buildings with green tiles everywhere.

There is no need to save resources here. In addition, the fertility rate of the gods is not particularly high, so the houses built here have a friendly layout and a spacious area, not as cramped as the modern earth.

This may be the style of the earth sacred place.

The environment here is even on par with the famous gardens of China.

Everywhere is the fragrance of birds and flowers, musical fountains, and children playing.

After the two entered the town, what they saw was very strange, but Wu Wenliang was a little impatient.

"We have been walking for so long, why didn't we see two and a half hairs, and we said there was a clue!" Wu Wenliang said discouragedly.

"If the clue is so easy to find, do I need to come in many times?" Han Chen was obviously in a good mood and didn't care about him too much.

"You said again, your time is running out, and the black hole man will soon be invaded. We all have to die..." After all, Wu Wenliang is an open-minded scholar. Since he knows that he will continue to survive, he just wants to A special kind of historical nihilistic influence exists, but I still look away.

Wu Wenliang was watching when he suddenly saw Han Chen rushing into a brothel.

Wu Wenliang looked up, a beautiful charming woman on top of her head poked her head out, and then threw down the wooden stick for washing clothes. At this time, the charming woman was looking around. Wu Wenliang was very moved.

Especially when the girl called out, "Master."

Wu Wenliang's bones are almost crisp.

"No wonder that guy couldn't help but want to go up to the brothel." Wu Wenliang chuckled lightly.

As a result, I heard Han Chen's transmission, and said anxiously, "Come up!"

Hearing Han Chen's seriousness, Wu Wenliang also reduced his smile, knowing that something must happen.

I hurried up to this brothel, please decorate the building magnificently, with some decoration style of the rich house.

In this short instant, Wu Wenliang saw Han Chen jumping up and down to catch a monkey.

"I said you, why are you playing with a monkey? Are you a monkey juggler?" Wu Wenliang said irritably.

"You are so free, don't help me catch this monkey!" Han Chen also said impatiently.

"Okay!" Wu Wenliang looked at the monkey, although he was light, but his cultivation base was placed here, and he would not escape his palm.

Then Wu Wenliang jumped up and wanted to catch the monkey, which was one hand away from the monkey, but the monkey escaped!

Wu Wenliang did not believe in evil, and tried this a few times.

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